Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 769: Disaster in the Central Region

The ancient man in the sky looked at him with a condensed look: "Do you want your luck to become the best in the world of Xunxian and become a legacy?"

At this time, Liu Qingcheng had walked out of the light. She became more beautiful and charming. Her realm had also broken through. She became a ninth-level monarch and a top-level heavenly monarch.

"One day, my way will come true. At that time, I will become the incarnation of the legacy." Chu Yan smiled slightly. Then, he turned around and let the thousands of lights shine. He didn't care. He didn't have the slightest regret. As for the strongest legacy, if he didn't take it, would he not be able to become the best in the fairyland?

"Let's go!" Chu Yan came to Liu Qingcheng's side and took her slender jade hand. Liu Qingcheng smiled gently and nodded.

"Everyone, goodbye." Chu Yan smiled brightly. This is the world of martial arts and the world of cultivation. Separation is inevitable.

Everyone understood and did not try to persuade him to stay: "Brother Chu, if you go to the eastern part of the fairyland in the future, you must come to visit me."

Ouyang Mu also came over and handed a piece of blue crystal to Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng respectively: "This crystal is unique to my ancient Ouyang clan. Even if we are thousands of miles apart and in different time and space, we can still communicate with each other. If you have a chance, go back to the clan to take a look."

"Brother, you must take care of yourself too! Help me take good care of my mother." Liu Qingcheng's autumn eyes turned red, and she was a little reluctant.

"Okay." Ouyang Mu nodded briefly, and looked at Chu Yan again: "Qingcheng will be handed over to you. There are countless Tianjiao in the fairyland. In the fairyland, if you don't become a fairy, you are nothing. Although you have the Dragon Alliance as a backing, if you are not strong, everything is empty talk. I don't want to see Qingcheng next time I see her again."

"Definitely." Chu Yan nodded. The fairyland is vast. This time he just searched the eastern part of the fairyland, and he met countless Tianjiao. As Ouyang Mu said, background is always just background, not your own. Only by becoming stronger can you do it.

Fairyland, fairy position, is just a threshold.

A monarch, even a top-level Heavenly Monarch, is too insignificant there.

"Let's go!" Chu Yan took a deep breath and looked at the vast territory again: "Everyone, see you in the fairyland."

"See you in the fairyland!"

The next second, the two left hand in hand and stepped into the chaotic time and space.

Looking at that back, everyone sighed in their hearts. On a distant mountain, Chu Ji was also here, sending silent blessings, and then turned around. The next life still had to be waited for with a smile.

In the east, the strongest luck has been born, and was obtained by Ouyang Mu, Yu Qiong Yan'er, and Liu Qingcheng respectively. Now the eastern part of Xunxian Realm is no longer worth staying for some top-level Tianjiao.

So people from all sides have begun to prepare and are ready to leave first.

"Brother Ouyang, we will take our leave." Wang Yu said politely to Ouyang Mu, and then looked at Chen Le: "What about you, will you go back with me? Or will you continue to practice here?"

"Alas, if I hadn't seen that evildoer, this Xunxian Realm would be full of treasures, but seeing him, this Xunxian Realm is really a bit despised." Chen Le said seriously: "Forget it, forget it, I am such a genius, it's a waste of time to stay here, I'd better go back and discuss with Master as soon as possible to see if he can use some connections to send me to the central part of the fairyland."

Wang Yu rolled his eyes at Chen Le. He really couldn't do anything about his little junior brother. He had a good talent, but he was just lazy.

"This time meeting Chu Yan may be an opportunity for him. I hope it can promote his practice." Wang Yu shook his head.

The story of the eastern part of Xunxian Realm gradually ended with Chu Yan's departure. Everything returned to normal. A large number of people poured out of Xunxian Realm and returned to the fairyland, preparing to report to their forces.

Of course, there were also people with keen perception, all of whom smelled a breath of unrest.

Some people thought that this was just an opportunity, and there would be more unrest in the future, but they could not have expected that it was everything today that laid the foundation for the pattern of the eastern part of the fairyland in the long run.


It has been three years since Chu Yan left the central part.

Three years is too short for practitioners, especially those with high realms. It is rumored that the fairy emperor may be in seclusion for two hundred years.

However, for the young people in the fairy world, they have been practicing for less than a hundred years, but three years seems to be extremely long.

Three years is enough for too many things to happen.

When Chu Yan left, he was seriously injured by Chen Huangsheng and blasted into the chaotic time and space. There has been no news for three years, and his life and death are unknown.

Some people say that Chu Yan must be dead. Of course, this possibility is the greatest. After all, it is a chaotic time and space. Even the strong people in the fairy realm may not be sure that they can go smoothly, let alone a seriously injured monarch, who is too small in that endless time and space.

It is precisely because of this that the accumulated war situation has become more and more serious. The leaders are the Holy Dragon Alliance and Jianshen Mountain. Back then, Lin Ang took Chu Yan and others to ride the Holy Dragon to kill Su Changge and made a bold statement that he would fight the Immortal Realm and the Xunxian Realm.

Now, the war between the two sides has reached its peak.

In the Xunxian Realm Burial Cliff, the two sides often collided with each other. The most tragic one was that both sides came out in full force. Jian Beifeng fought with the King of Qin for three days. The King of Qin was defeated, but Jian Beifeng was also seriously injured. Countless disciples from both sides were killed and injured.

On the same day, Huaqing Immortal Dynasty announced that it would officially go to war with the Holy Dragon Alliance.

