Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 756: Going to Douxiantai

In the eastern part of Xunxian Realm, Douxiantai.

Chu Yan walked along, the Zhantian Sword flying in his hand. The Shuratai was divided into nine levels. Now he had reached the fourth stage. He had fought nineteen battles in a row, with nineteen wins and zero losses.

Such a record was not to be said to be not gorgeous, but even so, the further he went, the more difficult it was for him in the eyes of everyone.

"Will he continue to move forward?" Many people speculated, but the next second, Chu Yan told them with his actions that he stepped onto the third stage.

On the third stage, the strongest person was already in the top twenty of the Xunxian list. There was a man in purple clothes holding a folding fan and looking at Chu Yan. This person was named Qiu Mingzhi, from the Baixian Kingdom, a prince.

On the third stage, the defender.

He had seen all of Chu Yan's nineteen battles before, and he also recognized them a little. But now that Chu Yan was here and threatened him, he would not be polite.

"You will stop here."

"No one can stop my road." Chu Yan looked at Qiu Mingzhi and said calmly, his voice full of determination, as if it was really as he said, no one could stop his road.

"Let's fight." Qiu Mingzhi was quite calm. At this point, he was the focus of thousands of people. Who wouldn't be proud?

So he didn't get angry. If Chu Yan could really defeat him, it would be well deserved, and he would admire him, but he would do his best in the next battle.

The next moment, infinite power surged out of his body, and the sky was full of flying feathers, which appeared and rushed towards Chu Yan frantically, like endless flying birds, covering the sky and killing everything.

The flying feathers circled in the void, as if they were fused with Qiu Mingzhi. Suddenly, Qiu Mingzhi himself also leaped up and turned into a huge birdman. He clenched his hands, and a long spear stabbed out, infinitely growing, and finally a hundred feet long, cutting through the sky and killing Chu Yan.


At this moment, Chu Yan also stepped out. He held a flaming sword in his hand. The sun soul was extremely dazzling, making the people in the audience dare not look directly at it. In an instant, the sword light shot out flames in all directions, burning up, and the feather spear collapsed inch by inch and extinguished.

Qiu Mingzhi was still calm. The feather spear seemed endless. After being destroyed, it continued to condense and stabbed down continuously, intersecting with the sun's light. In the gaps of the collision, there were pieces of faults that appeared and were torn apart.

"What a terrible collision." Staring at the third Shura stage, the raging fire and the endless flying feathers, everyone was stunned. Is this level of confrontation really still a monarch?

In this terrible intersection, the sword shadows were all over the sky. Chu Yan made a thud, and his figure shot out like a sword. There seemed to be a strange formation under his feet. Every step he took, there was a shadow of Peng behind him, and then the sword condensed in the void.

Qiu Mingzhi put his hands together, as if he was a flying bird. However, at this moment, his steps suddenly stopped, because there was a very tiny sword blade in front of him. Although the sword was small, it seemed to compress all the power between heaven and earth. It was extremely sharp and could break the sky and cut the earth at will. It stopped at his throat.

"You lost." Chu Yan said from a distance. Qiu Mingzhi was stunned, and then suddenly laughed at himself: "I underestimated you and the world's genius. It turns out that there is a sky outside the sky. I lost."

"Thank you." Chu Yan nodded lightly, his breath was restrained, and then he turned to look at the other people on the third Shura platform: "You are not my opponent, go down by yourself."

The others smiled bitterly and were not angry. Qiu Mingzhi was defeated. It would be a waste of time for them to fight again. If they lost too badly, it would affect their own Taoism. It was not worth it.

So they all chose to jump off the stage.

"I won another Shura Stage." Everyone felt guilty. Chu Yan's name has now reached the 15th place on the Xian Ranking, higher than Liu Qingcheng.

Logically speaking, at this point, Qingcheng should have known that he was looking for her, but Chu Yan was worried that with Qingcheng's personality, she didn't care about these fame and fortune, and might not look at the Xian Ranking.

In that case, it would be more certain to go to the Douxian Stage.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan nodded slightly. Now he has 93 records, which is seven away from the standard of Douxian Stage. He glanced at the second Shura Stage. There were exactly seven figures, no more, no less, enough.

"What is he going to do?" Many people trembled slightly in their hearts. Is he going to continue to go up?

"Could it be that he wants to defeat all the people on the Shura Stage and wipe them out?" Thinking of this, many people couldn't help but squint slightly and look at the top of the Shura Stage. There was only one person there, with his hands behind his back, like an immortal god of war.

However, with that person guarding the stage, can anyone really pass the level?

"The one at the top is Jin Zhantian." Someone whispered. Jin Zhantian, the little prince of the Jin family immortal dynasty, is ranked fifth on the Xianxian list. His brother, Jin Zhanshen, is the third-ranked Tianjiao on the Xianxian list and is known as one of the three legends.

Since the opening of the Shura stage and Jin Zhantian guarding the stage, no one has been able to pass the level. What Chu Yan is doing now is to knock Jin Zhantian down and become one of the most dazzling people on the Shura stage.

