Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1148

But in fact, Qi Tianyu still has a whole xuanhuang Tianbei. In the xuanhuang Tianbei, Tianming beasts are ready. As soon as the ghosts come out, their martial arts will be thrown out immediately.

In particular, they are good at the power of space law to extend time. They are ready to start at any time.

Qi Tianyu's golden sword can return to Qi Tianyu at any time. After all, the golden sword can communicate with human nature. Moreover, Qi Tianyu's golden sword has high spirituality.

"Is that all right?" Qi Tianyu brows a pick, in xuanhuang Tianbei, nine you lock of the bone War soldiers are ready.

The golden sword that Qi Tianyu threw on the ground has also quietly shifted the tip of the sword.

"Very good, I like you such obedient person, Jie. In this case, I'll let this little girl go. Although this guy has huge energy in his body, it's too weird." The ghost thing in the body of small Ni Chang says, suddenly rushed toward Qi Tianyu.

A mass of black things, I don't know what the ghost is, rushed to Qi Tianyu's body in an instant.

But waiting for him is a sea of fire.

"What's the matter? What the hell is this? " There was a slight trembling and angry voice in the dark fog.

Originally, his speed could instantly penetrate into Qi Tianyu's body from Xiao nishang. However, at such a small distance between Qi Tianyu and Xiao nishang, he suddenly seemed to be stuck in the air and could not move.

"Ha ha, just a little bit of your mind, do you want to devour my body?" Qi Tianyu laughed happily. Now he finally relaxed.

Xiao nishang is his biggest worry. Qi Tianyu looks at Xiao nishang, who is now sleeping in Zhu lin'er's arms.

"How did you get your eye on the little girl? I suggest you give me a good explanation. " Qi Tianyu said with a smile.

The golden sword on the floor has been suspended in the air, aiming at the black fog in front of us.

"No way! How can you break God's word? Why hasn't the spirit been swallowed yet? " In front of ghost thing facial expression shocked stare at Qi Tianyu to say.

"That's because you have no insight, no vision, understand? Things like you should be buried alive, skinned and cramped. " Zhu lin'er scolded.

After all, just protecting Xiao nishang made her nervous to death.

Qi Tianyu controls the Jiuyou lock and penetrates into the black fog, then binds the black soul.

Tianming beast's power of space law won't last long. If this ghost escapes again, Qi Tianyu may have a headache.

Xiao nishang is still lying in Zhu lin'er's arms, but at this time, her face has gradually returned to normal, unlike before, her face has become iron blue, and her lips are slightly purple.

But it will take some time for Xiao nishang to wake up.

"Tell me who you are. Why are you here? Why should we aim at the little nishang Qi Tianyu said faintly, but his whole body exuded a murderous spirit that shocked Nie's heart.

The black soul stares at Qi Tianyu, and his face is not reconciled. His black fog has been completely burned by Qi Tianyu's strange fire.

Black soul did not speak. He was still waiting. He thought that in this secret place, the power of heaven could not penetrate immediately. As long as he persisted for a little longer, Qi Tianyu would be engulfed by heaven.

"You still want to kill time, don't you? OK, just wait a little longer. I'll make you die completely. " Qi Tianyu said with a smile.

In the black space, Qi Tianyu catches three spirit villains of Xuexiu, and tens of thousands of sword Qi hover around them, stinging their spirit power from time to time.

That kind of feeling, like being executed in a hurry, is extremely painful.

The spirit of the small body also has blood essence, a drop of blood essence from the wound penetration out, three blood repair face incomparably pale.

"Hello everyone, we meet again." Qi Tianyu gave a cold smile and ignored the three villains.

"What do you want to know, I'll say it all, all!" Three spirit villain slow God to, hurriedly scramble to say.

Before, they were almost not destroyed by Qi Tianyu's dark space. Now they are back to the outside world, almost unable to open their eyes and speak quickly.

In the dark space, they always feel that there are countless subtle creatures gnawing at their spirit power, but in fact, there is only Tang Yiyue's poison producing effect.

The golden sword in Qi Tianyu's hand pointed at them. In an instant, a very powerful murderous spirit rolled them down, and their faces turned iron blue.

"This place, you know? And this ghost thing, does it have something to do with you? " Qi Tianyu's face is calm, but everyone knows his anger.

"Commander, why are you here?" Sure enough, the three black faces came out.Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er were watching with interest. He wanted to know the relationship between the black soul and Xuexiu.

"The previous body has been destroyed. I want to use the secret technique to devour an interesting body, and that's it." Black soul looked at Qi Tianyu, not willing to say.

From the time the three blood cultivation spirits came out, he already knew that this time, he was afraid that he had fallen.

After all, Qi Tianyu had already tamed the three blood cultivation. They claimed that there was no punishment that could make them speak. But this time, the three blood cultivation had failed.

And their blood repair, so far, he is the first time to see who was killed and captured.

"I don't know the identity of this girl. I can't feel the outside world before I occupy her body." Aware of Qi Tianyu's murderous eyes, the black soul said quickly.

"As for the secret of Xuexiu, it's not that we don't want to say it, but that we really can't say it." Black soul explained with a bitter smile.

"You think I'm stupid?" Qi Tianyu eyebrows pick, a sword suddenly to the black soul puncture past.

Suddenly, the face of the black soul was shocked, and another drop of blood essence was taken away by the sword.

"No, no, that's not what I mean," explained black soul, pale and flurried.

"I haven't finished yet. Who asked you to interrupt? Do you still respect Laozi in your eyes? "

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