Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 783 The Glory of Tianbei Mountain

The opening of the Immortal Seeking World ushered in a new era for Xinghai.

At that time, there were rumors that the Xunxian Realm was opened because a big figure in the Xianyu Realm personally spoke out, claiming that a chosen being would be born in the sea of ​​​​stars.

Today's Tongtian Xinghai is very lively.

On the top of Tianbei Mountain, in a palace, many important figures came to congratulate him.

Three years ago, Tianbei Tianmang walked out of the world of seeking immortals and became the first person. On the same day, Tianbei Mountain announced that Tianbei Tianmang was destined to be a disciple of the top forces and was the chosen one. .

Since then, this situation has been seen every day, and even some stars thousands of miles apart will send people to make friends.

As a result, in the past three years, the power of Tianbei Mountain has continued to expand, and some nearby star seas have chosen to submit.

When the Immortal Realm first opened, and the old Saint King of Tianbei Mountain claimed that he wanted to unify the sea of ​​stars, there were still some people who refused to accept it. But now that the Monument Tianmang has ascended to destiny and has been accepted as a disciple by the top forces in the Immortal Realm, do they still have a chance to refuse? ?

Instead of waiting to be annexed, it is better to have a good attitude now and submit voluntarily. This way there is at least a chance. Maybe the talented disciples of your own star sea will also have the opportunity to join the top forces and practice. .

"Congratulations to the old Saint King. Young Master Tianmang can join the top force in the Immortal Realm. With Young Master Tianmang's talent, he will surely have a great journey in the future and become a giant in the Immortal Realm."

"Haha, yes, I have already said that Young Master Tianmang is unparalleled in the world. Born in the Immortal Realm, he is indeed extraordinary." Overlord-level sages from all the major star seas all said to please him.

"Old Holy King, Master Tianmang joined the top force in the Immortal Realm three years ago. I just don't know which top force in the Immortal Realm he is. How about telling him and making us envious?" There are also some witty people, Nowadays, only Tianbei Tianmang has left the world of Xunxian. All the news was released by Tianbei Mountain. It is difficult to tell whether it is true or false.

But all of their major star seas have some connections in the Immortal Realm, so they also want to know which top force they are, so they can investigate.

Now, the Xinghai pattern has been established, Shenzhu Mountain has formed its own faction, and it is openly at war with Tianbei Mountain.

If the news is true, there is no harm in surrendering.

But if it is fake, they don't want to be used as gun users.

"Since we are the top power, we naturally cannot say anything casually. You will know it soon." The old Holy King smiled calmly, and the overlords from all sides secretly cursed the old fox.

At this moment, a terrifying sword shadow suddenly flashed above the sea of ​​stars.

The sword shadow reached its peak, covering the entire Tianbei Mountain from top to bottom, causing countless people to freeze their gazes and become serious.

"Who is coming?" Guards immediately entered the sky in Tianbei Mountain, but unfortunately, the sword shadow was so fast that they didn't even have a chance to react and were buried.

Then more people frowned, including the overlords of the Star Sea, and raised their heads. This is Tianbei Mountain, the most sacred place in the Star Sea. The old Saint King is still in the mountain. Now there are people who dare to fly in the air here. This is unavoidable. Don’t you take them seriously?

Who are these people?

The old Saint King's face also darkened slightly, because he discovered that some of the powers on the sword shadow were even more terrifying than him, and they were all in the Immortal Realm.

Tianbei Tianmang raised his head and clenched his fist slightly. Is it Chu Yan? Has he come out of the world of seeking immortality?

A moment later, there were countless swords floating in the void, and there was a person standing on each sword. They were young and handsome.

"Immortals, they are all immortals!" The hearts of the people in Tianbei Mountain trembled. This group of young people were actually immortals, the supreme beings in the sea of ​​stars.

"Where is the sky monument and the sky light?" At this moment, the leader suddenly spoke.

Tianbei Tianmang stood up slowly, feeling uneasy in his heart. Only he knew that the news spread was false. He was not the chosen one at all, and he had not joined the top immortal forces. But now, a group of terrifying immortals have arrived. .

"Junior Tianbei Tianmang, I would like to pay my respects to my senior." Tianbei Tianmang lowered his head.

"Release your life soul, king's map, and luck." The man on the sword spoke again. Tianmeng was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and did as the man said, releasing his life soul, king's map, and luck. They bloomed one after another, and the golden light filled the sky, which was very bright.

"Okay, not bad." Someone on the sword nodded approvingly: "We come from the Immortal Domain Sword God Mountain, and are disciples of the Juesheng Sword Emperor. We are here to ask on the orders of our master, are you willing to worship me in the Sword God Mountain? Are you going to practice in my Sword God Mountain?"

"Sword God Mountain!" The eyes of countless Star Sea Overlords suddenly shrank. They have their own connections in the Immortal Realm, so they have naturally heard of Sword God Mountain.

There, it was a legendary place, one of the top powers in the Immortal Realm.

Now, Sword God Mountain sent people to Xinghai to accept Tianbei Tianmang as his disciple.

That means that the news that was spread before is true!

Tianbei Tianmang also trembled in his heart, and even felt a little unbelievable, but he immediately came back to his senses and bowed slightly: "This junior has long been full of respect for Sword God Mountain. This is my honor."

