Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 792: The Four Disciples of the Dragon Alliance [3rd update]

In the first hall, the overlords of the star seas frowned and stood up: "What's going on?"

The old saint king was still sitting on the first seat. He was also an immortal. His immortal thoughts were huge enough to sense what happened within a radius of ten thousand miles. He held tea in his hand and was calm and composed.

"An old friend is coming." The old saint king took a sip of tea, put down the teacup, and then stood up: "Why don't you follow me to greet him."

"Chu Yan?" The faces of the people from the various star seas condensed and became ugly.

They knew that Chu Yan had returned and brought immortal strongmen with him, but they didn't expect that the other party would dare to kill directly at Tianbei Mountain.

"With the people from Jianshen Mountain here, he is simply here to die." Seeing that the old saint king was calm, the people from the various star seas also breathed a sigh of relief and laughed sarcastically.

Then more people from the star seas followed the old saint king out, all wanting to see how Chu Yan was destroyed.

Outside the palace, there was chaos. The evil sword was extremely arrogant, and the iron-faced army cleared the way for him in front.

The evil sword went straight into the top of Tianbei Mountain. There were many strong men standing around. They were all the guardians of Tianbei Mountain. The weakest one was a Heavenly Monarch and there were many saints. However, they were just standing by. When Chu Yan took a step forward, they took a step back and dared not move forward.

The Iron-faced Legion was too strong. An immortal legion was enough to kill all of them.

"Stop!" The old saint king walked out, looked up and saw this scene, frowned slightly, and shouted fiercely. The aura of the immortal position blasted out to stop the evil sword.

The evil sword stopped, Chu Yan stood on it, and looked at the old saint king.

"Withdraw the wanted notice."

"Haha, you are really presumptuous. Where do you think this is?" The old saint king was stunned. This little guy was really rude. He came here directly to kill. The first sentence was to ask him to withdraw the wanted notice?

Hearing this, Chu Yan didn't say much. He turned around and looked at the crowd below. Tianbei Yu was among them.

In the Six Realms Star Sea, he fought with Tianbei Shanhe. Tianbei Yu descended, a top-level Heavenly Monarch, how powerful, if it weren't for Senior Mu Tian, ​​he would have killed him directly.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and countless sword lights immediately floated in the sky, aiming at Tianbei Yu. With a thought, the sword shadow slashed out.

"No!" Tianbei Yu screamed, everything happened too fast, he didn't expect that Chu Yan would attack him directly.

"You dare!" The Saint King's eyes were cold, and he wanted to take a step, but almost at the same time, countless immortal pressures descended on the sky, shocking him alive.

"Puff!" The next second, Tianbei Yu was strangled in the sword shadow, and everyone trembled. A Heavenly Monarch, who was hailed as a legend in the Star Sea before Tianbei Tianmang appeared, was killed by a sword like this?

"Withdraw the wanted order." Chu Yan ignored everything, looked at the old Saint King, and continued.

The old Saint King's face also changed, and he looked at Chu Yan coldly: "Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this? Are you relying on the immortal positions behind you?"

"It seems that you still don't have a long memory." Chu Yan turned his eyes and looked at a person with the surname Tianbei. The same method, ten thousand swords were born, cut down, and Tianjiao was destroyed.

"No!" The elder of the Tianjiao roared, his eyes were red.

"I say it again, withdraw the wanted order, otherwise I will destroy your mountain today." Chu Yan said extremely coldly, without any courtesy.

When his voice fell, everyone trembled in their hearts, especially for those galaxy overlords who came to Tianbei Mountain for refuge, this sentence was like a bolt from the blue.

Destroy your mountain just because of a disagreement?

How frivolous is this? However, there are two kinds of frivolity, one is ignorance and stupidity, and the other is extraordinary self-confidence and background.

Chu Yan, will it be the former?

Obviously, not.

So thinking of this, the faces of those Star Sea Overlords became even paler. Could it be that Chu Yan is really strong enough to possess the power to destroy Tianbei Mountain?

But everyone still has a glimmer of hope, that is Jianshen Mountain, the top force in the fairyland. As long as Jianshen Mountain comes forward, even the fairy position behind Chu Yan will not be enough, right?

So they all looked towards Jianshen Mountain nervously.

"Retreat or not?" Chu Yan asked coldly again. This time, he was really angry. If he didn't retreat, his friends and seniors in Tongtian Star Sea would be in danger.

"Chu Yan, you are too arrogant!" At this moment, there was a sudden scolding voice, and Tianbei Tianmang walked out of the crowd and looked at Chu Yan coldly.

When everyone saw Tianbei Tianmang, a glimmer of hope ignited in their hearts. Today, Tianbei Tianmang is also a disciple of Jianshen Mountain.

"Chu Yan, you are too presumptuous. Even if you have some achievements in Xunxianjie, this is Tianbei Mountain. You are simply courting death by doing this!" A Star Sea Overlord sneered.

"That's right, Master Tianmang is a chosen person, and now he is a disciple of Jianshen Mountain." Someone flattered immediately. This is an opportunity to please Tianbei Mountain.


What a ridiculous word.

The Nanfeng Fairyland was harmed by these two words until it was destroyed.

Now this group of star sea overlords still choose to believe it?

