Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 977: Cloud Emperor Realm

Holy Mountain ten years and half a year later.

"Buzz!" After a long time, there was finally a flash of light on the Holy Mountain Road, and many figures appeared.

In an instant, the noise outside the Holy Mountain became much quieter. All the powerful people from all sides focused their eyes and looked towards the entrance of the Holy Mountain.

I saw a lot of people there, many of them disciples of the towering Taoist temple. However, it was not as beautiful as I imagined. Instead, they looked a little embarrassed, with broken armor, and many people had some injuries. .

However, this did not affect the surprise of the elders of the Towering Taoist Temple. There were dangers in the holy mountain. In their opinion, these injuries were probably caused by some secret realms.

After all, Chu Yan said that no one in the Holy Mountain is Duanmutong's opponent.

"It's out!" someone said excitedly.

Emperor Chen raised his head from a distance, his sharp eyes falling on the crowd.

But the next moment, the Immortal Emperor stepped out of the towering Taoist temple, his eyes full of expectation. Then he looked at a familiar disciple and shouted: "Ling Yun!"

"Master!" The disciple raised his head, looked at the Immortal Emperor and bowed slightly.

"Come!" The Immortal Emperor laughed with satisfaction: "Where is your senior brother Duanmutong? I heard that he went to the Holy Mountain. Is it true?"

"Yes." Ling Yun nodded truthfully, and many eyes around him suddenly condensed. Is it true that as rumored, the person who finally received the inheritance of the Holy Mountain was Duanmutong.

"Very good, haha, very good. You are worthy of being the genius of my towering Taoist temple. Where are the others?" The Immortal Emperor beamed with joy and smiled from ear to ear, even though he knew that Duanmutong would be targeted after receiving the inheritance. , but so what?

If his towering Taoist temple can give birth to an immortal king, so what if he is the enemy of the world?

When the Immortal King comes to the world, all the heavens and immortal realms will also surrender at the feet of his towering Taoist temple.

But the next moment, the Immortal Emperor realized that something was wrong, and saw that many disciples of Shentian Taoist Temple had extremely ugly expressions and remained silent.

"What's going on? Where is your senior brother Duanmu now? Where is he?" The Immortal Emperor of the Towering Taoist Temple frowned and scolded.

"Back to Master...Senior Brother, he is dead." Ling Yun clenched his fist and said helplessly. As soon as he said this, there was a sudden shock outside the Holy Mountain.

"Dead?" The Immortal Emperor's eyes suddenly shrank, how could this be possible?

From the moment Chu Yan came out of the mountain, he was full of infinite expectations, waiting for a future belonging to the towering Taoist temple.

But now, Ling Yun actually said, Duanmutong is dead?

"How is it possible? Who did it?" The Immortal Emperor of the Towering Taoist Temple roared. Ling Yun recalled the scene not long ago, and his heart was still full of horror. The terrible time and space swordsmanship blocked everything. In one word, it was not allowed within the Holy Mountain. The existence of towering Taoist temples is not enough.

"The adopted son of Emperor Yun defeated Senior Brother Duanmu, beheaded Junior Brother Feiyang, destroyed our Towering Taoist Temple, and dominated the Holy Mountain. No one can defeat him." Ling Yun said truthfully.


The place outside the Holy Mountain was boiling, and everyone's eyes were intensely focused.

This result was so different from what they expected.

Chu Yan came out not long ago and praised Duanmutong to a certain height, but in just half a year, Duanmutong died in battle, the towering Taoist temple was destroyed, and it was occupied by Emperor Yun's adopted son?

At this time, in the Jiutian Immortal Dynasty, Jiutian Huanglong also frowned and looked at Chu Yan. He knew the Holy Mountain better than anyone else, so he knew whose hands the inheritance was in.

So he was still curious about what Chu Yan would do when Duanmutong walked out.

But now, Duanmutong died in the Holy Mountain, directly giving Chu Yan a death without evidence.

