Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 83: Heavenly Punishment Auction

Tongtian City is in flames, the four gangs are constantly fighting, and there are no civilians on the streets. It can be said that there is no clean land except for the places covered by the Tianjian forces.

Today, the four gangs tacitly stopped fighting at the same time because of an auction held by the Tianjian Auction House. In the auction, a Xuanbing sword will be unveiled, attracting many forces, including some Wanzong disciples, who also appeared here early today.

Lin Changsheng also came, and Zhao Yu followed him. In addition to Lin Changsheng, there is Yunlong from Binghe Sect. The two people form a sharp contrast.

Although Yunlong's strength is not as good as Lin Changsheng, his status is not weak at all. It's just that he is extremely talented. He joined the sect five years later than Lin Changsheng, but he has the fourth level of Juechen, which is a big sensation in Wanzong. Some people also say that Yunlong is the disciple with the best strength and talent among the newcomers of Wanzong this year. If he is trained, he will be able to compete for the championship of Wanzong Grand Ceremony in three years.

"Brother Yunlong? I have heard about it for a long time. Seeing it today, it is really well-deserved." Lin Changsheng took the initiative to show goodwill to Yunlong.

"Brother Changsheng, you are joking. You are the pride of Wanzong. I dare not compete with you for the title of the first person of Haotianzong."

"No, I am an old man. I have practiced for five years longer than you. I will give you five more years, but I can't beat you."

"There is no early or late in the path of practice, only strength."

"Haha, I hope that Brother Yunlong can give me a little surprise at the Wanzong Grand Ceremony three years later. Please show mercy then."

"Brother Changsheng too, I am also looking forward to the battle in three years!" The two of them politely made friends, as if the Wanzong Grand Ceremony was already in their pockets.

In addition to the two sects, some Wanzongs close to Tongtian City also came. Although they did not have enough financial resources to buy the Xuanbing Sword, they did not want to miss the Tianjian Auction once a year to see if they could auction off one or two things they liked.

The four gangs were also there, the eldest son of the Qinglong Gang, Qingfeng, the White Tiger Gang, Shao Baiyu, the Vermillion Bird Gang, Zhu Luan, and the Black Tortoise Gang, Wu Meng. These four people are considered the most outstanding descendants of the four gangs. They used to be arrogant in Tongtian City, but today they are very calm in Tianjian and do not show off.

The elders of the four gangs are also like this. Although their eyes are full of murderous intent, they dare not make trouble in Tianjian.

Chu Yan came here naturally, and only Ye Xun followed him. Both of them wore cloaks. As soon as Chu Yan came here, he looked in the direction of Binghe Sect. The familiar cheeks and gentle eyes were very touching.

Chu Yan's eyes shrank. It was really Sister Xishuang. At this time, the eyes of the two collided in the air, and the petite body trembled slightly.

Chu Yan came back to his senses for a long time and wanted to go forward, but the next moment, he froze in place, because he clearly saw Su Xishuang dodging and shaking her head at him.

"Don't go over there. She doesn't seem to want to recognize you." Ye Xun saw this scene and stopped Chu Yan.

"Why is this happening?" Chu Yan couldn't figure it out. Su Xishuang would be very happy to see him in the past, but what's going on now?

"I guess there are difficulties. Let's see the situation first. Today's auction will be very exciting. The Tianzhen force is very mysterious. It is said to be one of the best merchants in the inner circle. It mainly deals in weapons, elixirs, and various natural treasures. Even the four gangs and Wanzong have to give some face." Ye Xun said.

Chu Yan did not speak. He had no interest in the auction. He only cared about whether Su Xishuang would marry Yunlong, how Yunlong treated her, and whether she was happy in Binghe Sect these days.

If she was not happy, even if Chu Yan used a little wild power to flatten Binghe Sect, he would definitely take Su Xishuang away.

Su Xishuang looked at Chu Yan from the corner of her eyes, feeling relieved and bitter: "This silly boy finally came out, but don't blame me, for the sake of Changlong's safety, I can't recognize you now."

The Tianjian Auction Hall is very large. Such a grand auction only happens once a year, and it is not auctioned one by one, but divided into multiple exhibition halls. Everyone chooses first. If there is something they like, they stay and participate in the auction of this item. This also saves a lot of time for many people, and they don't have to wait for each item.

The Xuanbing Sword is naturally the hot item this time, and the auction starts the earliest, so a large number of people gather in the Xuanbing Sword exhibition hall.

Chu Yan and Ye Xun followed at the end. He looked at the Xuanbing Sword and searched the first floor of the Jiutian Xuan Tower. He found that the Xuanbing Sword was actually a divine item on the Eternal Divine Items.

The Xuanbing Sword, ranked 9,900th on the Eternal List, has the power of ice and cold. After practicing to perfection, it can freeze space and even time.

Chu Yan understood at a glance that there would be a fierce battle next. A young man came out of the Tianjian Auction. He was less than 20 years old, but he had a strong aura. Even when facing the people of the Four Gangs and Wanzong, he remained calm.

"He is Zhao Tong, Qiu Yu's right-hand man. Qiu Yu is a very mysterious person. Not many people have seen him. So in Tongtian City, it is basically Shao Tong who represents Qiu Yu." Shao Baiyu smiled beside Chu Yan.

