Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 923: Jiuyouqin recognizes its master

"Buzz!" As the seventh sound of the piano played, the sky inside the Nine Nether Qin barrier fell, and a scene of doomsday appeared. The ruthless light beams turned into a series of sky curtains and hung down. In just an instant, the four major forces sent by Many top saints are imprisoned.

"How dare you!" Outside the barrier, the faces of the four major forces headed by Zhantian Immortal Mansion sank.

"Boom!" This time, even the immortals couldn't help it anymore. They stood up one after another and glared at Chu Yan: "Boy, I advise you not to be stubborn. Let them go and get out of Jiuyou Qin. We can let go of the past grudges. If you care, if you dare to kill them, there will be no place for you in the Holy Dragon Pavilion!"

"Haha!" Chu Yan glanced at the other party sarcastically and laughed loudly: "Zhan Tianxian Mansion, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet. I have never wanted to cause trouble in the Shenwu Ruins. However, you and other four major forces are so proud of themselves. Tianjiao, arrogant, first attacked me and wanted to kill me. The funny thing is that he has no shame in defeat. Now he sent people from the clan to kill me, but the result is still useless. Now the lives of this group of people are in my hands. I want to Kill them. How dare you threaten them without repenting and asking for help? "

"In this case, you are responsible for their lives!" Chu Yan said coldly, and then looked at a group of top saints: "I have no enmity with you. You were ordered to kill me. I can understand it. However, today If you are defeated, no one in your power will bow down for you. It is not me who kills you."

Chu Yan's voice was very calm, but the hearts of a group of top saints trembled. His words seemed like the end of their lives.

At this time, Chu Yan glanced at the Zhantian Immortal Mansion again. What was ridiculous was that the Immortal Lord was still standing there, maintaining the arrogance he deserved. He shook his head and pressed down with his palms.

"No!" Desperate voices echoed out from the Nine Nether Qin, accompanied by the fall of one of the top saints. The voice was long in the sky and lasted for a long time.

For a moment, it was quiet again outside Jiuyou Qin. Everyone looked at Chu Yan and the corners of their mouths twitched involuntarily.

The four top powers of Zhantian Immortal Mansion, Jiang Family, Qiong Family, Fu Family, and Chiyang Palace were supposed to be the protagonists of Shenwu Ruins, but at this moment, their faces were all pale.

Some people in the distance couldn't help but sigh, I'm afraid things are really serious. This time, the Shenwu ruins are the most tragic in history.

The four top forces suffered heavy losses.

Yang Yi kept looking at Chu Yan with the same frown. One thing she couldn't figure out was that since Chu Yan knew that provoking the four top forces would lead to disaster, why would he do this?

If Chu Yan doesn't kill these people, even if he gets the divine martial arts inheritance, she can still resolve everything by stepping forward, but the current situation is no longer something he, a princess, can decide.

"He did it on purpose." Dong Wu looked at Chu Yan and said, "He did it on purpose to attract hatred, but why did he do this."

"Dead...all dead." Everyone's hearts trembled.

"Your Excellency!" An immortal elder of the Jiang family looked at Chu Yan with ice-like eyes: "You are so unscrupulous in killing people from our four major forces, do you really not consider the consequences at all? Jiuyouqin cannot last forever protect you."

"So what? I walk around the world just because of my own desire. If your four major forces want to kill me, I will kill them. Without the protection of Jiuyouqin, I will make a profit by killing a few of you." Chu Yan Laugh wildly.

"How presumptuous!" A person from the Zhantian Immortal Mansion shouted, but there was nothing they could do. With Jiuyou Qin here, the immortals could not get close to them in this month, but under the immortals, no one was Chu Yan's opponent. They We can only wait and wait for the Shenwu ruins to be closed this time.

"Everyone get lost. From today on, anyone from the four major forces who steps into the Nine Nether Qin will be killed!" Chu Yan said unceremoniously.

"Hmph!" The people from the four major forces snorted coldly. They didn't say anything and stood back far away, waiting.

"Mobile some more people, the Shenwu ruins will be closed, and this boy will be killed." A strong Immortal Master from the Zhantian Immortal Mansion roared.

"Yes!" People from several top forces kept coming.

In the blink of an eye, it was another day. People kept coming outside the Shenwu ruins. This day, a handsome figure descended on the sky. He put his hands on his back and walked directly to Young Master Chiyang: "Young Master."

"Your Highness Yu." Young Master Chiyang looked at the young man quite politely. The person who came was actually Hua Qingyu.

"What happened here?" Hua Qingyu looked at the ruins near Jiuyouqin and frowned.

"This son is called the God Hammer Emperor, and he should not be from the Holy Dragon Pavilion. Now that the Shenwu ruins have been opened, he has occupied the Jiuyou Qin alone, expelling all the forces in our Chiyang Palace, and is not allowed to approach." Young Master Chiyang He shouted coldly, as the overlord of one party, it is somewhat shameful for this kind of thing to happen within the territory of Chiyang Palace.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Hua Qingyu was surprised, looking down at Chu Yan next to Jiuyou Qin, and couldn't help but frown. Although he didn't recognize Chu Yan's true appearance, he felt inexplicably familiar.