"Is it a coincidence?" Jiutian Huanglong frowned. He couldn't figure it out. All these things were too weird, but he couldn't figure out the relationship during this period. Unless Chu Yan and the Tiandi Sect Master had known each other for a long time, but so what if they knew each other?

Unless Chu Yan had great confidence in the strength of the Heavenly Emperor Sect Leader, he would have known that the Heavenly Emperor Sect Leader would defeat Duanmutong, but is this possible? Duanmutong had been to the Holy Mountain, and his fighting prowess was unparalleled. The Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect was only an eighth-level saint when he entered the Holy Mountain. The gap between the two was huge.

Everyone was puzzled.

What happened in the Holy Mountain?

But all this is no longer important at this point. All the hope factors of the towering Taoist temple were destroyed. There was a buzz in the body of the Immortal Emperor, and there was a terrible angry flame burning, turning into strong spells rising into the sky.

The Immortal Emperor turned around and glared at Emperor Yun: "Emperor Yun, your adopted son is so brave!"

Emperor Yun stood there, his eyes became extremely stern. He thought that at most it was just a Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, but now the leader of the Emperor's Sect actually killed Duanmutong.

You must know that if Duanmutong is really the descendant of the Immortal King, the leader of Tiandi Sect has destroyed the hope of Shentian Taoist Temple. One can imagine how angry Shentian Taoist Temple will be.

"It's ridiculous. The Holy Mountain has been opened and can be taken by those who are capable. It's just that the disciples of your towering Taoist temple are not as good as others and died in the hands of Di'er. What's revenge now?" Mrs. Yun Di stood there, her eyebrows lightly furrowed, but she was still nervous in her heart. At first glance, Emperor Yun was only an Immortal Emperor, but there were two towering Taoist temples, and the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty was eyeing him.

Chu Yan stood there and turned his eyes.

At this moment, a terrifying force suddenly descended on the sky, turning into lines of ancient characters and spreading towards Chu Yan.

Feeling the power, Li Chaoyang took a step, looked up at Emperor Chen, unsheathed the Qingfeng Sword in his hand, and cut off the ancient text: "Emperor Chen, you have an identity."

Emperor Chen stood there and looked down at Chu Yan: "Boy, I said, if you dare to expire at any time, I will let you go through the refining domain, and Li Chaoyang can't protect you."

Chu Yan turned around and looked at Emperor Chen, his eyes cold: "Senior's words are ridiculous. I said that although I went to the Holy Mountain, I got nothing and no inheritance. Duanmu Tong also defeated me. Now he died in the Holy Mountain. What does it have to do with me?"

"Duanmu Tong is dead, so it doesn't matter. Since you have been to the Holy Mountain, come with me back to the Chen clan. I will investigate everything. If you really didn't lie, I will let you go back to the Dragon Alliance." Emperor Chen said calmly, high and mighty. After speaking, he looked at Li Chaoyang again: "Li Chaoyang, you know very well that if I really want If he dies, you can't stop me. "

Li Chaoyang, wearing a long and elegant gown fluttering in the wind, glanced at Emperor Chen and said with a smile: "If Emperor Chen said so, I have no words to deny it, but, as I said, don't forget, I am only the second disciple of the Dragon Alliance, and if I want to kill the descendants of Emperor Chen, it is just as easy as pie. "

"Besides, my junior brother has already said that all this has nothing to do with him. Duanmu Tong is dead. Today, I, Li Chaoyang, will put my words here. If you want to start a war, you can, and the Dragon Alliance will accompany you. But you all should consider whether you can afford the price. "Li Chaoyang said calmly.

Emperor Chen narrowed his eyes in the void and said nothing more.

On the other side, the Immortal Emperor of the Cantian Taoist Temple was also extremely angry. The breath of Emperor Yun standing there was also surging wildly, and the sound of rustling sounded, and he looked at each other.