Led by Hua Qingyun, countless disciples of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty chased and killed the people of the Holy Dragon Alliance. In the end, Lin Ang came forward and scolded them to retreat.

Afterwards, Chen Huangsheng broke through in seclusion, and his luck reached the upper golden luck. He realized a trace of the meaning of the saints. Now he is extremely terrifying.

The next day, there was another explosion in the central part of Xunxian Realm. The Chen clan also participated in the siege of the Holy Dragon Alliance, and Chen Huangsheng was present in person.

In the central part, the Holy Dragon League can be said to be in a desperate situation, surrounded by all sides.

On this day, the sky where the Holy Dragon League is located surged and dark clouds gathered.

In the direction of the Holy Dragon League, King Qin and Lin Ang stood at the front, and Ye Xun, Wang Feng, Xiao Lang and others were all there. Because of an incident three years ago, the three of them have been practicing very hard in the past three years, including the lazy Xiao Lang, who is also very diligent.

The three of them now are all in the realm of Tianjun, and the middle Tianjun.

"Here they come!" The disciples of the Holy Dragon League focused their eyes, and the clouds in the distance surged, and immediately there were sword sounds, flames, and terrible ancient texts descended.

"The people from the three top forces of Jianshen Mountain, Chen Clan, and Huaqing Immortal Dynasty came to encircle and suppress." Others felt guilty. Such a terrible lineup is enough to destroy any party in the Xunxian Realm, right?

At the top of a cliff, King Qin looked extremely serious and glared at Lin Ang: "If I have the chance to go back, I must discuss with Master whether to let your Dragon Alliance go out independently."

"That old man won't agree." Lin Ang smiled slightly, and King Qin sighed: "No news from him yet?"

"He will come back."

"Are you so sure?"

"Of course, he is a disciple of the Dragon Alliance." Lin Ang looked beyond the clouds, his eyes determined: "Get ready for the battle."

"Chen Huangsheng and Hua Qingfu, can you beat them?" King Qin looked at Lin Ang. Today's battle is also the top battle in the Immortal Seeking Realm. Even King Qin is not qualified to participate in it, and this battle is enough to affect the entire battle situation.

If Lin Ang wins, even if the children of their Holy Dragon Alliance below are defeated, they are still not afraid, but if they lose, the Holy Dragon Alliance in the Immortal Seeking Realm may be destroyed.

"I don't know." Lin Ang shook his head. He had fought with Hua Qingfu once and the result was a draw. Now, three years have passed and he has comprehended the meaning of the sages, but how could the other party stand still?

Besides Hua Qingfu, there is also Chen Huangsheng. It is not unreasonable that he would be the top of the Xunxian Ranking.

"Didn't you say that the disciples of the Dragon Alliance have never lost a fight?" King Qin was speechless.

"Two against one, why don't you go and fight?" Lin Ang rolled his eyes. If it was one-on-one, he was at least confident that he could draw, but if the other two joined forces, he was not sure.

"Forget it, life and death are determined by fate."

"Holy Dragon Alliance!" Just at this moment, a cold voice came from the void. Jian Beifeng spoke first, raised his head slightly, and looked down: "Burial Cliff, we have agreed to fight. Now that many years have passed, it is time to make a break."

King Qin did not look at Jian Beifeng, but turned to look at Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and Chen Clan: "Emperor Chen is also an old predecessor in the Immortal Realm, with a very high status. Huaqing Immortal Dynasty is an ancient dynasty. Now they are united to deal with my Holy Dragon Alliance. Don't you think it is shameless?"

"Hand over the person. Someone must pay the price for Fengsheng's death." Chen Huangsheng said calmly. The only people he wanted were Ye Xun, Wangfeng, and Xiaolang. Someone must pay the price for Chen Fengsheng's death.

"My Huaqing Immortal Dynasty also means this. Hand over the person. Otherwise, today's Burial Cliff will be the burial place of the Holy Dragon Alliance." Hua Qingyun spoke coldly. He still remembers the humiliation of that day.

King Qin's face was ashen, but before he could speak, a voice from the side had already been heard.

"Dream on!" Lin Ang said coldly, his aura burning, and immediately turned into an endless phantom of a saint. With just this thought, many people in the distance felt the terrible deterrence.

"So strong!"

"You can't bully me, the people of the Dragon Alliance. Today, you can't take anyone away!"

"Lin Ang, you can't stop us today." Hua Qingfu spoke proudly. In the past three years, he has indeed made a lot of progress. He is one step away from being a saint. Suddenly, the terrible holy light in his body rose into the air, shattering the series of sound phantoms.

"No need to talk nonsense, do it." Chen Huangsheng's eyes were cold, and then he flew out directly in white clothes and grabbed Ye Xun.

"Roar!" The little wolf let out a low roar and turned into a ten-meter demon wolf, asking all the demons to surrender. He attacked fiercely. Facing that power, many people were shocked.

"What a terrible demon wolf."

"Get out!" Chen Huangsheng clenched his palms, and immediately countless ancient texts formed, turning into killing techniques, destroying everything, and smashed towards the little wolf with a thud.

"Son of a bitch!" Wang Feng also roared at this time, and a terrifying demon wing spread out from behind him. The void shook, causing a violent wind, and he rushed out with a demon halberd.

"It's started!" Many people gathered their minds, and this battle finally started.

But what made people helpless was that today's battle was all because of a person from the star sea.

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