Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 709: The Three Disciples of the Dragon Alliance

After leaving Qingyang Mountain, Chu Yan and his party directly took the Holy Dragon and returned to the Holy Dragon Alliance.

The time for the opening of the Burial of Immortals Cliff is getting closer, and the top forces of all parties are preparing and gathering disciples.

Because once the Burial of Immortals Cliff is opened, it means that the luck of immortals will be born. Seizing the luck of immortals and determining the immortal status are also the purpose of many Tianjiao entering the world of seeking immortals.

However, on this day, the Holy Dragon Alliance seemed to be not peaceful. The clouds above kept surging, and a sword light flew from a distance.

On the sword, there were several figures standing, they were people from the Sword God Mountain.

In addition, there were people from the other side, a huge demon Kunpeng, and there were also several young men with good temperament above, all of whom were Tianjiao-level figures with purple luck.

As soon as they entered the area of ​​​​the Holy Dragon Mountain, they were immediately noticed and secretly watched, but surprisingly, they had the same goal and flew directly to the Holy Dragon Mountain.

In this regard, the Holy Dragon Alliance was helpless and had no choice but to notify King Qin.

On the cliff of the Holy Dragon Mountain, Luo Lei Jingfeng, King Qin, wearing a holy golden dragon robe, with his hands behind his back, looked up at the clouds rolling in the sky, the sword light and the demon Kunpeng descended, transformed into rows of terrifying figures, lined up in a row, all releasing terrible power.

"Sword God Mountain, Tianhua Fairy Palace!" The Holy Dragon Messenger stared at him and shouted.

"You all came to my Holy Dragon Mountain from afar, I wonder what your intention is?" King Qin looked into the void calmly.

"King Qin should know why we are here. My Sword God Mountain suffered a great humiliation not long ago. I have no other ideas today. I just heard that the Holy Dragon Alliance is also preparing to enter the Burial Cliff soon. Is it true?" The person from the Sword God Mountain, Jian Beifeng, said indifferently.

"The Burial Cliff was the battlefield of the immortals back then, regarded as a miracle, and my Holy Dragon Alliance will go there!" King Qin said calmly.

"Okay!" Jian Beifeng nodded, then he snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and a golden challenge letter flew out and landed directly in front of King Qin.

"In the Burial of Immortals Cliff, my Sword God Mountain will officially declare war on the Holy Dragon Alliance. This challenge letter is a witness. This war has nothing to do with the fairyland, nothing to do with grudges, only life and death, only in the Burial of Immortals Cliff, the world will witness it, Holy Dragon Alliance, dare you?" Jian Beifeng's figure is like a sword, and he said coldly.

Everyone's heart trembled. Burial of Immortals Cliff, Sword God Mountain and Holy Dragon Alliance officially went to war?

The battle of Lin Ang and Sword God Mountain that day was indeed not so easy to settle. Is Sword God Mountain going to start all-round revenge?

"Okay!" King Qin took the challenge letter, and then sent a divine thought, and said coldly: "Holy Dragon Alliance, accept the challenge!"

"Boom!" The world trembled. Today's events are destined to cause waves in the fairyland again.

The two top forces are about to officially go to war.

This battle may not affect the fairyland.

After all, no one would easily initiate a true immortal war, because in the immortal realm, both sides are top forces, with immortals, and there are terrifying immortal masters and immortal emperors above. People like that rarely take action, and their power represents destruction.

Unless one side can completely kill it, once an immortal emperor escapes, the other side will have to pay a heavy price.

This is why Jian Beifeng came today. He said that today's battle has nothing to do with the immortal realm, nothing to do with grudges, only life and death, only at the Burial Cliff.

Then since both sides have agreed, even if someone is killed, the parties will not be able to retaliate, otherwise, it will cause public anger in the immortal realm.

However, today, King Qin agreed.

