Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 69 The balance cannot be broken


A sword thrust out, piercing Qinghong's throat.

A hissing sound came out softly, Qinghong died. Chu Yan killed Qingzhi in front of him after calling Qingzhi, but he didn't close his eyes for a long time, as if he didn't believe that he would die.

The prison was quiet for a while, and time seemed to have stopped. Qingzhi's eyes were about to burst. He looked at Qinghong's body. He didn't think that Chu Yan would dare to kill Qinghong after he came here?

Dai Xiaoyan was even more so. She had already determined that Chu Yan would be the one who suffered when Qingzhi came here, but she didn't expect that Qinghong would die instead.

"Good kill!" The fat man roared first. Chu Yan's sword was really venting.

"Boy, I want you to die!" Qingzhi was furious, his hand turned into a dragon claw, and he grabbed Chu Yan's throat directly.

But facing Qingzhi's claw, Chu Yan was not in a hurry, letting the surge of vitality suppress him. His voice sounded faintly: "Luo Feng, do you still remember what the Elders' Pavilion told you?"

Luo Feng smiled bitterly. He knew that Chu Yan was testing him. The Elders' Pavilion had told him that he must protect Chu Yan no matter what, so he did not hesitate and moved to meet Qingzhi's palm.

"Bang!" After this palm fell, Qingzhi's body retreated a step, but compared to him, Luo Feng retreated more than ten steps.

"Luo Feng, I brought you into the Haotian Sect, and I have been with you all the time, training you to this position. Are you going to go against me now?" Qingzhi said with a hint of command: "Help me kill this kid now, and I can let go of the previous matter."

Luo Feng shook his head: "Qingzhi, I know you too well. You will take revenge for your flaws. Even if I help you today, I will pay the price for this hatred. Besides, didn't you teach me that people should look up?"

Qingzhi's eyes turned cold, and he finally stopped talking nonsense. His palms were windy, and a terrible palm print rushed towards Luo Feng.

Facing Qingzhi's attack, Luo Feng's face also sank. This move was too strong, but he looked at Chu Yan behind him, gritted his teeth, and did not retreat.

"Bang!" That move fell on Luo Feng, puff! Luo Feng spurted blood continuously, and his throat was sweet. It was no joke to be hit by a king-level strongman.

However, Luo Feng still took the gamble. In fact, he had been thinking, since Chu Yan wanted to kill Qing Hong, why did he wait for Qing Zhi to come? Then there was only one possibility, Chu Yan was not afraid of Qing Zhi? Even if Qing Zhi was a king-level?

"Qing Zhi, do you still remember what you said when you arrested my brother today?" Chu Yan looked directly at Qing Zhi and said at this time.

Qing Zhi frowned, and Chu Yan continued: "In this Haotian Sect, there are no rules. If you are strong, then you want to arrest him, this is the rule. Did you say that?"

"That's right! My Haotian Sect has always been like this, and it is also the same when practicing martial arts! Strength is respected, and I can only blame him for not having the background that makes me afraid." Qing Zhi nodded, and the Haotian Sect has always been like this.

"What a sentence that there is no background that makes you afraid, then I will tell you today that he has no background, but he has me, and that background, I have!" Chu Yan's iron words resounded throughout the Tianlao.

Everyone was shocked, that sentence he didn't have, I have! How arrogant is he?

"You have it? Hey, Luo Feng? He doesn't deserve it!"

Qingzhi smiled contemptuously. Luo Feng was trained by him. Now, someone wants to use Luo Feng to suppress him?

Luo Feng just smiled bitterly. He didn't know what background Chu Yan was talking about, but he knew that it didn't refer to him.

"Okay, I've seen your attitude. You will be the elder of the Law Enforcement Pavilion. Next, step back." Chu Yan didn't explain and asked Luo Feng to step aside, leaving a deserted path between Qingzhi and Chu Yan.

Everyone in the prison frowned. Chu Yan actually asked Luo Feng to step back? That tone was like an order.

But without Luo Feng, who could block Qingzhi's attack for him?

"Don't know whether to live or die, I'll send you off!" Qingzhi immediately gathered a huge pressure in his hand. On the Yuanqi light ball, there was a blood mark, which surprised everyone. The blood mark of the king? That was the symbol of the king.

Fatty and Ye Xun were both nervous. That power was so strong.

The last time Ye Xun faced Chi Yue, it was the same. That was the power that only a king possessed, and it was a power that the Three Dust Realm would never have a chance to stop.

"Boom!" Unfortunately, the next second, the sky prison collapsed, and a powerful rainbow light fell, directly shattering the nine heavens. Just a wave of air suddenly shook Qingzhi away a hundred meters.

Qingzhi was shocked. He was now a king, but he was actually repelled by a move?

When he stood up, he saw a phantom behind Chu Yan. The phantom stood there quietly, but just one person seemed to suppress the entire Haotian Sect, making him breathless.

"Who are you? How dare you stop me?"

"There are some forces in this world that you can't afford to provoke, and the Haotian Sect can't afford to provoke either."