On the first Shura stage, Jin Zhantian's eyes were also slightly condensed. In his opinion, what Chu Yan did was to provoke him. The corners of his mouth could not help but rise, revealing a hint of ridiculousness.

Of course, Chu Yan did not know what the others thought, nor did he care. He came here only for the Douxian stage. Everything else was false, and no one could stop him.

As expected, the second Shura Stage was swept by Chu Yan again. No matter how high you were, or how powerful you were, you would be defeated by Chu Yan's sword shadow.

At this moment, Chu Yan's battle record was brilliant and dazzling. One hundred rays shot straight into the sky, reflecting the immortal light of the Douxian Stage.

"I really won!" The audience sighed. Next, there was only one battle left on the Shura Stage. Many people were wondering whether Chu Yan would have the courage to fight.

Jin Zhantian nodded slightly, and there was a bit of competition in his eyes when he looked at Chu Yan. He said coldly: "It's a pity that your realm is a little low after all. Come up and fight, I will give you a good time."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly gathered. Is it finally the strongest battle?

But I didn't expect that it was Jin Zhantian who took the initiative to speak.

However, at this time, Chu Yan looked at Jin Zhantian strangely, smiled and shook his head, put away the Zhantian Sword, and turned to walk under the Shura Stage, without any intention of going to the first Shura Stage.

"This..." Many people's eyes stagnated. Chu Yan flattened eight Shura Stages along the way. At this point, he chose not to fight?

Although many people expected that Chu Yan would lose in a battle with Jin Zhantian, after all, he was the fifth on the Xunxian List and a member of the Jin Family Immortal Dynasty.

Avoiding fighting is a bit embarrassing.

"Stop!" Jin Zhantian frowned and scolded. Chu Yan paused slightly and turned around to look at him in surprise.

"You defeated eight Shura platforms in a row, didn't you do it to compete with me? In this case, I give you a chance, why don't you fight?" Jin Zhantian asked proudly.

"Compete with you? Who are you? Do I know you?" Chu Yan was stunned, and then smiled unintentionally. He came to Shura Platform just to accumulate achievements, but in the eyes of others, it became a competition?

Everyone was speechless. Chu Yan actually asked Jin Zhantian who he was.

"It's ridiculous. At this point, you avoid fighting, and you dare to call yourself a genius. You don't deserve the position on the Xunxian list. You dare not fight, and pretend to be noble. In the end, it's ridiculous." Jin Zhantian said coldly. He didn't believe that Chu Yan didn't know him, but he asked him who he was in public. Undoubtedly, it was to raise his status, but in his opinion, it was even more ridiculous.

It's a pity that he was wrong. Chu Yan really didn't know him.

Hearing his words, Chu Yan turned around again. It was ridiculous that people in this world were always so arrogant, thinking that they were born in a powerful force and had the capital to be arrogant, looking down on the world's pride.

Chu Yan looked at Jin Zhantian deeply, but did not speak. There was only a very strong sneer in his eyes. Then he looked up and looked at the forty-nine Douxiantai in the distance, and flew out in one step.


The people under the stage were speechless for a long time.

Under the Shura Stage, he went straight to the Douxiantai.

It turned out that this was his goal. As for the Shuratai, it was just a process of accumulating battle records.

The strong wind swept past, and Chu Yan had rushed into the fairy light. The forty-nine Douxiantai resonated and covered him with fighting spirit. The next second, his body had landed steadily on the first floor of the Douxiantai, like a peerless god of war.

Jin Zhantian was on the Shuratai, thinking of the sneer just now and Chu Yan's voice asking him who he was, his face sank, as if he had been greatly humiliated.

Just as Chu Yan said, from the beginning to the end, he was the only one who cared. Chu Yan never regarded him as an opponent, nor did he intend to compete with him.

Everything was just his imaginary enemy.

"Fighting Immortal Platform..." Qiu Mingzhi smiled bitterly. His goal and ambition were there. The so-called road that no one could stop was also there.

But how far could he go? The forty-nine-story Fighting Immortal Platform, one for life and death, with immortal puppets, and endless killing. So far, only three people have reached the end.

And those three people are now legends.

Stepping onto the Fighting Immortal Platform, Chu Yan immediately felt the terrible immortal power, bathing in it, very comfortable, and then he realized that his realm and luck here had changed, as if they were formed according to this immortal platform.

After a while, the space in front of him condensed, and a puppet slowly condensed. When the puppet came out, it was a top-level Tianjun, and it was extremely strong. It stood up and pressed towards Chu Yan.

Arrived at Douxiantai, finally came up, as long as he killed his way out of here, he could make a wish to Xunxianjie and find Qingcheng.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan's eyes became more determined, and he turned his hand, and the terrible force pressed down, and the huge palm print smashed and directly broke the puppet.

First floor, passed!

Then he went forward and walked to the second floor. Chu Yan found that his own strength was actually strengthened a little, including luck, which also increased a little.

"How wonderful!" Chu Yan continued, and he turned his handprint and stepped out of ten floors in succession. The puppets on each floor were killed by him in seconds, and then those puppets turned into a force and flew into his body. Although it was very subtle, it was very warm, and it was actually improving his limbs and bones.

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