Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6078 A Place

"very dangerous."

Xiaojiu said in a deep voice: "If the purgers choose to use Lord Blood as bait, they will definitely lay a dragnet. Once you go there, you will be trapped in the trap yourself."

Chu Yan nodded.

How could he not know this.

But if he really doesn't go, he won't be able to get over the hurdle in his heart.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly said: "Xiaojiu, I have been thinking about what idealism is. I have never been able to figure it out, but now, I understand a little bit."

"This time, I can only go, and I must go, not only to give myself an explanation, but this may also represent my future realm."

Xiaojiu looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said calmly: "If I can't even follow my own will, how can I talk about being idealistic?"

Xiaojiu was speechless.

He didn't know whether Chu Yan's choice was correct.

But he hesitated and suddenly said: "No matter what choice you make, I will support you! But I hope you won't be impulsive. Don't forget that you are not alone now. There is the whole universe behind you! Even if you have to go, you must do it well." Completely prepared.”

Chu Yan nodded: "This is natural. Even if I go back, I won't die."

The Purge wanted to lure him out, wasn't it just to kill him?

If he really chooses to die in vain, he would be irresponsible to himself and the universe.

Xiao Jiu said: "It's good if you think so."

At this time, Chu Yan pondered for a while and suddenly said: "Xiaojiu, I am actually a little worried about the universe now."

Xiao Jiuyi was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan said in a deep voice: "Have you ever thought about something?"


"Why do you think the Purge chose to use Lord Blood to threaten me as bait?"

Xiao Jiu was stunned and said subconsciously: "Because you have a good relationship with Blood Lord. In the age of gods and demons, they have no other choice except Blood Lord."


Yan nodded: "Yes! But you also said that it is only in the era of gods and demons! If you put aside the era of gods and demons, they actually have better choices, don't they?"

Xiaojiu looked at Chu Yan, his expression slightly changed: "You mean... the universe?"

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Yes! If I were the Purge, I would never choose the Blood Lord to lead me out of the Heavenly Cave! First, the relationship between me and the Demon Palace is delicate. Even if the Blood Lord has been helping me, he can't. The Demon Palace has tricked me countless times and abandoned me with its own hands!”

"If I am a person who does not know right from wrong and confuses Demon Palace and Blood Lord, the grudges have actually been settled!"

"Besides, if I don't go out in the end, if they do this, they will offend the Demon Palace! The Demon Palace won't say anything, but the hatred will definitely be recorded."

"So, this is totally a waste of money!"

"On the contrary, if I were the Purge, I would definitely start from the universe."

Speaking of this, Chu Yan paused and said: "I don't believe that the Purifiers don't have the means to temporarily seal the era barrier! There are demon temples, let alone the Purifiers? Besides, I have seen the Purifiers in the New Era!"

"Then looking at it, going to the universe to capture people is ten thousand times more cost-effective than Blood Lord."

Chu Yan said silently, and Xiaojiu fell silent for a moment.

Because he also found that what Chu Yan said was clear and logical.

If it were him, it would be the same.

"Then why did they choose Blood Lord?" Xiao Jiu asked.

Chu Yan shook his head: "I don't know! But I have a hunch that the Purges... have already been to the New Era, but there were some accidents, so they finally gave up going to the universe to catch people, and instead used the Blood Lord to threaten me. "

"But the new era...who can stop

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What about the Purges? "

Chu Yan suddenly looked up.

"Sister Zhen, is that you?"

Apart from Chen Tianzhen, Chu Yan couldn't think of anyone else.

The main thing is that he never forgot about God.

God... may be very powerful, but the relationship between the two is not good, and there is even hatred between them.

How could God help me?

Of course, Chu Yan really didn't expect that the purgers would be so stubborn and dare to take the initiative to send people to the Tianyu...

Xiaojiu was slightly silent when he heard Chu Yan's words.

Chen Tianzhen...

If it's true... Xiaojiu and Chen Tianzhen are actually the same person.

They are all heaven-refining spirits.

It was only when Chen Tianzhen cut the nine realms that the current Xiaojiu was born.

Xiao Jiu had hated Chen Tianzhen, because it was Chen Tianzhen's choice that caused Jiujie to suffer a lot.

But sometimes it’s very confusing.

Chen Tianzhen... helped Chu Yan and protected the universe.

Anyway, it’s a very complicated emotion.

Chu Yan said: "So, with or without Blood Lord, I should leave. I can't stay in Tiancao for too long, otherwise some people with ulterior motives will attack the people behind me."

Xiaojiu nodded: "I will accompany you."

"Let's go back to the Crystal Palace first. There are still seven days left, so we need to prepare well."

This time, it will be a tough battle.

Chu Yan had a hunch that this battle would be his most heroic battle since entering the Era of Gods and Demons.

After this battle, some things will be settled!

Crystal Palace.

When the old man from the immortal clan saw Chu Yan coming back,

Asked: "Are you in trouble?"

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "You can't hide anything from senior."

The old man from the immortal clan said calmly: "I have been sullen since I came back from my childhood friend. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Chu Yan said helplessly: "I'm afraid that senior can't help this time."

The old man of the Immortal Clan frowned: "Is the opponent so strong?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "No, it's just that I have to leave here. I can't hide in the sky cave forever. There are some troubles that I still have to face."

The old man of the Immortal Clan narrowed his eyes and said pointedly: "Your enemy captured someone you care about to threaten you?"

Chu Yan laughed: "Senior, your eyes are poisonous enough."


The old man of the Immortal Clan cursed: "I hate people who do this the most in my life!"

But after saying that, he said helplessly: "It's a pity that I'm already dead and can't leave this place, otherwise I can still help you a little."

Chu Yan looked at the old man: "Senior, you have helped me enough, this time, let me face it myself!"

After saying that, he paused and looked at Xian Luo in the corner: "But senior, I can't take Xian Luo away this time. If I am lucky enough not to die this time, I will definitely come back to fulfill my promise, take Xian Luo back, and rebuild his immortal body for him."

The old man of the immortal clan nodded: "I believe you, if there is anything I can help, just tell me."

Chu Yan nodded: "I will."

The old man of the immortal clan hesitated for a moment, then said: "When are you going to leave?"

Chu Yan said truthfully: "Six days later."

"Six more days... maybe it's still in time."

After saying that, the old man of the immortal clan thought for a while, and suddenly grabbed Chu Yan: "Come with me, I'll take you to a place."

Chu Yan was slightly startled: "Where to?"

"You'll know when you come."

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