Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6069: The Arrival of the Golden Robe

After listening to the red robe's analysis, many gold robes thought for a while and nodded slightly.


Chen Tianzhen just asked them to find a way, but did not stop them from killing Chu Yan.

At this time, a gold robe said: "That's not right. If the spirit of the universe and Chu Yan are not in the same group, why would she stop us?"

The red robe said lightly: "It's normal. Even if the spirit of the universe and Chu Yan are not in the same group, he, as the spirit of the universe, also needs to protect the universe! But the universe is the universe, and Chu Yan is Chu Yan. The two are not interchangeable."

The gold robes nodded, it makes sense.

"Then Saint, what should we do now?"

At this time, a golden robe said: "We can't go to the universe, and Chu Yan has hidden in the sky cave. If we don't lure him out, there is no way to take him down."

The red robe pondered for a while, and suddenly looked at the golden robe: "If you go, is it possible to kill Chu Yan?"

The golden robe was slightly startled when he heard it: "I go?"

The red robe nodded: "Yes! Yin Yue and Zhui Ri are just white robes after all, and their strength is not enough, but if it's you, do you have confidence?"

The golden robe thought for a while and said: "I have been to the bottom of the sky cave. Although the blood is very corrosive, it is not a big problem for me. I can still bear it. The main difficulty lies in the crystal palace. I tried it before, and I couldn't open the crystal palace."

"But Zhui Ri sent a message, Chu Yan may have entered the crystal palace."

The red robe narrowed his eyes slightly.

The mystery of the sky cave!

This is also what the cleaner has been investigating.

Back then, the era of gods and demons had been destroyed. Even if all the Eastern gods were buried together and temporarily resisted the attack of the calamity, the avenues of the gods and demons were also cut off.

In this case, the death of the gods and demons was only a matter of time. The avenue has no roots, just like a rootless duckweed, and will wither sooner or later.

But the purgers never expected that when they were doomed, the sky cave appeared.

It also took in their avenue.

The red robe thought for a while and said, "If Chu Yan entered the Crystal Palace, it means that the entrance to the Crystal Palace has been loosened. You go check it out first! If it doesn't work..."


Suddenly, the red robe spread his palm and a special jade appeared on it.

When the jade appeared, the whole hall became bright and dazzling.

Then, all the golden robes were shocked: "This is..."

When the light dissipated, they could see the body of the jade clearly.

It turned out to be a palm-sized meteorite!

But the meteorite was not real, but a little illusory.

The point is that there is a small golden word "Jie" engraved on the meteorite!

Yes, it is a word "Jie".

"Fragments of the Haotian catastrophe?"

The red robe nodded: "Yes, this meteorite has a catastrophe attack. If you have to, you can activate it and attack the Crystal Palace to see if you can enter it."

The golden robe elder was shocked.

The power of catastrophe!

This is very scary.

Apart from anything else, the two eras were all destroyed in this catastrophe.

The purgers cannot use the catastrophe. The reason why they can destroy the ancient times and the gods and demons is just to induce and use the catastrophe.

But the golden robe did not expect that the red robe actually sealed a piece of catastrophe power in his hand.

"With this, it should be okay, right?" The red robe asked.

The golden robe elder was happy: "I will complete the task!"

He was not afraid of Chu Yan. No matter how strong Chu Yan was, how strong could he be? Even if he killed the Shura God, he was only at the supreme level, just the level of an ordinary white robe.

But he was a golden robe.

The only thing that bothered him was the Crystal Palace under the Sky Cave.

Now that there was a force of catastrophe, the Crystal Palace could be ignored.

No matter how strong the Crystal Palace was, could it still withstand another attack of catastrophe?

The man in red robe nodded: "Go ahead, I'll make you a lord when you return victorious."

The man in gold robe was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed.

Become a lord!

It means that he will be able to change into a red robe.

This is the supreme honor among the Clearers.

The point is that once he puts on the red robe, he can access the top secrets of the Clearers, as well as the techniques and ways of cultivation!

The Clearers are a very special organization. If a person joins here, he will find that this is a force that is different from the ordinary world of immortal cultivation.

In ordinary forces, as long as you have good talent, are evil enough, and cultivate to a higher realm, you will naturally be reused and promoted.

But it is not the case in the Clearers.

Here, realm is not important, only merit is important!

No matter how evil you are, once you enter the Clearer, you must start with a white robe. Only when you have accumulated enough merits can you change to a blue robe.

As for realm...

As long as you change to a blue robe, the Clearer will give you enough matching skills and supreme resources.

In the Clearer, the most abundant thing is resources.

They destroyed two eras before and after, and their rich foundation... That is enough to scare people to death.

Let's put it this way, talent is the least valued thing in the Clearer!

Anyway, realm... As long as you have enough merits, the Clearer can give you resources.

That's why the Clearer has a more balanced mechanism than the outside world.

A gold robe is a gold robe. As long as you don't become a red robe, your strength will probably never improve.

On the contrary, as long as you become a red robe, you can make rapid progress in a few years.

So in the Clearer, the so-called talent that is valued is your ability to make merit and build a career, not your speed of cultivation.

Now, with the opportunity to wear the red robe, how could the old man in the golden robe not be excited.

"I will definitely fulfill my mission."

The old man in the golden robe stretched out his hands and took the red meteorite from the red robe devoutly.

The next second, his mind moved and his figure disappeared from the spot.

The red robe took a deep breath and whispered to himself: "If I don't go to the new era this time, there won't be any problems again, right?"

After all, among the purgers, the golden robe is not a cabbage, and two golden robes have already fallen.

If they die again, he will also feel sad.

Soon, he shook his head slightly, not that bad.



At the same time.

The era of gods and demons.

The God Court, the God Ancestor.

The Demon Palace, the Demon Ancestor.

The pupils of the two people all shrank, and they suddenly looked up to the sky, with solemn faces.

Because just now, an extremely terrifying force entered the God and Demon Continent.

"Golden robe level..."

The God Ancestor narrowed his eyes slightly: "The Clearer even sent out the golden robe? This is to kill Chu Yan."

Star Lord asked in confusion: "God Ancestor, what is the golden robe?"

The God Ancestor took a deep breath and said seriously: "Golden robe... the top existence of the Clearer."

After that, he turned and looked at Star Lord: "You go to the New Era."

Star Lord asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

The God Ancestor said seriously: "The Clearer will not easily send out the golden robe, something must have happened! Go and check what happened in the New Era and why the Clearer suddenly sent out the golden robe."

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