"Very good. From today on, you are my disciple of Sword God Mountain. This is your token!" The man on the sword waved his hand and threw out a small golden sword: "Are you going to leave with us now, or are you going to leave with me now?" After some time?”

"This junior still has some unresolved matters in Xinghai."

"Okay, since you have joined my Sword God Mountain, I will help you solve your problems. Solve them quickly, and then follow us back to Sword God Mountain." Someone on the sword said. The reason they came this time was to take in disciples. The real purpose was to avenge Jian Beifeng.

But they needed a motive to take action. The matter of looking for the fairyland had nothing to do with the fairyland. They had no reason to do so. But if they took Tianbei Tianmang as a disciple, it would be different.

"Thank you, senior." Tianbei Tianmang's eyes were extremely excited. He never expected that he missed the Holy Dragon Alliance and now he was accepted by Sword God Mountain.

"You all came from afar, so you can rest in my Tianbei Mountain first." The old saint king also stood up and greeted them warmly.

"Okay!" The immortals of Sword God Mountain did not refuse, so they stayed here.

Then, this news immediately fermented at a terrifying speed, reaching a level that had never been seen in the past three years.

Some of the Xinghai that were still wavering, after what happened today, chose to stand and surrender.

Even Tianbei Tianmang himself did not expect this sudden recruitment of disciples.

But he did not care. He was now a disciple of Jianshen Mountain and a member of the top power in the fairyland. He thought that he was not weaker than Chu Yan.

He even guessed that Chu Yan might have had an accident in the Xianjie and provoked Jianshen Mountain, which gave him this opportunity, which made his eyes even more ferocious.

As the news spread, some people finally began to sit still.

Especially the disciples of Shenzhu Mountain, although there had been news that Tianbei Tianmang was the chosen one, now that the matter was confirmed, their faces became extremely ugly.

Tianbei Tianmang joined the top power in the fairyland, and Tianbei Mountain and Shenzhu Mountain were already mortal enemies. Then, can Shenzhu Mountain still survive?

Of course, some people also remembered the young man who shone brightly at the entrance of Xunxian Realm. At that time, he was so charming that the top luck mirror lit up for him, and he won the top luck. He refused to obey fate and his fate was higher than the sky.

At that time, he took all the glory, and even made people have the illusion that he was the chosen one. In the past three years, Shenzhu Mountain has been in uneasiness, and the only hope is that boy.

But now, people from Jianshen Mountain have come, and Tianbei Tianmang has joined them. Their hope has not returned, which has made countless people feel heavier and vaguely desperate.

But compared with Shenzhu Mountain, the more panicked ones are the original sixteen veins of Tianbei, the Saint Gates, Wangxian Tower, and the Ancient Road Demon Sect.

In the matter of Xinghe, the Saint Gates left Tianbei Mountain, and the Demon Sect and Wangxian Tower responded and became independent. But now, the power of Tianbei Mountain has become so great that how can they be stable.

On the same day, the Jiuyou Dynasty, the Zilei Dynasty, the Western Region Galaxy, Jian Wuya, and the Beast King Palace all went to Tianbei Mountain to congratulate, especially the Jiuyou Emperor.

He wore the imperial robe of the nine-headed demon snake, and one of his sleeves fluttered in the wind. It was obviously a broken arm, which was cut off by the people of the Tiandi Sect at the Tianzhao Banquet.

In the battle that year, he was also the only emperor who survived among the five major forces.

Even so, he still lost an arm. For him, this has always been a blood feud. It’s a pity that Chu Yan’s power has grown, leaving him no chance to take revenge.

But now, it’s different. Tianbei Tianmang has joined the top forces, and Tianbei Mountain has gathered the power of the world. He seems to have seen the day when Shenzhu Mountain will be destroyed, and all the holy sects, the Demon Sect, and the Wangxian Tower will be destroyed.

"Congratulations, Master Tianmang, for joining the top forces in the fairyland!" Jiuyou Emperor congratulated as he stepped into the hall.

"Jiuyou, it seems that you have successfully come out of retreat?" The old Saint King looked at Emperor Jiuyou and smiled.

"Thanks to the Saint King's blessing, I have become a saint." Emperor Jiuyou said excitedly. After six years, he finally stepped into that realm. Now he is a saint.

"Very good! There is another saint in my Tianbei Mountain." The old Saint King smiled happily.

"Saint King, now my Tianbei Mountain has gathered the power of the world and is about to unify. Today, I come here to ask for something!"

"You say!"

"Tianbei Mountain is the overlord of the star sea. All my sixteen veins are protected by the glory of Tianbei Mountain. However, the Saint Sects, the Demon Sect, and the Wangxian Tower are not grateful, but repay kindness with hatred. Today, I come here to petition, willing to clean up the door for Tianbei Mountain, destroy the Saint Sects, the Demon Sect, and the Wangxian Tower!" Jiuyou Emperor's eyes flashed with a blazing light.

The old Saint King nodded slightly, and his eyes also flashed with a sharpness. Now, the time is ripe, so there is no need to wait. Unification is imminent, so those traitors no longer need to exist.


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