Putting away the challenge, King Qin glanced at the people of Tianhua Immortal Palace again: "What does Tianhua Immortal Palace mean? Do you want to declare war too?"

"The Holy Dragon Alliance is not qualified yet." A peerless Tianjiao of Tianhua Immortal Palace snorted coldly. In terms of the status of the immortal realm, although the Holy Dragon Alliance and Tianhua Immortal Palace are both top forces, they are indeed not on the same level.

"What do you mean?"

"Watching the fun." A young man from Tianhua Immortal Palace sneered, then his eyes turned, and his luck enveloped the entire Shenglong Mountain: "Where is that person? Why hasn't he appeared yet? There is only one month left before the opening of the Burial Cliff of Immortals, and he is not in Shenglong Mountain now?"

"Since Junior Brother Chu has issued a challenge, I will go there when the time comes." King Qin snorted coldly.

"I am afraid he dare not fight, and now he has escaped, right?" The young man said contemptuously.

"Run? Chen Fengsheng is not qualified." However, at this time, a clear and refreshing voice suddenly came from a distance, and the Great Saint Dragon crossed the void and descended on Shenglong Mountain.

"Chu Yan!" King Qin frowned when he saw this, and then immediately stepped forward and protected Chu Yan with a terrible aura. The reason was very simple. Everyone who came here today had a grudge against Chu Yan. It was not impossible for them to kill him directly.

"Holy Son." Chu Yan nodded, then looked up at the people of Tianhua Palace: "Go back and tell Chen Fengsheng that it's ready."

"You are very arrogant! In this case, I will test your strength for my senior brother first." The young man of Tianhua Palace sneered, and the arrogance in his body mixed out and turned into a terrible power.

"Do you want to die?" At this time, a cold and ethereal voice came, and Liu Qingcheng's body seemed to have ice flowers blooming.

The young man frowned when he felt the cold and beautiful breath, but he didn't dare to make trouble again. After all, Liu Qingcheng was also a person of Tianhua Palace, and her status was higher than his, and higher than Chen Fengsheng. He could only whisper: "Don't dare!"

"Don't dare? I don't think you take me, a disciple of Tianhua, seriously at all? In front of me, you want to kill my husband?" Liu Qingcheng's tone was cold, and she walked towards the young man.

The young man felt a terrible force suppressing him, and the cold seemed to penetrate into his bones, but he didn't dare to do it.

"Bang!" Liu Qingcheng turned into an ice palm and struck out. With just one blow, the young man spurted out a mouthful of blood. His face was pale and he looked at Liu Qingcheng angrily.

"What, you still want to do something to me?" Liu Qingcheng nodded slightly and said coldly.

"Don't dare!" The young man still endured it.

"Get out!" Liu Qingcheng shouted, and then her voice was extremely cold: "You should be lucky that I am not strong now, otherwise, you would be dead now!"

The young man's heart trembled. At this moment, he really felt a strong murderous intention, but Liu Qingcheng was a disciple of Tianhua. He had no choice but to endure it. He could only turn these grievances onto Chu Yan. He glanced at Chu Yan viciously and said With a cold snort, he turned and left.

"King Qin, see you at Immortal Burial Cliff." Jian Beifeng looked at King Qin and left immediately.

The two parties came and went quickly. It was only a short time, but it seemed like a century. Many major events happened, and even the future direction of Xunxian World was determined.

In the Holy Dragon Hall, King Qin called Chu Yan over with a serious look: "I'm afraid it won't be easy this time at Immortal Burial Cliff. Are you sure of your next battle with Chen Fengsheng?"

"I have never seen Chen Fengsheng take action." Chu Yan paused and responded: "But I still have some confidence."

King Qin nodded. Although Chu Yan was very powerful, Chen Fengsheng was also one of the top 100 geniuses on the Immortal Seeking List. Saying that he was confident without seeing the opponent take action was unrealistic and would only make Chu Yan too arrogant.

