Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 994 Ending Everything

Chu Yan has been in the Holy Dragon Pavilion for sixteen years. Now, he has achieved success and finally become an immortal.

"Young Master, you have become an immortal." In the past five years, Leng Shan has been not far away. Seeing the auspicious light in the sky, he couldn't help but get excited.

In the past five years, he has always followed Chu Yan and witnessed too much. Chu Yan's calmness, strong perseverance, and concentration on martial arts. If he fails once, he will try a hundred times. If he fails a hundred times, he will try again and again until every move and every style is perfect.

This also shocked him even more. You know, it is rare to be able to maintain your original intention after practicing to this point.

"Yes." Chu Yan stood up, stretched his waist, and smiled: "I have thought about the appearance of becoming an immortal countless times, but now that I have really become an immortal, I feel a little calm."

"What are your plans next? Go back to the Holy Mountain?" Leng Shan said.

"Don't worry about the Holy Mountain. Go and solve some things first." Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a fierce look. Some grudges have been waiting for five years. Now, it's time to make a conclusion.

Leng Shan naturally knew what Chu Yan meant, nodded, and said without saying much: "Okay, I'll send a message."

Chu Yan nodded, and the two of them flashed and flew away.


Chiyang Palace, Yushan County.

The ruins caused by the war that year have been completely repaired, and there are no longer any broken walls and ruins. On the contrary, since the issuance of the Holy Mountain Order five years ago, this place has changed from the past ruins to extremely prosperous.

In addition to the original top forces, many new forces have risen, all of which have migrated from outside.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Yushan County is one of the safest places in the Holy Dragon Pavilion. It is more stable than some forces with immortal emperors. No one dares to make trouble here, so many forces are scrambling to occupy a place in Yushan County, even some forces with immortal masters are no exception.

It is also because of this that the Yushan County Lord has been busy for the past five years. So far, the main city has been expanded three times, occupying most of Fengzhou.

Unfortunately, it was still overcrowded. For this reason, the Princess of Yushan County also issued an order that any force that wanted to settle in Yushan County had to pay a large amount of taxes and land gold, but despite this, it still couldn't stop those people from settling in.

One day, an evil sword flew over the sky of Yushan County and landed in front of the Princess of Yushan's mansion.

When Chu Yan just arrived here, several guards saw him and stopped him with a bit of coldness and arrogance: "Who is coming? Yushan County Holy Land, quickly retreat."

"Are you guys new here?" Chu Yan smiled and looked at the guards. They all frowned, but before they could say more, Chu Yan flashed forward and passed through them directly.

"How dare you!" Several guards were shocked and wanted to stop him. However, they were also lower-level immortals, but their speed was too different from Chu Yan's. In a blink of an eye, Chu Yan disappeared.

"Asshole! Go to the alert and notify the captain!" The guard was so anxious that he stood up and quickly went to the mansion.

Not long after, he caught up with Chu Yan, who was standing there, and Yu Meiren also came from a distance. The two looked at each other, and the guard hurriedly said: "Princess, be careful! Bold lunatic, why don't you surrender."

Immediately, several immortal guards came forward, holding magic weapons, and surrounded Chu Yan.

"Princess, you hide behind, we will capture this man immediately." A guard said again.

However, Yu Meiren stood there, her beautiful eyes always looking at Chu Yan, and smiled: "You are back."

"Important." Chu Yan also smiled, and several guards were speechless for a while. Yu Meiren glared at several people with a reproachful look: "Why don't you retreat."

Several guards knew that they were wrong, and laughed dryly at Chu Yan, and then they were a little confused. In the past five years, the princess has never had contact with any man. Today is the first time, so who could this person be?

Could it be that the princess is looking for a new consort for the princess? Thinking of this, several guards took a look at Chu Yan. He was indeed handsome, so it was possible.

"They don't know you, so don't blame them." Yu Meiren chuckled, and Chu Yan nodded. He would not pursue such trivial matters: "This is good, it's quite safe."

"But, I can't stop people like you who have bad intentions." Yu Meiren smiled angrily, Chu Yan was stunned, and then shook his head helplessly.

"Haha, boy, you're back." The next moment, there was a gust of wind in the sky, and the Princess of Yushan came. In addition, there were also the Taixu Sect Master and Taixu Pavilion. Now the Taixu Sect Master is the Deputy Princess of Yushan, and the Taixu Sect has also been incorporated into Yushan County.

"Two seniors." Chu Yan smiled and bowed.

"Yeah." Princess Yushan laughed and nodded, then her eyes fixed on Chu Yan: "Good boy, I haven't seen you for five years, and you have already become an immortal?"

After Princess Yushan finished speaking, Yu Meiren and Taixuting were both surprised, especially Taixuting. She knew Chu Yan earlier than Yu Meiren. You know, Chu Yan was only a mid-level saint at that time. How many years have passed? Has he already become an immortal?

"Awesome!" Taixu Sect Master also gave Chu Yan a thumbs up.

