Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6107 How to die




The three golden robes, like crazy, kept chasing Chu Yan and attacking him. At this time, all three of them entered the explosive state, not daring to have any reservations. Where was the spirit of the golden robes in the past?

Now, there was only fear in their eyes.

Because they could imagine what kind of situation they would face once Chu Yan succeeded in breaking through.


Chu Yan was constantly retreating, keeping his own rhythm.

The road above his head was getting more and more majestic.

The golden robe roared: "Damn it, where is the person? Where is the person? Kill, kill! Kill him, kill him! Don't let them succeed!"

"God, demon, you two races will definitely regret it, you two idiots!"

"Demon Palace, you have been using Chu Yan all the time, don't you think he doesn't know? Today, we threatened him with the Blood King, and you never showed up. Do you think that if you take action now, you can get his forgiveness? You are dreaming."

At this moment, the three golden robes were really panicked.

The God Ancestor chuckled: "Little friend Chu, will you forgive us?"

Chu Yan said lightly: "I said, one top-grade mineral vein, I am a very realistic person."

"Haha, that's enough."

The God Ancestor laughed.

The Demon Ancestor followed: "Little friend Chu, my Demon Palace is willing to provide two top-grade mineral veins!"

The God Ancestor's eyelids jumped down, and he said with a dark face: "Are you sick? Can you die if you don't roll up?"

The Demon Ancestor chuckled and didn't say much.

Below, Chu Yan did not respond.

Are you willing?

To be honest, he is not willing!

If it weren't for the gods and demons, why would he fall into today's predicament.

As for the upcoming breakthrough, this may be a glorious thing in the eyes of the gods and demons, but in Chu Yan's heart, it is not really.

On the contrary, it is a sad thing for him.

For this breakthrough, he may have ruined his future!

The real path of the ancient saint!

But now, he has no choice.

There are three more forces.

Yes, three forces, not three people.

Once there are no gods and demons, Chu Yan thinks that he can't resist at all, and once he can't make a breakthrough, everything will be in vain.

The point is...

Chu Yan is very clear about one thing, he can only agree now.

The gods and demons' move this time actually has the meaning of forcing him to do something.

If Chu Yan doesn't agree now, he may have to face not three forces, but five!

If the gods and demons don't help Chu Yan, will they choose to stand by and watch?

Absolutely not!

At that time, the gods and demons will most likely choose to attack Chu Yan.

At that time, the strong men Chu Yan needs to face will be multiplied.

Directly from a purger to six strong men.

The gods and demons also saw this point, and they took action at this juncture, just to force Chu Yan to compromise.

Chu Yan even wondered what choice the gods and demons would make if these three forces didn't join?

They might support the purger to kill him.

In the final analysis, the appearance of these three unlucky guys did not help Chu Yan, but helped the gods and demons.

But now, Chu Yan no longer wants to think about those things.

Since the golden wooden box has been opened, the road to me has been repaired.

Then go and break through!

As for the future, let's talk about it later!

At this time, a golden robe punched again.

Trying to kill Chu Yan.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Facing this punch, Chu Yan did not run away again, but suddenly stood in place, stretched out his palm, and easily grabbed the golden robe with a fist.


The moment the fist and palm collided, it immediately set off a terrible aftermath, and the ground under the two people formed a hurricane, raising a thick layer of dust.

The next second, it was calm.

The pupils of the golden robe shrank violently.

Blocked by...?

You know, not long ago, Chu Yan did not have the fighting power of the golden robe.

At that time, the golden robe could still beat Chu Yan.

But now, Chu Yan caught the punch at once.

This means one thing!

Chu Yan... broke through!

Boom! The next second, the sky shook.

A thousand miles of rosy clouds appeared above Chu Yan's head, and the entire battlefield of gods and demons trembled.

The hearts of all living beings trembled, as if they were afraid of something.

Outside the sky, there was a golden dragon-like road that ran through the sun and the moon.

"Is this... the only me, the road?"

The Demon Lord couldn't help but say: "The golden only me road! He succeeded!"

The Blood Lord also collapsed to the ground, tears in his eyes.

It's done!

It's finally done!

Chu Yan stood in place, but seemed to have become the center of the storm in an instant.

At this time, he seemed to have entered another state, only me!

Only me in the world!

At this time, he had a feeling.


Unprecedented power!

After entering the only me, his whole person underwent a qualitative change, and the power in his body was coated with a layer of golden light.

It was also at this time that Chu Yan suddenly discovered that the road behind his road... was broken!

When he crossed the river of self-centeredness, the road behind him was completely cut off!

He turned around and saw that he had clearly broken through from the road of self-centeredness, but when he reached the other side, the road behind him disappeared.

He couldn't even turn back now, so he could only move forward.

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "The road of self-centeredness is irreversible! Once you break through, you can never go back."

Chu Yan fell silent.

Yes, he can't go back!

This is not like other realms, if you go wrong, you can abandon your martial arts and go back.

Like the Wei Realm, if you break through to the Origin Realm, if you feel that the Origin Realm is not good, or if you go wrong, you can go back to the Wei Realm as long as you disperse the Origin Power in your body.

In the martial arts world of mortals, there are also some geniuses who find that the martial arts they practice are not good, and suddenly disperse their power to practice again.

But Wei Wo... can't!

This is an irreversible road!

Once you cross it, there will never be a day to turn back.

Behind Chu Yan, there is no way back!

Suddenly, he felt like he had lost himself.

That's why his eyes became dimmer and dimmer.

"I... can't go back."

"Once you enter Wei Wo, it's as deep as the sea, and I can only be Wei Wo forever."

Xiao Jiu had said this a long time ago.

The problem is... the Wei Wo road is a wrong road!

Chu Yan's heart hurts. Didn't he keep it after his hard persistence?

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked up at the sky, and this glance seemed to pierce the sky and look towards the endless direction.

He wanted to try to see if he could see the end of the sky at this level.

But in the end, he still failed.

Can't see it!

Just as the saying goes.

There is a sky beyond the sky... an endless sky.

In the end, Chu Yan could only murmur alone: ​​"So... is this the path you want me to take? In your endless calculations, have you included me today?"

Chu Yan shook his head, he didn't know.

He didn't want to know.

Because no matter whether the next path is in Qin Ruoming's calculations, he will continue to walk.

No regrets.

Just like today's breakthrough, no regrets!

If I don't break through today, the Blood King will die.

This is not my own way.


Suddenly, Chu Yan let out a long breath, and then he looked at the golden robe opposite, showing a grim smile, and said word by word: "Next... how do you want to die!"

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