"When the battle is scheduled, everyone from all sides will probably go there to create a battle formation. Naturally, the magical weapons, immortal tactics, and luck cannot be used. However, in terms of realm, you are still a little behind. If you are defeated by then, you will be defeated. Even if you kill him, I can't take action." King Qin said solemnly, "So you must win this battle, otherwise, you will die."

"I know. My senior brother said that if I lose, I'd better die on the field, otherwise he will beat me up when he comes back. It's not worth it." Chu Yan laughed. King Qin rubbed his temples when he saw this: "Dragon Alliance Ah, a bunch of monsters, but Lin Ang is right about one thing. Among his peers, the Dragon Alliance has never been defeated."

"Does Dragon Alliance often fight with others?" Chu Yan blinked.

"Not just often..." King Qin was speechless for a while, but then he smiled and said: "Since the Dragon Alliance was founded, it has a history of nearly five thousand years. There are five disciples, counting the four of you, there are nine in total. Logically speaking, the number is small. , there will be less trouble, but there is no such thing as the Dragon Alliance. On average, there will be a shocking war every hundred years. "

Chu Yan listened carefully to see what legendary experiences these senior brothers he had never met had.

"There are seven alliances in the Holy Dragon Alliance, you know." King Qin said, Chu Yan has been in the Holy Dragon Mountain for a long time, and naturally he has heard that the Holy Dragon Alliance has seven major branches, namely the Holy Alliance, the Sword Alliance, the Rain Alliance, and the Book Alliance. , Kill League, Ghost League, and Dragon League.

Among them, the Holy Alliance is the supreme lineage and controls the power.

In the Sword Alliance, the main ones are sword cultivators, and there are also people who specialize in swordsmanship, spears, sticks, and other tactics, and they are the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Alliance.

The Yumeng, contrary to the Sword Union, the Yumeng is not all good at water attributes. Rain is just because the people who created it back then were good at using rain. Here, most people are good at attribute magical powers and major in magic arts.

The Book Alliance is a place for educating people, the Killing Alliance is in charge of punishment tactics, and the Ghost Alliance is in charge of killing.

However, the Dragon Alliance is a bit special. It is like an independent force outside the Holy Dragon Alliance.

"Each of the seven alliances has its leader. The leader of the Holy League is also the current Holy Dragon Immortal Emperor and the first person in the Holy Dragon. However, the Dragon League has no leader." King Qin continued: "Dragon League does not count you, there are only Five people, when these five people fight, no one in the central part of the Immortal Realm refuses to accept it. Lin Ang and the four disciples of the Dragon Alliance should know that the battle at Sword God Mountain is recorded in the files. "

Chu Yan nodded, he had heard this before.

"The most famous battle between the three disciples of the Dragon Alliance, who do you think it was with?"


"Sword God Mountain, the first sword emperor!"

"..." Chu Yan was extremely shocked, and King Qin sighed: "Back then, there was an important person from our Holy Dragon Alliance on Sword God Mountain. Later, three disciples of the Dragon Alliance went to Sword God Mountain, and the matter ended there. Some people say that it was Some people say that the Dragon Alliance compromised because Sword God Mountain was humiliated. In fact, the real reason was that the three disciples of the Dragon Alliance went directly to Sword God Mountain and challenged the No. 1 Sword Emperor."

"How is the result?"

"No matter who wins or loses." King Qin smiled bitterly. Very few people in the Immortal Realm knew about this matter. However, he was one of them. This is why the Dragon Alliance was so casual in the Holy Dragon Alliance and they had no choice. , after all, if there is no Dragon Alliance, the status of the Holy Dragon Alliance will be affected.

But the Holy Dragon Alliance also hates it. If the Dragon Alliance is willing to do things for the Holy Dragon Alliance, then the Holy Dragon Alliance may have the opportunity to be on an equal footing with Tianhua Immortal Palace, Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, and Holy Academy.

However, people simply ignore you.

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