"His Royal Highness Yu knows him?" Young Master Chiyang asked curiously. Hua Qingyu shook his head, a sharp look flashed in his eyes: "I don't know yet, but I will know soon."

Young Master Chiyang didn't say much. He raised his head and glanced at the sky. Based on the last time the Shenwu Ruins were opened, it should be almost over.

In the next half month, Chu Yan occupied Jiuyou Qin alone. He was not in a hurry and waited quietly. Besides, he actually started practicing.

"This bastard actually started practicing in Jiuyou Qin." People from the four major forces cursed angrily.

"Is this guy really not worried about the consequences after the Shenwu Ruins are closed? Now he has killed many people from the four major forces. Once the Shenwu Ruins are closed, the people from the four major forces will never let him go." There are also People felt ashamed. They had seen bold people, but never such bold ones.

"There are still three days left, get ready!" the people from Zhantian Immortal Mansion ordered.

As time goes by, the atmosphere outside Jiuyou Qin becomes more and more weird. Now there are many powerful immortals and immortals gathered here.

These people are all waiting. As soon as the time comes and the Jiuyouqin barrier dissipates, they will immediately kill Chu Yan.

Yang Yi also kept looking at Chu Yan. So far, her father has not come out of seclusion and has not responded to her.

Two more days, the last day.

"Boy, the Shenwu Ruins will be closed tomorrow. If you want to regret it now and get out of the Nine Nether Qin, it's still too late." An Immortal from the Zhantian Immortal Mansion looked at Chu Yan and shouted in a low voice.

"You talk a lot of nonsense." Chu Yan said disdainfully.

"Senior, there is no need to talk nonsense with him. When tomorrow comes, we will kill him. This boy can play the seven-note Jiuyou Qin. He must have mastered some secrets. Then we will make him into a puppet. After another hundred years, Jiuyou will Just turn on the piano." The first immortal of the Jiang family said coldly.

"That's right. When you die, I really want to see if you can still be as strong-minded as you are now." The Immortal Lord of Zhantian Immortal Mansion shouted in a low voice.

At this moment, Yang Yi's eyes flashed, and a message came, just one word, accurate.

The next moment, she lowered her head and looked at Chu Yan: "My father agreed. He is coming here now and will protect you at the most critical moment. But if you dare to lie to me, you should know the consequences."

In Jiuyou Qin, Chu Yan heard Yang Yi's voice transmission, his eyes became sharp, and then he smiled slowly: "Have you finally waited?"

"Princess, be careful!" Chu Yan stopped talking nonsense, and then he turned his head and looked at an immortal from the Zhantian Immortal Mansion: "You just said that when the Shenwu barrier ends tomorrow, you will kill me?"

The sudden sentence made the Immortal Lord of Zhantian Immortal Mansion startled, but he still held his head up proudly.

"So what?"

"No need to go to so much trouble." Chu Yan said calmly, raised his arm, and the light of countless stars suddenly gathered in the sky.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene: "What is this guy going to do?"

"He still wants to play the Nine Nether Qin?" In an instant, countless people's hearts were in doubt: "Is this possible? In the history of Shenglong Pavilion, the Nine Nether Qin has only been played seven times. He Are you crazy if you want the Nine Nether Qin to play the eighth note for him?”


But the next moment, Chu Yan's big hand came down and gently plucked the strings, and a shocking sound spread crazily.

"Wow!" In just a moment, the expressions of countless immortals and immortals who were close to Jiuyou Qin changed with shock. They felt a strong destructive power penetrate their hearts, causing them to vomit blood and retreat rapidly.

This was not over yet. As soon as the eighth tone ended, Chu Yan raised his hand again, and this time the brilliance rushed directly into the nine heavens.


There was another sound, the ninth.

"This..." For a moment, everyone outside the Shenwu ruins was stunned. The nine strings played at the same time, and the strong sound continued to spread in all directions.

At the same time, the Jiuyou Qin shone with a terrifying light, and everyone was stunned.

"He... played nine times?" The Immortal Lord of the Zhantian Immortal Mansion, who was extremely arrogant just now, was extremely shocked. The nine strings of the Nine Nether Qin resonated. Did you recognize the master of the Nine Nether Qin?

Although many people had guessed that Chu Yan might still have the energy to play the eighth note, no one dared to imagine that the Nine Nether Qin that had been here for ten thousand years was now taken away by a young man.

In the sky, the brilliance of the Shenwu ruins has never been so dazzling, piercing crazily in all directions.

Young Master Chiyang stood in the distance, with greed in his eyes. Who wouldn’t want to get the Nine Nether Qin, the sacred object made famous by the Immortal King Shenwu, but for thousands of years, no one has succeeded. Now that he has recognized the master, he has Why would you want to give up?

"Aren't you going to kill me? Now that I'm here, who is going to kill me?" Chu Yan was sitting in front of the Nine Nether Qin. At this moment, he seemed to be a different person, like the reincarnation of the Shenwu Immortal King, extremely arrogant. , playing the piano with both hands, the sound of the piano is loud and clear.

"The barrier is broken, let's take action and kill him together!" In an instant, the strong men from the Zhantian Immortal Mansion gave the order, and then with terrifying brilliance, the people who took action all had the strength of the immortals, and they madly killed Chu Yan.

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