Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 778: The estimated period [Three updates]

This battle is finally over.

The Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, which was prosperous not long ago, was annihilated by the entire army of the Holy Dragon Alliance today, and no one survived.

This is also the most tragic death and injury since the beginning of Xunxian World.

Similarly, it was also the most serious event in the history of the Xunxian Realm. This time, one of the top forces was buried. I don’t know how many princes died. Prince Qin had countless heirs, and Hua Qingfu was also destroyed. The original Holy Land was destroyed. , but became their burial ground.

The people watching were all upset.

Including the remnants of the sword body in the distance, they suddenly felt that it was ridiculous. They thought back to the time when Lin Ang killed the Sword God Mountain alone. Wasn't it the same way?

Being so arrogant is the character of the Dragon Alliance and it has never changed.

That day, the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty was so arrogant, saying that their prince would give Sword God Mountain a chance, but now, their prince is dead.

"Everyone in Sword God Mountain should also be destroyed." Lin Ang said calmly. Today, he was really angry. The Immortal Emperor, the highest being in the Immortal Realm, took action against his junior brother regardless of his status.

If he didn't show any attitude today, wouldn't the people of the Immortal Realm think that he, the Dragon Alliance, was easy to bully?

After the first time, there will be a second time. From now on, how can the Dragon Alliance gain a foothold in the Immortal Realm?

"Lin Ang, have you thought about the consequences of doing this?" The remaining members of Sword God Mountain said angrily.

"Consequences? You don't deserve to talk to me. If you want revenge, we, the Dragon Alliance, are waiting." Lin Ang nodded slightly, then turned around and landed next to Chu Yan: "How is it?"

From beginning to end, Chu Yan saw everything with his eyes, a trace of warmth flowed in his heart, and he shook his head: "It's nothing serious."

"That's good. Can we still fight in the battle half a month later?" Lin Ang asked.

"Yes." Chu Yan nodded, and then he stood up slowly, with sharp eyes, shooting towards an extremely distant place: "I, Chu Yan, will fight against Chen Huangsheng in the Xunxian Realm in half a month. If you are interested, please come and witness it! ”

"Boom!" This news came out, causing another sensation in the Xunxian world.

Chu Yan just defeated Hua Qingfu. Half a month later, would he fight Chen Huangsheng?

Chen Huangsheng is probably even stronger than Hua Qingfu. After all, he is the number one on the Immortal Seeking List and the number one genius in the central region. This ranking is by no means an unearned one.

Especially in the past three years, Chen Huangsheng has made great progress. It is said that he has reached a terrifying level. He should be only one step away from becoming a sage.

"Let's go back!"

Lin Ang said, and then Liu Qingcheng supported Chu Yan and went back with him.


In the middle of the Immortal Realm, at a very high place, there is a land of the Immortal Dynasty. Ancient palaces are built here, with an unparalleled aura and extremely grandeur.

However, at this moment, within the Immortal Dynasty, there were lines of anger that bloomed and exploded at the same time, followed by terrifying roars.

"My son!"

"My good disciple!" In the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, immortals kept getting angry.

"Dragon Alliance!!!" At this moment, there was a ferocious roar, and then everyone looked up and saw a huge shadow there, which made countless people tremble: "Right Prime Minister Immortal Emperor, he is also angry. , what happened?”

"It's the Xunxian Realm!" Suddenly a steward of King Qin said with extreme coldness: "In our Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, all the people who were in the Xunxian Realm have died..."

"What!" The people of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty trembled in their hearts. How could this be possible? Isn't Xunxian World a holy land for cultivation? Why did everyone die inside? Prince Fu should be there too, he died too?

"What happened in the world of Xunxian!" someone whispered.

"From today on, the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and the Holy Dragon Alliance will fight to the death!" At this moment, from a palace in the farthest corner of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, a voice suddenly came from the heaven and earth. This was the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. The emperor's voice shocked everyone again. This was a fairy war about to break out.

But it is not surprising. In the Immortal Seeking World, there were nearly a thousand disciples from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, all of whom were the most outstanding descendants. Now, all of them have fallen. How can this hatred be resolved?

"Spread the word, our Huaqing Immortal Dynasty will search for a Xinghai disciple in the entire Immortal Realm. After searching for the Immortal Realm, he will definitely set foot in the Immortal Realm. When the time comes, who can kill him? The woman can be a princess with a foreign surname, and the man, You can be my personal descendant!" Huaqing Immortal Dynasty released another piece of news, and immediately, the Immortal Realm was in shock.

Of course, Chu Yan didn't know about what happened in the Immortal Realm. He had been healing his wounds since the end of the First World War.

"The blow from the Immortal Emperor's Immortal Mind is really uncomfortable." In a thatched cottage, Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes and smiled bitterly. If it weren't for the protection of a golden bloodline in his body, it would be hard to say whether he could survive now.

"This bloodline is so powerful. When I was just an emperor, I was able to fight in the imperial realm. But I didn't expect that I could block the Immortal Emperor's attack. It's a pity that this power cannot be used by me. Otherwise, I will be in trouble in the future. How terrible is it?" Chu Yan sighed.

"How is your recovery from the injury?" Lin Ang came over at this time and looked at Chu Yan.

