Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6081 has benefits

"Don't you know?"

Chu Yan was slightly disappointed.

He was still thinking that if the spirit of the sky cave knew, he might have a chance to find the idealistic path.

At this time, the spirit of the sky cave looked at Chu Yan and suddenly said: "Little guy, you are lucky. If it was 100 million years ago, I might have killed you now."

Chu Yan was shocked and said vigilantly: "What do you mean by this, senior?"

The spirit of the sky cave said gloomily: "I used to hate the creator of the universe very much."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Why? Isn't the senior the spirit of a universe?"

He didn't understand.

The spirit of the Heavenly Cave laughed at itself: "Yes, it is because I am, that I hate you who created the universe! Why? You created us, and then abandoned us."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Abandon? What does this mean?"

The spirit of the Heavenly Cave said coldly: "Don't you know? The Lord of Refining Heaven has disappeared, right? The Lord of the Heavenly Cave is also gone. They created us, but abandoned us and left alone! Shouldn't I hate it?"

"If you don't love, don't create, don't hurt!" The voice of the spirit of the Heavenly Cave was a little hysterical.

Chu Yan's face changed slightly.

He didn't think about this aspect.

Chu Yan hesitated and said, "Senior, maybe there is a misunderstanding? Maybe they want to come back, but they can't come back due to some restrictions?"

The spirit of the Heavenly Cave drooped down: "I have thought so before, so I didn't complain at first, but I waited too long, year after year, ten thousand years after ten thousand years! But in the end, there was still nothing!"

"I didn't think much about it at first, I just thought there was not enough time! But until one day, I met Chen Tianzhen... I found that her Lord of the Universe also left, and didn't return for a long time... At that moment, I realized one thing, maybe our universe... is just the necessary way for you humans to reach a certain passage, but once created and the purpose is achieved, you can discard it like a shoe."

Chu Yan was stunned.

Is it possible?

Maybe it is true.

In the void, the ancient saint's road has long been broken, but one person succeeded in the new era.


The Lord of Refining Heaven!

This is why, across three eras, including the Clearers, and even some people in the new era, were eyeing the universe at the beginning. Why?

Isn't it because the Lord of Refining Heaven became an ancient saint?

When Chu Yan just walked out of the universe, all the giants in the void regarded the universe as prey.

The reason why Chu Yan has unified the era now is because he is strong enough to suppress some people.

However, why did the Lord of Refining Heaven succeed? What is the difference between him and others?

The biggest point is that he created the universe!

Not long ago, the God and Demon Era took action against Chu Yan. Didn't they also believe that there is a way to become an ancient saint in the universe?

At this time, the spirit of the Heavenly Cave sighed: "Chen Tianzhen... I am not as good as her, she lives more transparently than me. Even if the Lord of Refining Heaven disappears, she still loves life."

After that, the spirit of the Heavenly Cave looked at Chu Yan: "Boy, if one day you reach that step, will you abandon your universe?"

Chu Yan was stunned and said truthfully: "Senior, to be honest, I have never thought about this question, because I will not abandon my universe! But I think that the senior must have misunderstood something! The universe... is all my hard work, if possible, I will never give up!"

"I will only let go of the universe in one situation, and it is only temporary."

The spirit of the Heavenly Cave looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said: "That means you have encountered a danger that cannot be solved! I don't want the people I care about to take risks with me."

Speaking of this, Chu Yan looked at the Spirit of the Sky Cave: "Senior, since you are the Spirit of the Sky Cave, you should know all the creatures in this Sky Cave universe, right?"

The Spirit of the Sky Cave nodded: "Of course."

Chu Yan asked: "Then I dare to ask, are there any relatives, friends and descendants of the Lord of the Sky Cave in the current Sky Cave universe?"

The Spirit of the Sky Cave recalled and nodded: "Yes! And there are many. The Sky Cave world was created by him and passed down from generation to generation."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Then everything can be explained."

The Spirit of the Sky Cave looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said: "Senior, you have a grudge and think that the Lord of the Heavenly Cave has abandoned you. But if that is true, why didn't he take his relatives and friends away?"

"Obviously, he didn't abandon you, but he couldn't come back for some reason."

"Including the Lord of Refining Heaven."

"The reason why you thought so before was because the Lord of Refining Heaven also left and didn't come back! You thought the universe was abandoned."

"Then senior, think about it in another way. Is it possible that they suffered the same danger because of the creation of the universe, and then they couldn't come back?"

The spirit of the Heavenly Cave was stunned and murmured to himself: "Is this possible?"

Chu Yan said: "It must be! The creatures in the Heavenly Cave universe are the best explanation! And I think that the Lord of the Heavenly Cave not only did not abandon you, but also trusted you very much."

"Why?" The spirit of the Heavenly Cave asked.

Chu Yan said: "Senior, think about it, if you are in danger, will you first settle your relatives and friends and find someone you can trust to entrust them?"

The spirit of the Heavenly Cave nodded.

Chu Yan continued: "That's it. The Lord of the Heavenly Cave did not take his relatives and friends away, which means you are the person he trusts the most."

The Spirit of the Heavenly Cave was confused.

Is that so?

Then, the spirit of the Sky Cave suddenly became happy: "So... the master has not given up on me? On the contrary, he still trusts me very much?"

Chu Yan nodded repeatedly: "That's right! Senior, don't give up either."

The spirit of the Sky Cave nodded: "I will, I will definitely protect the Sky Cave Universe."

Hearing this, Chu Yan was relieved.

Damn, I was scared to death.

This spirit... is hostile to those who created the universe.

At this time, Chu Yan was also convinced. He originally wanted to go up the mountain to get some benefits, but in the end, not only did he not get any benefits, but he almost lost his life.

The spirit of the Sky Cave said that if it was 100 million years earlier, he might have taken action directly.

Fortunately, the spirit's emotions are now more stable.

At this time, the spirit of the Heavenly Cave suddenly said: "Little guy, so the Lord of Refining Heaven also has many relatives and friends in the Refining Heaven Universe?"

Chu Yan nodded repeatedly: "Yes! A lot, I am one of them."

Xiao Jiu: "???"

The spirit of the Heavenly Cave narrowed his eyes: "You said you are the descendant of the Lord of Refining Heaven?"

Chu Yan said as a matter of course: "Yes, there are many besides me, senior, don't worry, they really haven't abandoned you."

The spirit of the Heavenly Cave really believed it and nodded: "I will wait forever."

Then, the spirit of the Heavenly Cave suddenly said: "You came here to find benefits, right?"

Chu Yan was stunned and laughed dryly: "Haha... Not really, but it would be best if there is."

The spirit of the Heavenly Cave rolled his eyes and then said: "Come in."

Zhi——The next second, the thatched house opened.

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