Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 933 Requesting a Battle

At the banquet, everyone's eyes changed slightly, showing interesting expressions.

The two people on the stage were the top generals of the two Immortal Lords. But as soon as they came on stage, Zhang Ming asked the other party to cut off his arm. How ironic?

"Don't look down on people too much!" Yang Lei roared when he was humiliated. He jumped out in the air, and a sword flew out of his sleeves, which immediately bloomed with endless fairy light, which was extremely dazzling.

Zhang Ming stood under the shadow of the sword, arrogant. Then he raised his head, and there was a buzzing sound in the sky. It changed, and the same spell light turned into a blood-devouring mouth. All the sword lights that came down were transformed in that blood mouth. Become nothingness and disappear.

"Are you tickling me?" Zhang Ming smiled sarcastically, and the next moment he moved. Compared to the previous battle, he was more active. His body transformed into countless brilliance, and he landed in front of Yang Lei in one step. Yang Lei's expression changed. After a sudden change, he raised his hand to block it, but it was useless. The spell seemed to be able to kill everything. A big hand grabbed his throat and squeezed hard, making his body tremble.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and Yang Lei was hit to the ground hard. Zhang Ming stood up, his eyes were cold, and he raised his hand with a sword light. Yang Lei immediately let out a scream, and one of his hands was cut off directly. , flying into the air.

"My hand!" Yang Lei screamed, looking at Zhang Ming in fear.

"Kneel down and beg for mercy, or die." Zhang Ming said coldly and proudly, raising the sword in his hand again.

Outside the court, everyone frowned slightly. Just now, Zhang Ming was equally powerful and killed his opponent instantly, but he was cold and arrogant. However, in the battle with Yang Lei, he was completely humiliated. Everyone could see what was going on.

King Kun Immortal Lord kept sneering and glanced at Immortal Lord All Evils.

Yang Lei got up, with only one hand left, covering the broken arm, feeling extremely scared.

"Pfft!" The next moment, Yang Lei actually knelt on the stage. Everyone frowned when they saw this scene. Scholars cannot be killed. Yang Lei's behavior is very contemptible, but it is not incomprehensible. After all, death Not everyone can remain calm in front of others.

"Please, please, let me go!" Yang Lei said tremblingly, King Kun Immortal laughed loudly, and Immortal All Evils' eyes were extremely cold.

"So weak." Zhang Ming glanced at Yang Lei, sneered, turned around and retreated from the fighting platform.

"Wanxie, it's true that just like his master, he has his subordinates." King Kun said with a sarcastic smile, Wanxie clenched his fists, full of anger in his heart.

Chu Yan could see the whole process clearly on the stage. He squinted slightly and turned his eyes of the world. He found that Yang Lei's fear on the stage was fake. Even at the last moment when he knelt down, he still had some fear. proud.

Looking at the Immortal Lord Kun, everything seemed to have been expected by him. Chu Yan understood that Yang Lei might have betrayed the Immortal Lord All Evils long ago.

Of course, he would not say these things.

After defeating Yang Lei, Zhang Ming did not continue to challenge. There were several battles afterwards, each of which was exciting and intense, especially the battle between Qin Wu and Chen Ri. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as stunning.

"This time Emperor Yun's adopted son should be one of Zhang Ming, Qin Wu, and Chen Ri." Many immortals shook their heads in disappointment, but they didn't care. At least compared to the All-Evil Immortal, they It's pretty good.

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge?" Sitting in the suspended seat, Emperor Yun saw a moment of silence below and chuckled: "But the first person hasn't been chosen yet."

"Qin Wu." At this moment, the Immortal Lord from Qin Wu's camp spoke. With a bang, Qin Wu fought out and looked up at Zhang Ming's position.

"Come out and fight." Qin Wu said coldly and arrogantly. Zhang Ming raised the corners of his mouth, looking rather arrogant, and stood up with a shrug.

"Wait!" At this moment, King Kun Xianzun suddenly spoke, and everyone looked at him in confusion.

"King Kun, what, don't you dare to fight?" Qin Wu's Immortal Lord said arrogantly, and King Kun snorted coldly: "Of course not, it's just that today's banquet has been prepared for ten years, and you all have merit in choosing an adopted son for Emperor Yun. But there are some people who have no merit and are still here. I’m afraid it’s a little inappropriate, right?”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized what King Kun meant.

"Damn it, your men are vulnerable, you kneel down to beg for mercy, and you have humiliated everyone. This is the adopted son you chose for Emperor Yun? Are you humiliating Emperor Yun? If you are like this, how can you still have the nerve to sit here? "King Kun looked at the Wanxie Immortal with a particularly sarcastic smile, while Wanxie's face turned livid. He clenched his fists but had no words to refute. After all, this is the fact.

For a moment, the situation was awkward, and the other immortals did not speak. Emperor Yun was hosting a banquet today, and Emperor Yun would judge everything, so they could just watch the fun.

"Immortal King Kun has gone too far. He has a grudge against Immortal Lord All Evils, but I shouldn't have dragged you along. Do you want me to stop him?" Next to Emperor Yun, a beautiful woman frowned slightly.

"No need." Emperor Yun looked at Wansi and was a little disappointed. As for King Kun, what could he do if he was allowed to make trouble.

Wan Xie clenched his fist fiercely, feeling angry in his heart, but there was nothing he could do, Yang Lei had been defeated, and there was no one left in his camp who could fight. With King Kun's words, he could not get off the tiger, so he had no choice but to leave.

However, he also knew what it meant to be driven away during the banquet. His position as an immortal general might not be guaranteed.