"Cantian Taoist Temple, it's useless for you to embarrass Emperor Yun. He has lived for a long time, and he probably didn't expect that his adopted son would cause such a big stir. Since this boy killed Duanmu Tong, we have been here all the time. He must still be hiding in the Holy Mountain. When he comes out, we will capture him and ask him." At this time, Jiu Tian Xianchao smiled faintly at an immortal emperor.

The immortal emperor of Cantian Taoist Temple condensed his eyes and snorted coldly, then he looked at his subordinates below: "Surround them first, no one can leave before this boy appears."

"Yes!" The disciples of Cantian Taoist Temple immediately rushed out and surrounded Emperor Yun and his wife.

Emperor Yun and his wife stood there, also full of worry. Emperor Yun looked at the Holy Mountain and sighed secretly: "This little guy, this trouble is not easy to resolve. Even I can't protect him. I hope he is smart and hides in the Holy Mountain all the time, don't come out."

"Emperor Yan, since the Holy Mountain has ended, when will this formation be put away?" After waiting for a while, the people of the Cantian Taoist Temple looked at Emperor Yan on the suspended wine table and said without boredom.

The Holy Mountain is there, with the Immortal King Daoism, so the Immortal Emperor cannot enter, but even if the Immortal Realm enters the Holy Mountain again, it is to die, and there is no point at all.

"The Holy Mountain is the Immortal King Daoism, the inheritance from heaven, I am just a gatekeeper here, why ask me?" Emperor Yan rolled his eyes at the other party.

"You..." The Immortal Emperor of the Cantian Taoist Temple had cold eyes, but he had no way.

"Hmph, according to my opinion, since that thief is the adopted son of Emperor Yun, we should capture Emperor Yun directly and send someone to the Holy Mountain to tell this boy. Are you afraid that he won't come out?" At this moment, Immortal Emperor Huaqing snorted coldly from a distance.

Hearing this, the Immortal Emperor of the Cantian Taoist Temple fixed his eyes and turned to look at Emperor Yun.

Sensing that gaze, Emperor Yun's heart sank and his body subconsciously wanted to retreat.

"Emperor Yun, can you escape?" Then the next moment, the Immortal Emperor of the Cantian Taoist Temple made a move. Under the Holy Mountain, the ground cracked, and then countless green vines intertwined and formed a huge handprint in the air, which was held towards Emperor Yun through the air.

"Hmph!" Emperor Yun's eyes fixed, and when he raised his hand, Yunxiao turned into a dragon and collided with the Immortal Emperor's big handprint. With a bang, the sky was shattered. The Immortal Emperor's move was too terrible. The residual power alone made countless Immortal Venerables and Immortal Positions change their faces and retreat quickly.

The next moment, the Immortal Emperor of the Cantian Taoist Temple looked disdainful, and his body rose high. He raised his hand and slammed down with a palm. The Cloud Emperor used the clouds as armor to meet the Immortal Emperor. The two collided with a bang, and then the place where the two stood was shattered into nothingness.

How powerful is the power of the Immortal Emperor.

The two forces collided, and the Immortal Emperor of the Cantian Taoist Temple focused his eyes. The Cloud Emperor seemed to be stronger than he imagined, including an Immortal Emperor of the Jiutian Immortal Dynasty in the distance.

In the battle that year, the Jiutian Immortal Dynasty rebelled, killed the Cloud Emperor clan, and seriously injured the Cloud Emperor. Since then, the realm of the Cloud Emperor has been reduced from the top Heavenly Emperor to the primary Immortal Emperor, but the palm just now is definitely not the power of the primary Immortal Emperor.

"It seems that you have not lived in vain for these tens of thousands of years." The eyes of the Immortal Emperor of Cantian Taoist Temple flashed with a strong cold light. The Cloud Emperor stood there, the aura in his body soaring into the sky, and it continued to grow like an ancient tree. All the clouds in the world seemed to be in his hands.

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