"It's almost done." Chu Yan stood up, hesitated, and asked, "Senior brother, how is the Immortal Domain now?"

He is not a fool. After such a long time, he has already understood some things. This time in Xunxian World, some people have indeed passed. The two top forces of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and Sword God Mountain were completely wiped out. Xunxian World Although it seems calm in the world, a storm may have begun to roll up in the fairyland.

"You don't have to worry about it." Lin Ang smiled and shook his head: "Although many people died this time, they were only the monarchs and the younger generation. Although the two major forces are furious, they will not directly attack because of this. After all, no one can easily withstand that level of immortal war."

"I have also sent the news back to the Dragon Alliance. Fourth Senior Brother asked me to tell you to practice with peace of mind and step into the Dragon Alliance. There is your home. As long as you are still a disciple of the Dragon Alliance and the Dragon Alliance is still there, no one in the Immortal Realm dares to touch you." Lin Ang said firmly.

Chu Yan felt warm in his heart, and his sense of belonging to the Dragon Alliance became stronger.

In fact, he had also considered that this matter was so big, and it was mainly caused by him. The Immortal Realm would definitely put pressure on the Dragon Alliance, but Lin Ang's words today undoubtedly told him that the Dragon Alliance would not give up anyone.

"After searching for the Immortal Realm, will you go back to the Dragon Alliance with me?" Lin Ang asked. Chu Yan's identity is special now, and he is wanted in the Immortal Realm. Although there is the Dragon Alliance, many people will be cautious. At least they dare not do anything to Chu Yan in public, but it is hard to say in secret.

Although Chu Yan has good talent, he is only a monarch after all. If someone in the Immortal Realm takes action and assassinates him, Chu Yan will definitely die.

"I still have some things to do in Xinghai that have not been concluded. After finishing, I will go to the Immortal Realm on my own." Chu Yan said.

"That's good. In this case, I will go back to the Immortal Realm first. I will pick you up in Xinghai soon. By the way, if there are any troubles in Xinghai, I will help you solve them together." Lin Ang paused and smiled, "I will not be there in the battle in half a month. Don't embarrass the Dragon Alliance."

"Okay." Chu Yan felt warm in his heart. He understood that Lin Ang did this because he was worried about his safety. Then his eyes brightened slightly.

The matter of Xinghai should indeed be concluded. In a blink of an eye, I haven't returned for another six years. I wonder if everyone is okay.

In a blink of an eye, the half-month deadline is approaching.

As for the place of the battle, it was decided to be in the place of chaotic time and space.

On this day, early in the morning, people from all forces gathered here, and everyone was extremely excited.

"The people from Qiongyao Fairy Palace have arrived, Lin Xueqiao, she is here too." Everyone looked up and was slightly moved. Today, Lin Xueqiao was dressed very beautifully, which made people envious.

"People from the Holy Academy are here too." At this time, there was another commotion. Many people turned around and saw a group of people who looked like scholars slowly coming, led by Shuzi and Youzi.

"People from Tianhua Fairy Palace are here too, and the one leading them is Youyan."

As the crowd gathered, all the people who came here were top-level geniuses, but they were very conscious and stood aside, because the protagonists today were not them, but Chen Huangsheng and Chu Yan.

At this time, there was a crisp dragon roar in the sky, and everyone looked up, only to see a golden holy dragon lurking and coming, with several figures standing above it.

"It's the people of the Holy Dragon Alliance, Chu Yan is here!" Countless people trembled in their hearts. On the Holy Dragon, Chu Yan and King Qin stood in the first place.

"Senior sister." Liu Qingcheng also came, looking in the direction of Youyan, and chuckled.

"Junior sister." Youyan smiled lovingly: "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry to have worried you." Liu Qingcheng nodded lightly, then took Chu Yan's hand and introduced: "Chu Yan, this is my senior sister, Youyan."

"Chu Yan meets senior sister, thank you for taking care of my friend in the past three years." Chu Yan said politely. These days, he also heard from Ye Xun and Wangfeng that Tianhua Fairy Palace has taken care of them a lot in the past three years. Otherwise, they would have fallen into the hands of Chen Huangsheng and Huaqing Fairy Dynasty several times.

Looking at Chu Yan, Youyan smiled with satisfaction: "My junior master asked Master for this opportunity for you back then, and I was a little skeptical, but today, I saw that I was right. In just a few years, you have reached such a height."

"Senior sister, you are too kind." Chu Yan smiled.

At this moment, in this chaotic land, a gust of wind suddenly rolled up, extremely violent, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

The next moment, countless people's eyes froze. Above the storm, there was a figure. He was wearing a purple robe, with his hands behind his back. He was unparalleled in the world, Chen Huangsheng.

"You are here." Chu Yan looked at Chen Huangsheng as usual, and the coldness in his eyes became stronger. He still remembered the battle that year. Today's battle would be a humiliating battle.

"You didn't die even though you were seriously injured and fell into the chaotic time and space. Your life is really strong enough." Chen Huangsheng raised his head slightly and looked at Chu Yan indifferently: "But it's a pity that it seems that you don't know what it means to cherish, and you are so eager to die."

"Chen Huangsheng, three years ago, you were a top-level Tianjun and seriously injured me. Now, I am also a top-level Tianjun. Let's decide the winner today."

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