Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 775 Chu Yan vs. Hua Qingfu

Above the forest, there was a figure in white standing in the air with his hands behind his back. His long hair was flying, and his charming face was so familiar. His whole body exuded an invincible aura. He stood there, but it seemed like the whole world. Who else could it be except Chu Yan?

All the Tianjiao looked at each other. Chu Yan, he came, really came.

"Brother!" Wang Feng looked up and suddenly showed ecstasy. His peerless senior brother was not dead and came back again, like a legend.

"Chu Yan, you really dare to come!" Hua Mu's eyes flashed fiercely, and he also laughed contemptuously, not taking Chu Yan seriously at all: "In this case, it's just right. It is rumored that you have entered the top Tianjun. Come out and fight with me."

Chu Yan glanced at Hua Mu, then turned around, as if he didn't see it, and ignored it directly, causing Hua Mu's mouth to twitch.

"Sorry, I'm late." Chu Yan fell down and said with some self-blame. Although he expected that Huaqing Immortal Dynasty would retaliate against him, he didn't expect that they would be so shameless and send nearly a hundred Heavenly Lords to hunt down Ye Xun and the other two. If he hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

"It's okay, I knew that Senior Brother would definitely come back." Wangfeng smiled carelessly, and then he said: "Senior Brother, what should we do with this group of people next?"

"Don't worry, none of them can escape." Chu Yan glanced at the injuries on Wangfeng's body, his eyes turned cold, and he said coldly.

The next moment, he turned and looked at Lin Daoyan, a little strange. He and Lin Daoyan can be said to be old friends, and they knew each other earlier than Wangfeng and Ye Xun.

At the beginning, when the seal of the stars in the world was still there and the wilderness was king, Lin Daoyan was the young master of one of the three valleys. The two had fought countless times until the galaxy, the sea of ​​​​stars, and then to the fairyland.

The relationship between him and Lin Daoyan also became subtle, both enemies and friends. This was not the first time that Lin Daoyan helped him.

"Thank you." Chu Yan said seriously, Lin Daoyan waved his hand indifferently: "I just don't like them."

"Then are you interested in fighting again next time?" Chu Yan asked with a smile, Lin Daoyan shrugged indifferently: "Sure."

Chu Yan nodded, then he looked at the old subordinates of Huaqing Xianchao and Jianshen, his eyes gradually became cold, like ice: "Jian Shenshan, I originally spared your lives, since you are thinking about it, then today, you don't have to leave, stay."

"You are too arrogant!" Jian Beifeng looked very ugly in the crowd. In the battle that day, he was killed instantly, which can be said to be a great shame.

But today, Hua Qingfu is here. He is a real genius, one of the top three, and the person with the strongest luck. How can Chu Yan beat him?

"You were the one who did it just now?" Chu Yan looked up at Hua Mu, and Hua Mu's mouth curled up. Although he was the heir of the Qin prince, he was extremely talented and his fighting power was stronger than Hua Qingyun. Although he did not enter the top ten of the Xunxian Ranking, he thought that it was just because the Xunxian Ranking was short-sighted and he lacked a battle to become famous.

And now Chu Yan appeared, giving him this opportunity.

"So what?" Hua Mu nodded slightly, looking down on everything.

"Then you can die." Chu Yan said indifferently, and then he took a step forward, his feet were full of wind, and then he grabbed Hua Mu in the void. There was a long distance between the two, but the next moment, Hua Mu felt an extremely terrible force pressing down.

"You are so presumptuous!" The breath in Hua Mu's body suddenly changed, and the Jiangshan Tujue turned into endless divine weapons and shot out.

"Bang!" But under the hand of the devil, those magic weapons had no choice but to be destroyed. Chu Yan's big hand pressed down mercilessly, as if invincible, and the scroll was torn apart. Then he clenched his arm, and Hua Mu's face changed in shock. Then he wanted to retreat, but it was too late. The devil's hand grabbed him directly and lifted him into the air.

"No!" Hua Mu screamed and spit out a mouthful of blood, full of disbelief and fear.

As a top-level heavenly monarch, he didn't even take a single blow from the opponent's hand?

The crackling sound continued in the air, and Chu Yan's devil's hand spread wildly, and Hua Mu was immediately broken, as if he would be torn to pieces by the devil's hand at any time.

"Stop!" At this moment, a very terrible force suddenly descended, and the sky seemed to change color. Then countless people looked in the direction of that force, and their hearts trembled.

"Hua Qingfu! Is he finally going to make a move?" Countless people were shocked. Even though Chu Yan had shown great strength before and had taken all the glory of the Xunxian Realm in the past few days, everyone was still moved when Hua Qingfu stood out.

Just because, that was Hua Qingfu, one of the top three in the Xunxian Realm, and his legend had never been broken.

"Hua Qing Xian Dynasty, are you going to bully our Dragon Alliance?" At this moment, another figure in white came walking in from a distance and stood there. His voice was plain, but it was not to be underestimated.

"Lin Ang! His injuries have recovered." Everyone's eyes froze. If Lin Ang appeared, plus Chu Yan now, the Hua Qing Xian Dynasty would be in trouble.

"Brother, I'll do it." But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly smiled calmly. Lin Ang glanced at Chu Yan, then nodded without saying anything and retreated.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this. Lin Ang, don't make a move?