Chu Yan glanced at Shao Tong, smiled faintly and said nothing.

At this time, Shao Tong's eyes seemed to fall on Chu Yan, his eyes wrinkled, and his expression became very strange: "Is it him?"

Chu Yan shook his head at Shao Tong, and Shao Tong turned his eyes away. Then he looked around, but his heart was full of waves.

No one saw this small move. Shao Tong said directly to the audience: "Everyone has seen this Xuanbing sword. Those who know things will naturally know that it is a sword, so I won't talk nonsense. The rules are the same as in previous years." "The one with the highest bid will win. The starting price is ten pieces of second-level spiritual jade. The starting price cannot be lower than one second-level spiritual jade. Then, we can start."

"Thirty pieces!" As soon as Shao's voice ended, Qingfeng started calling out the price.

"Thirty-five pieces." Zhu Luan also directly followed the price at this time, and Qingfeng glanced at Zhu Luan thoughtfully.

"It's from the Fourth Gang. The war between the Four Gangs is very tight now. This sword is good. If it falls into any gang, it may change the situation of the war. It is estimated that it will trigger a big fierce battle in a while."

"Forty!" Shao Baiyu also participated in the bidding.

"Fifty!" Yunlong spoke. He looked around and smiled faintly: "Everyone, my fiancée likes this sword very much, so I'm sorry to have to bear the pain and part with you."

"It's people from the Glacier Sect. They've also started bidding."

"These perverts, my royal family can only pay fifty-two spiritual jade taxes in a year, but they actually use fifty spiritual jade to bid for a sword." A prince from the outer circle empire cursed in displeasure. Is that okay? A few people resonated with it and gave up with a sigh.

Ye Xun was also deeply moved by this. The Ye family is one of the eight great families of the Changlong Kingdom, but they can only produce dozens of first-class spiritual jade in a year. But since entering the inner circle, he has discovered how big the sky is. The original Changlong Kingdom, But the wellhead is average.

This is the world of martial arts. The weak will never understand the world of the strong, and the strong will never look at the weak.

However, Yunlong's words also made Chu Yan understand that the marriage was real.

Surprisingly, when Yun Long opened his mouth, all the members of the four gangs chose to remain silent. Shao Baiyu grinned: "Haha, since Brother Yun has spoken and dotes on his wife, then I, the White Tiger Gang, consider ourselves to be the best of men and are willing to give up. Anyway, I am not practicing. Sword, I just don’t want this sword to fall into the hands of these beasts from the Qinglong Gang.”

"Shao Baiyu, you son of a bitch, are you going to fight?" Qingfeng's eyes turned cold and he glared at Shao Baiyu.

Shao Baiyu sneered and remained silent.

At this time, Ye Xun glanced at Chu Yan and said in a low voice: "Chu Yan, this Yunlong is willing to give fifty pieces of second-level spiritual jade to buy a sword for Princess Xishuang. I think he must be sincerely interested in Princess Xishuang." Yes, are you worrying too much?”

Chu Yan shook his head: "I don't know. Let's take a look first and then talk. It doesn't matter if he is really sincere."

"Brother Yun, although I really want to give it to you, I have to get this sword. I'm sorry. Fifty-five." But at this moment, Wu Meng from the Xuanwu Gang spoke, letting everyone gasp.

Fifty-five pieces of spiritual jade is already a hefty price. Yunlong also frowned and looked at Wu Meng with a hint of chill: "Sixty pieces."

"Sixty-five!" Wu Meng continued to increase the price. He was determined to get this Black Ice Sword. In fact, fifty should be the best price for this Black Ice Sword. If it is higher than fifty, it is not worth it. . Just now Yunlong shouted sixty again, but now it has reached sixty-five. If he shouts it higher, he will really suffer a big loss.

Yunlong finally did not continue to increase the price, but glanced at Su Xishuang, who also whispered: "Forget it, it's just a sword, I don't have to get it."

"I'll look back and find someone to help you build another one." Yunlong said again to Su Xishuang, and then stopped bidding.

"Seventy!" But at this moment, Chu Yan spoke, and everyone looked at Chu Yan with a hint of surprise. Chu Yan was wearing a cloak, which made it difficult to see. Many people were surprised.


"Eighty!" Chu Yan continued to say calmly, while Ye Xun was ashamed... He knew that Chu Yan had eighty pieces of second-grade spiritual jade. If so, why would they leave Haotian Sect? Practice?

"Who is this person? I have never heard of such a person in Tongtian City." Many people commented. Shao Baiyu also had a deep meaning. He took another sip of strong wine and laughed. Others didn't know Chu Yan, but he was You know, in fact, he had guessed that Chu Yan would take action early on, but when Yunlong bid just now, he thought he would not see this interesting scene, but now Wu Meng suddenly takes action, which has facilitated this beautiful thing.

"Boy, are you here to cause trouble?" Wu Meng looked at Chu Yan with a hint of anger.

"Are you going to take a picture?" Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Wu Meng. Since Su Xishuang likes this sword, he must take a picture of this sword. No one can stop him.

Wu Meng's face darkened. The price of 800,000 yuan was far higher than the price of the Xuan Bing Sword. However, Wu Meng was unwilling to take the shot.

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