"Let's go back to the camp. You all should be dispersed. The All-Evils Immortal Lord is disbanded." The All-Evils Immortal Lord laughed at himself. Unexpectedly, he, a great Immortal Lord, would be forced to this point. He turned around and looked at Chu Yan. One glance: "Boy, I can't see your ten-year promise. After you go back, take Ying Yuhua and leave alone. You have a good talent. The further you go, the better."

Chu Yan shook his head, then he wrapped his black robe tightly, pulled the brim of his hat down, and stepped forward.

"Huh?" Seeing this action, everyone from all sides frowned slightly.

"What are you going to do?" Yang Lei returned to the camp and yelled.

"Of course I'm going to fight for the Immortal Lord." Chu Yan's voice was calm. Yang Lei's pupils shrank and he said coldly: "It's ridiculous. You, a seventh-level saint, are going to die? Come back!"

"Not everyone is like you, willing to be someone else's dog." Chu Yan said indifferently. Yang Lei's heart trembled wildly, and a murderous intention flashed in his eyes. A terrifying arrogance roared out and engulfed Chu Yan. Go: "What are you talking about?"

"Get out!" Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a strange light, and Yang Lei's expression changed with shock. He felt that the person standing in front of him did not look like a person, but an extremely ferocious beast.

"Boom!" Yang Lei was knocked back a step, and his face turned even paler. Although he had been defeated just now, he was at least the first general. Now, he was knocked back by Chu Yan?

The All-Evil Immortal squinted his eyes and glanced at Yang Lei. Before, although he was a little strange, even if Yang Lei was defeated, at least he would not be defeated so miserably. Now Chu Yan said a word and he was an Immortal, how could he still guess? Unexpectedly, the eyes looking at Yang Lei were extremely cold. Yang Lei felt the same and couldn't help but shudder.

But the next moment, the All-Evil Immortal Lord withdrew his gaze, looked at Chu Yan, and said slowly: "Boy, come back, you don't have to do this for me."

"Immortal Lord, thank you for taking care of me. I can't wait for ten years. Today's battle can be regarded as repaying the kindness of the Immortal Lord who made an exception back then." Chu Yan turned around and gave the Immortal Lord All Evils a hand, and then he didn't say much. Stroll towards the battle platform.

When everyone saw this, their smiles became even thicker, especially King Kun's Immortal Lord: "Haha, Wan Si, the people under your command are really interesting, aren't they? Even a seventh-level saint dares to fight? Do you think the previous humiliation is not enough?"

The face of the All-Evil Immortal Lord was equally calm. He also believed that Chu Yan was impulsive this time. Although his combat power was good, maybe in another ten years, he would shine in this field, but for now, it is still difficult for him. A little too early.

"Boy, you are very courageous." Zhang Ming looked at Chu Yan and sneered. A seventh-level saint also wants to fight?

"Get lost, this is not a place for you to fight." Qin Wu looked at Chu Yan in the same way. Some people thought that Chu Yan was confident or making an exception, but in his opinion, blind confidence and fearless Impulse, isn't it a kind of stupidity?

"Today Emperor Yun held a banquet to select generals. I would like to ask, is there any rule that states that saints of the seventh level are not allowed to participate?" Chu Yan stood on the stage with his hands behind his back. Then he spoke proudly, and his words immediately aroused a lot of attention. The lamentation.

"He's an interesting boy." An immortal from afar laughed and asked Emperor Yun, "It's crazy."

"Of course not." On the high seat, Emperor Yun looked at Chu Yan and said calmly. Chu Yan bowed slightly: "Thank you."

"Then who do you want to challenge?" Emperor Yun looked at Chu Yan with some interest.

"Emperor Yun holds a banquet here once every ten years. We, the people of our generation, will attend and naturally want to be the strongest. In this case, there is no need to bother." Chu Yan waved his sleeves and raised his head. There was a twinkle in his eyes. Crazy, looking at everyone in all directions: "You guys, come together."

"Huh!" After hearing Chu Yan's words, everyone looked amused. Zhang Ming, Qin Wu, and Chen Ri stood on the stage, also showing sarcasm. A seventh-level saint wants to challenge all of them?

"What do you think?" Zhang Mingxiao looked at Qin Wu and Chen Ri. Qin Wu's eyes were even colder: "Since someone is seeking death, he should be satisfied."

"Boom!" After Qin Wu finished speaking, an extremely terrifying arrogance erupted from his body. His whole body shone with the light of chaos. He clenched his fist and concentrated all his power. It was extremely terrifying and flew towards Chu Yan in the air. Make countless dark fist shadows.

Suddenly time and space seemed to be distorted.

Zhang Ming was not in a hurry. He stood there, looking at him with his environmentally friendly arms, a frivolous smile flashing at the corner of his mouth. It was ridiculous for a seventh-level saint to jump up and seek death.

Facing the endless fist shadows, Chu Yan also moved. His figure gradually became ethereal. With one step, he turned into countless afterimages. Each one seemed to be real. Then, behind Chu Yan, There was even a Seal of Time and Space, suppressing it, and the time and space on the battlefield seemed to have stopped for a moment.

Qin Wu's body stiffened. He felt as if he had entered a frozen time and space, and everything in his body was restrained, unable to move.

But he couldn't figure it out. Chu Yan was still moving, and he was walking towards him very quickly. Those dark fist shadows were as if they didn't exist, passing directly through Chu Yan's body. When he touched his palm, there seemed to be a fist. The sword curtain came from outside time and space. He struggled desperately, but it was useless. Under the absolute power, he could only let it be blasted. The sword curtain kept falling and penetrated his body. He even felt that he was dead. .


The next moment, when the seal of space and time was released, Qin Wu's body trembled violently. All the power that had been accumulated just now exploded in his chest. He was no longer under control, and his body was pulled up from the ground and fell towards the distance. It flew away and was already outside the field when it hit the ground.

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