At this time, Chu Yan looked at Hua Qingfu and said very coldly: "I have no hatred with Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. It was just because Hua Qingyu coveted my magical powers in the Endless World. I seriously injured him but did not take his life. However, he teamed up with Jianshenshan to launch a sneak attack, so I killed him just now."

"But I didn't expect that because of this matter, you would vent your anger on my junior brother. Back then, you Hua Qingfu became famous very early and was ranked top three on the Immortal Seeking List. My junior brother was no better than the Earth King, but you ignored your status and seriously injured my junior brother. At that time, you Let me go and die within three days. You are so high and arrogant that you can take my life with just one word."

"But, at that time, you did have that capital, but you never thought that some people, even when they have not grown up, are not something you can offend, because when they grow up, they will be someone you can't look up to. height."

Everyone stared at Chu Yan.

"Are you talking about yourself?" Hua Qingfu smiled coldly: "Even if you become a top-level Tianjun, you are still not qualified to fight with me."

"Yes." Chu Yan nodded, and then he slowly stepped out and looked at Hua Qingfu: "I originally thought that we would solve it together after half a month. In this case, you should move forward a little earlier, Hua Qingfu, looking for the fairy world When it is opened, you are the king of heaven, and I am just the king of earth. Later, the list of seeking immortals is opened, and you are known as the legend of the world of seeking immortals. You once said that you will never lose. Well, today, a person you once looked down on If I want to challenge you, you won’t refuse, right?”

Hua Qingfu's eyes narrowed. He had always been worried about Lin Ang before, but now Chu Yan wanted to challenge him and make him show a mocking smile.

"It seems that destroying Sword God Mountain and being praised by others has given you a lot of confidence." Hua Qingfu sighed and shook his head: "However, this kind of blind confidence will only harm you. You have no idea that there is something wrong with you." What kind of existence it was before.”

"Fight or not!" Chu Yan's voice suddenly rose and became extremely strong.

The geniuses around were all excited and looked at Hua Qingfu. Some people laughed and said: "Hua Qingfu, you are the prince of the Immortal Kingdom and the person with the strongest luck. Since this son is bent on seeking death, then you can help him." "

"That's right!"

"You won't interfere?" Hua Qingfu raised his head and glanced at Lin Ang. In his opinion, Chu Yan was not worth mentioning at all. He challenged himself and wanted to become famous by himself? It was ridiculous. There was always only one person he was afraid of, Lin Ang, the Dragon Alliance.

"Do you think we, the Dragon League, are as shameless as your Huaqing Immortal Dynasty?" Lin Ang said disdainfully.

Hua Qingfu did not get angry. Instead, he nodded, looked up at Chu Yan, and took a step forward. The next moment, the glory of the royal family surrounded him, and he was like a peerless emperor. With just this thought, everyone in the world seemed to respect him: "Since If you want to die, I will help you. But now that my emperor's brother is still in your hands, aren't you going to let him go first? Or are you afraid that I will take your life after you are defeated, and you want to threaten me with my emperor's brother? ?”

"Let him go." Chu Yan said calmly. The disciples of the Holy Dragon Alliance frowned slightly, but seeing Chu Yan's insistence, they still nodded and dispersed the power that restrained Hua Qingyun.

Hua Qingfu's eyes changed slightly, and his smile became more playful: "You are really a person who will not resist the general. In this case, I will take your life today."

However, Chu Yan's eyes were cold from beginning to end, wouldn't he resist the temptation? He just disdains it. He will definitely take Hua Qingyun's life, but he will take it openly, which is not the case.



Suddenly, the world became extremely terrifying, and two rays of light intertwined, disturbing the genius.

In the hands of Hua Qingfu, the picture scroll of the country was brought to its extreme. In an instant, it seemed to turn this place into an ancient battlefield. Thousands of troops and horses were galloping, and he was the general, pointing the country. In addition, there was a sun above his head. A unique skill that merged with his luck and turned into a sky-burning sea of ​​fire.

"That is the inheritance of the strongest luck! Peerless magical power."

The central part, like the eastern part, also gave birth to the three strongest fortunes, which were won by Hua Qingfu, Chen Huangsheng, and Lin Ang respectively. There is no doubt about this.

But today, it was the first time that everyone saw the power of the strongest destiny.

"I have the strongest luck, and the Xunxian World recognizes me. You are destined to lose in this battle." Hua Qingfu was extremely arrogant, and with a wave of his palm, thousands of gun shadows immediately came to kill him, and destruction was wrapped in the gun shadows. The power of heaven and earth destroys everything.

But almost at the same time, Chu Yan also moved, and the Qi in his body also bloomed, showing a golden color. However, compared with Hua Qingfu's, it was a little less agile.

"Golden Luck, Chu Yan is indeed very strong. With his own strength, he gave birth to Immortal Luck."

"With golden luck, one is born to be an immortal. As long as one does not perish on the path of cultivation, he will surely become an immortal." Everyone said with envy. So far, there are only so many golden lucks in total.

"But it's a pity that Chu Yan's cultivation time is too short, and he doesn't have the strongest luck. Otherwise, he might really win today's battle." Some people regret that being born at the wrong time is not a kind of sadness, and luck?

If Chu Yan and Hua Qingfu were the same, born in the top power of the Immortal Realm, and had the same training time, with Chu Yan's talent, he might not be defeated today, right?

But unfortunately, in everyone's eyes, all this seems to have destined the outcome of today's battle.

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