Qingzhi's face sank. Since he became the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Haotian Sect, when has he not been respected in the world? When was it not that he said such arrogant words to others? As the head of the Ten Thousand Sects, he had enough capital to be arrogant.

"How arrogant! Even my Haotian Sect can't afford to provoke you? For example?"

"For example, the wilderness!" The shadow said lightly, but it made the people in the sky prison shaken.

Qingzhi trembled violently, and the whole person froze in place like a bolt from the blue.

The wilderness, everyone knew it. Dai Xiaoyan looked at Chu Yan, with endless pain in her eyes.

At this moment, she finally understood why Chu Yan said such a thing to her. She hoped that one day in the future, she would not regret it.

What did she do? She gave up the opportunity to contact Manhuang, but for a Haotian Sect Law Enforcement Hall?

"Since you know Manhuang, you should also know that your death is not unjust." Chu Yan said.

Qingzhi was shocked. He never expected that Chu Yan was from that place. Manhuang... a taboo that must not be touched between heaven and earth. Even the Haotian Sect is like an ant in front of Manhuang.

Dai Xiaoyan's almond eyes were even more strange, and she couldn't calm down for a long time. When she knew that Chu Yan was the descendant of Manhuang, a trace of regret finally appeared under her phoenix eyes.

"You can't kill me. I am the great elder of the Haotian Sect Law Enforcement Hall!" Qingzhi said painfully.

"You are no longer." Chu Yan said word by word, and the next moment a sharp voice came from the sky, resounding throughout the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Qingzhi, you abused your power and broke the rules. From today on, you are no longer a member of our Haotian Sect."

The high-level officials of Haotian Sect finally spoke. This was an attitude, and they were also making their position clear to Chu Yan.

Everyone was shocked. Qingzhi never expected that because of Ye Xun, his son died, and he was expelled from the Haotian Sect. Most importantly, he was about to die.

"Kill him!"

The old demon nodded, his palm became a sword, and he directly wiped Qingzhi's throat.

Qingzhi died, and he died in the end. Chu Yan wanted everyone to know that if they dared to touch his brothers, they would never have a good end. This was an attitude.

Looking at the miserable scene in front of him, Luo Feng was only glad in his heart, because he knew that he had made the right bet. In the future, he would probably be reused in the Haotian Sect. However, he did not expect that Chu Yan was so strong and had such a strong background that he shocked the entire Haotian Sect overnight.

Everything was over. A small farce directly shocked the entire Haotian Sect.

At the top of the Elder Pavilion in Haotian Sect, there was an old man who was in his twilight years. He was wearing a plain cloth and his cultivation level could not be seen, but his breathing was even and every time his chest rose and fell, it seemed as if the mountains and rivers were changing.

Jiang Yi, Jiang Feng and others were all sitting below and were very respectful to this old man.

"Teacher, since you are here, why do you have to hide? Why don't you show up directly?" The old man finally spoke, revealing a bitter look.

The next moment, Yao Lao appeared in the Elder Pavilion. He stood there, looking down on the whole audience, as if only an elder in the center could be compared with him.

"Xiao Yi, I haven't seen you for many years. You have also taken the position of the Great Protector of Haotian Sect." Yao Lao said calmly, Xiao Yi? But it made Jiang Yi and others stunned.

Luo Tianyi, the first protector of Haotian Sect, the first person under Tianzun, but now, Yao Lao's address to him is more like a senior teaching a younger generation.

"If it weren't for the kindness of the old demon, how could I have achieved what I have today? In the end, I have to thank you for all this." Luo Tianyi said with a smile, but there was not much respect for the old demon in his eyes.

"Now, in addition to being the great elder of the Haotian Sect, you should also be a guest of the Red Moon Valley, right?" The old demon snorted coldly.

"Yes, your status should be similar to yours in the wilderness." Luo Tianyi said.

"That's no wonder, why do you dare to talk to me like this, but Xiaoyi, you should know that there are some balances in this world that cannot be broken. If you break them, the consequences are not something you can bear." After the old demon finished speaking, he rose up with momentum, and the rolling red light pressed towards Luo Tianyi.

"Bang!" There was a huge tremor in the elders' pavilion, and all the elders stared down. They were all above the king level, but now this power made them feel that they could die at any time.

"Emperor level? No, it may be even higher!" Jiang Yi said with a guilty conscience.

Luo Tianyi's face also sank, and turned a little pale. Then, he vomited blood continuously. He was shocked. He didn't expect that in the past hundred years, he had practiced hard and became the first guardian of Haotian Sect, and was favored by Red Moon Valley. But now, he was shocked by the old demon's habit and vomited blood?

"This is a warning. If it happens again, you will die. With your talent, you may be crowned emperor soon. Maybe you have also thought that after being crowned emperor, you can surpass all sects!"

"But you must remember that in front of the wilderness, the emperor realm is just an ant, and a thought will lead to death. I don't want to kill you one day." After the old demon finished speaking, he left, leaving many people in the elders' pavilion trembling.

Luo Tianyi's face was gloomy. He vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and showed a playful smile.

"Balance? Can't break? No! It will break! It will break soon!"

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