Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 705 Conflict

Yue Xin turned around and left, leaving Shao Yang, Chu Yan and others there.

To be honest, I really can’t tell who is the protagonist today.

Shaoyang clenched his fist slightly with some force. Chu Yan could clearly see from the side that his slightly sharp nails had pierced into the palm of his hand. But after a moment, after seeing Mengya's gentle face, he slowly relaxed and sighed. With a loud voice, he forced a smile and said: "Everyone, please follow me to take your seat."

After such a commotion, everyone was in a bad mood. Zi Yin also saw Shaoyang's embarrassment and did not say any harsh words to hurt anyone.

"Brother-in-law-to-be, let's just sit here to avoid embarrassment for you." Chu Yan smiled calmly, then hesitated and asked: "Brother-in-law, logically speaking, you are the second senior brother, and Yue Xin and Chen Zhiyang are your junior brothers and sisters. That’s right, why don’t they have any respect for you?”

Chu Yan's words seemed to touch on Shaoyang's pain, and he smiled bitterly: "I am not born yet. Although I am the second senior brother of Qingyang Immortal Sect, I was born in a first-class family in the Immortal Domain. There are no immortals in the family. It was when the master went out to travel. , saw that I was very talented and didn’t want me to be buried in the mountains and forests, so he took me under his tutelage and walked out of the mountain village.”

"But Junior Sister Yuexin and Junior Brother Zhiyang are different. They are both Immortal Queens. Especially the Chen family where Junior Brother Zhiyang belongs is a lineage of the princes in the north of the Immortal Domain. They have produced many geniuses in the Immortal Domain. Chen Zhiyang's brother has also joined the top forces. "Practice."

Chu Yan suddenly realized that even in the Immortal Realm, there was still no shortage of powerful villains.

This is a common problem in human nature.

But he didn't explain, and then smiled at the people next to him: "Let's just sit here. Today is a happy day for Senior Sister Mengya, so don't ruin the fun."

"Huh, I do have some self-awareness." Yue Xin glanced at him from a distance and said with a proud smile.

The guests gradually took their seats, and the crowd formed two rows. There was a red carpet spread out in the center, and a street filled with flowers. There were people playing music on the outermost side. It was formal and refreshing.

Mengya and Shao Yang were together, and Shao Yang also knew that he had really wronged Mengya today and sent a message: "Mengya, if you are unhappy, show it. Although their tone is disrespectful, I am the second senior brother after all. The big deal is, We don’t need them for this marriage. We will leave in the future and explore the fairyland together.”

"Forget it, this is your sect after all. Besides, I still have you!" Mengya smiled softly, holding Shaoyang's hand and walking to the red carpet together.

"We've almost arrived, let's start the ceremony." Yin Zijian sat at the head of the table. Since there were no elders in the Xunxian World, it was natural for him, the senior brother, to be in charge.

Shao Yang and Zi Yang walked side by side. They strolled forward and first paid homage to the ancestor statue of the Qingyang Immortal Sect. Then they greeted and toasted the guests one by one.

Someone nodded with a smile. When they arrived at Yue Xin's place, Yue Xin let out a cold snort and stared at Mengya: "Do you really think that you can become a white swan in a sudden change? In the future, when you get to Qingyang Immortal Sect, you should be more stable and don't give me the second senior brother. stir up trouble."

Mengya frowned slightly, but finally endured it. Shao Yang was a little unhappy beside her: "Yue Xin, you've had enough!"

"Second Senior Brother, am I wrong? This woman, from Xinghai, would have good intentions to marry into my Qingyang Immortal Sect? Look at the people in her sect, all of them look poor. If you marry her in the future , I don’t know how hard it is, I’m doing it for your own good, alas!” Yue Xin said in a deep tone.

"It's the Mengya I'm after!" Shao Yang said sternly, and Yin Zijian said calmly at this time: "Yue Xin, okay, today is also your second senior brother's big day."

Then after a slight pause, Yin Zijian looked at Chu Yan again: "Of course, Mengya, your junior brother has a treasure. If you are willing to give it to me, Qingyang Immortal Sect, maybe I can help you introduce it and join some Immortal Sect practices. ,how?"

"Humph!" Mengya snorted coldly, then she simply ignored him and turned around.

On the side, Zi Yin was always unhappy, especially with her current attitude: "What's this? They didn't take senior sister seriously at all. Chu Yan, although senior sister doesn't want to rely on your identity, you also saw what happened today." , this Qingyang Immortal Sect is bullying people too much, can you help senior sister, show your identity a little bit, and deter them, at least senior sister will not be bullied in Qingyang Immortal Sect in the future. "

"Sister Ziyin." Chu Yan suddenly said, and then calmly said: "I have told my senior sister a long time ago that I will always be her junior brother. However, she didn't say it, obviously she didn't want to take this opportunity. You see, now, on the surface, It seems so, but brother-in-law Shaoyang has always been by his side."

"Okay!" Zi Yin sighed: "I'm just a little unhappy! Senior sister is polite to them, but they are nice and don't know how to deal with people."

When the young man from the Valley King Sect who was riding the Giant Ape arrived at the ceremony, he saw his lazy eyes. His name was Fang Heng.

He was very indifferent to Mengya and Shaoyang's visit, even disdainful.

In terms of status, the Valley King Sect is several levels better than the Qingyang Immortal Sect.