However, Chu Yan did not explain anything. He looked at Tianbei Tianmang with disdain and indifference, and said in a cold tone: "You are a stray dog ​​in Xunxian Realm, how dare you talk to me like this?"

"Boom!" Countless people trembled in their hearts, as if they heard something shocking.

Chu Yan said that Tianbei Tianmang is a stray dog ​​in Xunxian Realm?

That is to say, in Xunxian Realm, the two had a confrontation, but Tianbei Tianmang was defeated?

How is this possible?

Isn't Tianbei Tianmang the chosen one?

"Chosen? Are you worthy?" Chu Yan's voice became colder, full of coldness.

Tianbei Tianmang's face was extremely pale, because he was the only one who knew that Chu Yan was right.

"You are too presumptuous." A swordsman from Jianshen Mountain looked at him and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Jianshen Mountain, we will settle our grievances later. You have nothing to do here today. Shut up." Chu Yan glanced at the other party and scolded him directly.

Immortal status? Once, it was an existence that was unattainable to him. A breath could make him unable to resist.

But now, in Xunxian Realm, he even killed the descendants of the Immortal Emperor, the thought of the Immortal Emperor appeared, and he even drank with countless Immortal Emperor monsters in the chaotic time and space.

Immortal status, he has seen a lot.

Just his words made countless people's hearts sink to the valley.

It turns out that Chu Yan has always known the existence of Jianshen Mountain?

However, he still dared to do this, go to Tianbei Mountain, and threaten the old Saint King. What does this mean? Do I need to say more?

"You are really arrogant, worthy of being a disciple of that place." At this time, another person stood out from the crowd. This person's aura was extremely terrifying, covering the sky. In an instant, the space in front of Chu Yan was torn apart, and countless sword shadows emerged. It seemed that in just a moment, these swords could kill Chu Yan.

"Chu Shao, be careful!" At this time, the people of the Iron-faced Legion stepped forward one after another. The one who took action was He Tian. His sword intent was indeed very strong, at the level of the upper immortal.

"Do you believe it or not, I can kill you now?" He Tian looked at Chu Yan calmly, without a trace of ripples, but his aura was different from the previous person.

Chu Yan looked at He Tian without any doubt.

The upper immortal realm could indeed kill him, and it was easy.

"Try to say it again." However, at this time, the sky cracked, and the voice seemed to come from the universe, penetrating the heaven and earth, a power that ordinary people could not imagine.

"Bang!" The power of Hetian was destroyed directly. Countless people looked up and saw a red figure appearing in the sky. The light behind him was as high as the sky.

He stood there, holding a blood knife in his hand, smiling, as if harmless, but his voice brought too much shock to people.

"Try to say it again." The man repeated. He seemed to be far away from Tianbei Mountain, separated by a distance of heaven and earth, but his figure and voice were extremely clear.

"So strong..." Countless people trembled. How strong is this person to be able to do this?

Projection thousands of miles away?

Sound transmission thousands of miles away?

Chu Yan turned around and looked at the red-clothed swordsman. He was also slightly surprised because he had never seen this person.

"This is the fourth brother." At this time, Lin Ang came from a distance, with white clothes fluttering, his hands behind his back, and a scholarly look. He walked to Chu Yan and smiled.

Chu Yan suddenly realized, and then he had some admiration. He had seen many strong people, and there were also thoughts of immortal emperors, but he dared to swear that except for the immortal emperor monster in the disordered time and space, and the crazy old man, the fourth senior brother was definitely the most powerful person he had ever seen.

"Bu Liuxing!" He Tian saw the red-clothed swordsman from thousands of miles away, and his heart trembled.

Not only him, but also the rest of the people in Jianshen Mountain, their faces changed and were not so calm.

He actually came... the fourth disciple of the Dragon Alliance, Bu Liuxing.

In addition, he has another name, killing without leaving any trace...

Kill one person in one step, and leave no trace for a thousand miles.

"Jianshen Mountain, get out, today's matter, I, the Dragon Alliance, have come, and you, Jianshen Mountain, have no right to intervene." Lin Ang was dressed in white and spotless, and his voice was calm. He was just a top-level Tianjun. Logically speaking, he had no right to intervene today, but it was such a Tianjun who told the people of Jianshen Mountain to get out and told Jianshen Mountain that they had no right to intervene in today's matter.

Dragon Alliance...

When the people in Xinghai heard these two words, their hearts trembled wildly. Even some people who had reached the realm of upper-class sages and lived in Xinghai for tens of thousands of years could not remain calm at this time.

Because they knew what kind of place the Dragon Alliance was. If Jianshen Mountain was already very strong and the top force in the fairyland, then the Dragon Alliance was a legend.

Of course, there were also some people who didn't know about the Dragon Alliance. They were all curious about what kind of place the Dragon Alliance was. Could it change the outcome of all this just because of two words?

Hetian's face kept changing. He was ordered by his master to come to Xinghai to borrow the power of Tianbei Tianmang to avenge his junior brother Beifeng.

But now, two people from the Dragon Alliance came, making him feel powerless, and he let out a low roar: "What if I say no?"

"I'm afraid that your Jianshen Mountain can't bear it." Lin Ang smiled and spoke, but gave people an extremely terrible deterrence.

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