Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1102

That light tone, as if to get rid of a hermit family Tianjia, but just as easy as to sweep away a piece of garbage.

"Don't worry, just leave it to us." As early as when the people of Tiangu mercenary Corps chased Tang Yiyue and dared to attack him, the master of the Tang family didn't intend to let this day's family stay in this world.

"But Yi Yue, when are you going to come back..." Before the master of the Tang family had finished speaking, Tang Yiyue had timely cut off the transmission of divine knowledge.

looked at the as like as two peas. The Tang family shook his head, but Tang Yi Yue's temperament was exactly the same as her mother's.

After a while, the master of the Tang family ordered him to go down and prepare to fight against the Tian family.

"Tang Yiyue, what are you doing?" Qi Tianyu noticed that Tang Yiyue had just left the meeting, but he just didn't know what Tang Yiyue was doing quietly.

Tang Yiyue shook his head, "nothing, now it's getting dark, what should we do next."

Qi Tianyu looked up at the sky. The wild land at night always gives people a sense of inexplicable fear. "Let's have a rest. We're not in a hurry." Qi Tianyu looked at the direction indicated by the golden light.

that direction is the end of barbaric land, where phoenix trees perch Wutong forest.

There is also an endless sea of bitterness that Qi Tianyu's current ability can't touch.

For a moment, Qi Tianyu was lost in thought, and he still wanted to follow the golden light.


On the other side, through the night, the people of the Tang family have started to take action.

On the Tianjia side of the hermit family, they are still shocked by the destruction of their Tiangu mercenary regiment. They are discussing countermeasures all night. They don't notice that the people of the Tang family have come in quietly in the dark.

"What we started this time is a powerful sect that has just been established for a few years. It's day by day." One of the Tian family's faces said.

"The latest news that the Scout just received is that not long ago, the black tiger mercenary regiment, the enemy of our Tiangu mercenary regiment, has joined the Tianzong camp."

"No matter what clan he is, it's just a small new faction. He dares to bully our Tianjia family. He has to pay for it..." Before he finished speaking, a concealed weapon came and hit his throat.

The hidden weapon that blocked the throat at the sight of blood ended this man's life in an instant.

The people in the Tianjia family didn't respond to the sudden change. After all, there has never been anyone or any force who dares to come to Tianjia's headquarters.

"Who!" "Who!"

The soldiers of the Tian family came out in a flash, almost blinded.

Several figures slowly appear in the field of vision of the Tian family.

"The Tang family, the master of the Tang family." The owner of the Tian family said in a cold voice, after all, the Tang family's clothes all have the Tang family's logo, and at this time, the Tang family didn't do any camouflage, and they were not afraid of exposing their identity.

"What do you mean by that? I don't remember what our Tians have to do with your tangs." The Tang family killed the door without saying a word, which naturally made the people of the Tian family extremely unhappy.

"If you don't give us a satisfactory account today, you can't get out of here alive." You know, this is Tianjia's headquarters, Tianjia's territory, and there are so many people in the Tang family.

"If you don't keep one, kill it." The master of the Tang family coldly ordered.

With the order of the master of the Tang family, the people of the Tang family, who were lurking in the dark, immediately took action.

Countless poisonous weapons, concealed weapons and poisonous gas all attacked the people of the heavenly family in an instant.

The people of the Tang family are more like killers trained with poison. They kill people every minute, just like ghosts in the dark.

At this time, the people of the Tian family found that the strength of the people of the Tang family was definitely not as simple as that of the drug making aristocratic family. Unfortunately, even now, it's too late.

Because the people of the Tang family would never give them the chance to speak. Without complete assurance, how can the master of the Tang family do it.

A night massacre is going on quietly, and even other forces are not alarmed.

Overnight, the Tang family not only wiped out all the forces of the Tian family. Even the property belonging to the Tian family changed its owner overnight and came under the Tang family.

When I got up early in the morning, the news that the Tianjia family had been destroyed could be said to be a heavyweight, waking everyone up.

No one will believe that a Tang family will be able to destroy the Tianjia family, which is also a hermit family, overnight.

Behind this, there must be a certain force, but it did not appear.

For a moment, all the people have big brain holes, brain fill this does not exist.

The news of the destruction of the heavenly family came to Qi Tianyu and others in the wilderness the next day.

"What's the matter, Tang Yiyue? Your family is so corrupt." Yue Yunfeng and others were shocked.

If you think about it with your toes, you all know that the Tang family will fight against the Tianjia family. It must be Tang Yiyue's idea. If not, it will definitely have something to do with Tang Yiyue.However, the speed and agility of the Tang family's actions were beyond Qi Tianyu's expectation.

This skill of the Tang family really shocked Qi Tianyu.

Tang Yiyue smiles and doesn't say anything, let alone ask for credit.

Qi Tianyu thought that Tang Yiyue left yesterday, because of this.

"Tang family, Tang family..." Qi Tianyu in the heart, can't stop chanting. Qi Tianyu doesn't talk about the existence of other forces like other actors.

Qi Tianyu believes that according to the strength of the Tang family, he has the ability to destroy the Tian family.

However, Qi Tianyu is more and more curious about the Tang family.

Among all the secluded families, the Tang family is a clear stream. I don't like to compete with other hermit families for fame and wealth, but my strength is the fastest growing one.

Is it possible that the Tang family can develop so fast and stand up in the line of thousands of years of secluded families only by making poison.

Qi Tianyu would never believe that. Tang Yiyue did not say, perhaps she did not know.

However, it's only a matter of time before we know all this.

Qi Tianyu took back his thoughts and stopped thinking about it.


After all, as a hermit family, the Tianjia family was suddenly destroyed. It can be said that even the four dynasties were shocked.

No one can guess why the Tang family suddenly got into trouble.

What kind of influence will Tang family's practice have on the pattern.

In contrast, the Tang family is the most calm, just as it has not been affected.

It's like they didn't write about the destruction of Tianjia last night.

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