So he didn't even bother with this engagement ceremony. The reason why he came was just because he heard that that person would be here today, so he came, thinking about whether he could make a good relationship.

But at this moment, he focused his eyes and looked at Li Xian'er and others, and his smile became thicker: "Miss Mengya, are all the girls in your Xinghai friends very beautiful? Do you know if they are getting married? If not, I would like to I would like to introduce some of my friends from the Valley King Sect.”

After hearing Fang Heng's words, Yin Zijian's eyes flashed. In terms of status, the Valley King Sect is definitely stronger than the Qingyang Immortal Sect, and it is said that it can even have some relationship with the Sword God Mountain.

This Fang Heng is the young leader of Guwang Sect.

"Haha, ladies, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This is Fang Heng, the young master of Guwang Sect. If you are not married, you can consider it." Yin Zijian took the initiative to ask.

Fang Heng nodded slightly, looking quite proud.

Chen Zhiyang's eyes were also full of evil smiles beside him: "Haha, Brother Fang Heng is indeed a like-minded person. I don't want the beauty to be buried in the sea of ​​stars. I also have this intention."

Looking at Chen Zhiyang, Fang Heng's eyes changed slightly, but he showed a little smile, because the big man who was going to come here today was Chen Zhiyang's brother. He said politely: "Brother Zhiyang is really kind."

Li Xian'er, Wangyue Fairy and others frowned, some of them were not annoyed, especially Tianjue Luoyan. Chen Zhiyang had stood up and walked in front of her.

"What is the name of this girl?" Chen Zhiyang said with a lecherous look, and then his hand naturally went to Tianjue Luoyan's fragrant shoulder.

Tian Jue Luo Yan's delicate face changed slightly. She just wanted to take a step back, but Chen Zhiyang went even further and grabbed her wrist directly: "Don't leave, beauty."


Tian Jue Luo Yan finally couldn't bear it anymore and raised her hand to slap him. This sound was very crisp and immediately spread throughout the manor. Everyone looked over and smiled interestingly after seeing this scene.

Chen Zhiyang was also stunned for a while, and then his face became more serious, and his eyes were cold: "You bitch, how dare you hit me?"

"You are so presumptuous, you are indeed a lowly person from Xinghe, you have no education at all, and you dare to attack Brother Chen!" Yue Xin's jade face was also angry. She shouted and rushed forward with jade steps.

"Yuexin, you've had enough!" Shao Yang suppressed his anger and shouted coldly. Everyone was watching the situation just now, and they all knew what was right and wrong. If Chen Zhiyang hadn't harassed Tian Jue Luo Yan, how could there be such a scene?

"Second Senior Brother, even if it's your engagement ceremony today, this bitch must pay the price." Yue Xin said coldly, with a firm attitude.

"Shaoyang, your friend is really too much. What is Zhiyang's identity? Who is his brother? You should know it very well, right? Now this bitch hit Zhiyang, I'm afraid it's impossible to let this matter go." Yin Zijian slowly stood up and also favored Chen Zhiyang.

Shaoyang's face flushed, angry, but powerless, even if he was not wrong in this matter, his birth determined his status.

He took a deep breath, looked at Chen Zhiyang, and bowed slightly: "Junior brother, this matter was caused by me. I apologize to you. Let's just forget about it, okay?"

"Forget it? Bullshit!" Chen Zhiyang growled, without any respect for his senior brother Shaoyang: "Senior brother, don't say I don't give you face. Who am I? A descendant of the Chen family. Today, even a slave dared to beat me. If I forget about it, how can I have the face to live in the fairyland in the future?"

"Shaoyang, Miss Mengya's friend is really too much." At this time, Fang Heng also slowly stood up, and everyone's face condensed. Guwang Sect is still very prestigious in the Qingyang Immortal Sect, especially Fang Heng, who is the young master of Guwang Sect.

"Thank you, Brother Fang." Chen Zhiyang nodded.

Shaoyang clenched his fists and said helplessly: "Can you give me some face? She is Mengya's friend."

"Brother!" Chen Zhiyang was determined, but his eyes were full of lust. He said to Shaoyang: "Brother, today's matter has nothing to do with you, don't interfere. Today's matter is not over. This bitch dared to hit me. I must take him away. It is unforgivable!"

The next moment, Chen Zhiyang took a step forward and released his vitality directly, trying to grab Tianjue Luoyan.

Everyone in the manor sneered at this scene. In their opinion, Tianjue Luoyan's fate today was already determined. Of course, no one would sympathize with him.

"Boom!" Then the next moment, Tianjue Wushuang's breath burst out, his eyes were angry, and his body vaguely turned into a big palm print. With a sound of touch, it crushed Chen Zhiyang's power.

"You're looking for death!" Chen Zhiyang frowned. The other party dared to stop him. However, what surprised him was that Tian Jue Wushuang's luck was also very strong, not weaker than his. In addition, he was at the same level, so he couldn't check the arrival of the big palm print.

"Pah!" There was another crisp sound, but this time, it was more serious than Tian Jue Luoyan. The big palm print directly slapped Chen Zhiyang away, and with a bang, it knocked over the tables and chairs in the distance.

"With this kind of character, you dare to provoke my sister? Do you want to die?" Tian Jue Wushuang said unceremoniously, and there was a strong pressure in his body immediately, which turned into countless sword blades floating in the air, aiming at Chen Zhiyang's chest.

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