"Brother Chu, have you become an immortal?" At this moment, a little head popped out from the back, and it was Chu Yu.

"After Yushan County expanded, the little princess arranged for people to bring the three of us, grandfather and grandson, to the Princess's Mansion. Now Chu Feng and Chu Yu are practicing with the princess and enjoying the same practice resources." Old Master Chu was also there, and said to Chu Yan. Chu Yan suddenly realized and looked at Yu Meiren with gratitude.

"Thank you." Chu Yan said, and Yu Meiren rolled her eyes: "I just like Chu Yu, who cares about your thanks."

Chu Yan laughed dryly, and Princess Yushan nodded with satisfaction: "Haha, don't stand there, this bastard boy has become an immortal, we should celebrate, come on, prepare a banquet!"

"Yes!" Someone immediately took the order and went to make arrangements.

"Let's go and have a drink." Princess Yushan laughed happily, and the group went to the banquet hall in the guest room.

At the banquet, everyone talked a lot, most of them asked about Chu Yan's experience in the past five years, and the current situation of Yushan County.

"Princess, is there any news about the people from Cao Mansion, Black Dragon Demon King, and Zhantian Immortal Mansion?" After three rounds of wine, Chu Yan asked.

The eyes of everyone at the table condensed, flashing cold light. Although everything was over, five years ago, Yushan County was almost destroyed. Everyone still remembered this hatred.

"Yes! Not long ago, someone saw people from the three forces in the north. They seemed to have changed their identities there, reorganized a force, and expanded secretly. In addition, it seems that they are opening a passage to the outer fairyland." Princess Yushan said.

"Are you still not giving up?" Chu Yan snorted coldly.

"Boy, we were originally discussing when to go to attack. You are back just in time. You can decide the date." Yushan County Lord asked.

"Tomorrow." Chu Yan pondered for a moment and said.

"Tomorrow?" Yushan County Lord opened and closed his cold eyes and nodded: "Okay, I will go and prepare here and set off tomorrow."

After that, the banquet continued for a while. Not only that, the news of Chu Yan's return also spread throughout the Holy Dragon Pavilion, attracting countless forces, including some immortals to visit in person.

Soon, the gate of Yushan County was crowded with people, and many immortals sent messages: "We learned that the Holy Lord has returned, so we come to pay our respects."

"Ziyou Divine Sect, with the order of the Immortal Emperor, comes to pay our respects to the Holy Lord!"

"Fengzhou State Lord, come to pay our respects to the Holy Lord!"

"Yunzhou State Lord, come to pay our respects to the Holy Lord!"

For a while, loud voices echoed continuously in the Holy Mountain.

The Princess of Yushan County looked at Chu Yan and said with a wry smile: "Do you want to meet?"

"No need." Chu Yan shook his head, and then he said: "Everyone has come from afar, Chu is very grateful. In Yushan County, you can walk around freely. All expenses are on my account. As for the visit, forget it. I am a little tired."

A voice came from Yushan County. It was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly, leaving everyone speechless and shocked.

"This..." Someone blinked. This sounded very polite, but the implication was that they would not meet.

For this reason, all parties were a little disappointed. Of course, it was just disappointment. As for opinions, there was no one, and no one thought Chu Yan was too arrogant, because it was very simple. Now Chu Yan is the Holy Lord, and his status is higher than that of the Immortal Emperor.

Let me ask, if it was the Immortal Emperor, would he meet the Immortal Lord when he came to visit? If so, how long would the Immortal Emperor spend just receiving others in a day, and how could he practice?

So, the same reason.

"Let's all go." Chu Yan said calmly again, and everyone smiled bitterly and dispersed. However, they did not leave, but stayed in the restaurant in Yushan County, thinking that they might have a chance to see the true face of the Holy Lord.

Of course, staying is staying, as for the expenses, they are all solved by themselves. Although Chu Yan was polite to them, who would be stupid enough to really remember Chu Yan?

For a time, the restaurant industry in Yushan County was prosperous.


The next day, a large number of strong people gathered in Yushan County immediately. In addition, Chu Yan also asked Lengshan to use the power of the Holy Mountain to mobilize many immortal masters.

In Yushan County, people from all sides were full of curiosity when they saw this scene.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, it seems that there are troops gathering. What is Yushan County going to do?"

Some smart people realized something and immediately said, "Quick, send a message back to the sect. Yushan County should be attacking the three major forces. Let the sect send some people."

Immediately, the forces that came to visit Chu Yan sent messages back. Although they also knew that Chu Yan was the Holy Lord and had the Holy Mountain behind him, he didn't need their help, but this was their attitude. If they had the opportunity to help, at least Chu Yan would remember a favor.

Soon, a large number of troops gathered in Yushan County. Chu Yan stood in the first place. Below him was a golden great holy dragon, holding an evil sword, and staring into the distance.

"Sir, everyone is here!" Lengshan sent a message.

Chu Yan showed a sharp edge that could conquer the world, and then looked up to the north. Today, everything will end. He waved his sword and pointed: "Let's go!"

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