Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1180

You need to know which of these clan elders is not rich. These fat sheep are not slaughtered.

If you kill guests according to Yue Yunfeng's command, even if the profit is 50% to 50%, the inn can also make a great profit from it.

As for whether the Presbyterian Council of luofengzong will be furious, it's not a matter for the innkeeper to consider.

Yue Yunfeng has already said that no matter what the problems are, they are covered day by day. Just kill them to death.

"Simple style?" The elder of luofengzong looked at the empty room suspiciously. He forced to restrain his unhappiness and went to the room.

Before going to the mural, the elder of luofengzong carefully took the mural and looked at it for a long time. He only felt that there was nothing special in the mural except the vivid scenery and creatures.

"Sophomore, where is the mystery you said?" The elder of luofengzong seems very dissatisfied, and plans to find the second child to ask a question.

And want to take advantage of this matter to play, find trouble day by day.

Xiaoer smiles innocuously, points to the little sign of shixiaojiao, and says, "the mystery is here, elder."

The elder of luofengzong widened his eyes and looked at it carefully. He only saw a word "Meng".

"That's the mystery. Do you think I'm a three-year-old as easy to cheat, huh?" Luofengzong elder said coldly, his face was full of discontent.

"What's the matter? It seems that the elder of Xuanfeng sect is not happy. Don't you want to recruit the elder of luofengzong? As the largest Inn in the name of tianzhuzong, how do you do things

Very timely Yue Yunfeng appeared again, pretending to blame said.

"Mr. Yue, how dare you. As you know, this mural is made by our mother. You see, she signed it Little two pointed to the sign and said.

"As everyone knows, the paintings of the national mother are not generally handed down to the outside world. The shop is also touched by the light of the day-to-day clan, so it's lucky to get such a painting. It's very precious, but the elder of the Luofeng clan looks like..."

The second child said, looking at the elder of luofengzong.

Meng Ruyue is really fond of painting. Qi Tianyi even opened a studio for her in the daily family, so that she can spend her time with nothing.

Meng Ruyue's paintings are also excellent. She created new works with a stroke of a brush. Meng Ruyue is not stingy and often gives his paintings to his subordinates.

So what the sophomore just said is very precious. It's pure nonsense.

"This..." The elder of luofengzong was choked by the words of Xiao er. He didn't know that this painting was painted by Meng Ruyue. If he dared to say that he looked down on this painting, he would be dissatisfied with zhutianzong and Nanyang kingdom.

"Oh, well, elder Luofeng, do you have any dissatisfaction with this mural?" Yue Yunfeng said with an eyebrow.

"No, no, this painting is excellent. The scenery and living things are also vivid and interesting. It can be seen that the painters have a solid foundation in painting."

Looking at the elder of luofengzong's head full of words praising the mural, Yue Yunfeng and Xiao Er have been laughing. Their faces look as usual, but in fact they almost suffer from internal injuries.

"Just..." The elder of luofengzong wanted to say nothing.

"Just say what you think, elder Daotian. I will urge them to improve." Yue Yunfeng said solemnly.

"I've handed over 2000 spirit stones. I'm here to live, not to enjoy the murals of my mother." The elder of Luofeng sect hummed coldly.

"Oh, look at me, look at me. I'm so busy that I forgot to make it clear. The starting price of our high-class inn is 2000 stone. If you want to stay or eat, there's an extra charge. "

Yue Yunfeng is very tactful. He regards the entrance fee as the starting price. He is the best at playing word games, so that he can kill the elder luofengzong.

"You..." The elder of luofengzong was so angry that he had to blow his beard and stare. Two thousand spirit stones were placed elsewhere. Even if they were all inclusive services, they would be more than enough for a few days and nights.

How come here, it has become the starting price, and other expenses have to be paid in addition. This is not the starting price. What is this.

Don't give elder Luofeng a chance to speak, Yue Yunfeng continues. "Look at me, my young head is a little hard to use. I can't help it. Two days ago, the fierce animal tide stirred up the whole family. I'm also busy. What's wrong? You should bear with me."

Yue Yunfeng is smiling. In fact, there is a hidden sword in his words. He has been satirizing the elder of Luofeng sect for a long time. He almost didn't make him angry.

"Mr. Yue, does this Tianchang always plan to live here or..." In the side of the small two received Yue Yunfeng's eyes, opening the way.

"Yes, of course." The elder of Luofeng sect suppressed his anger and said that this time he was sent by Luofeng sect to inquire about the daily news. How could he go back without getting any information."Good!" Listen to the elder of luofengzong say so, small two's face smile with flower prosperous blossom.

"By the way, elder Daotian, what you just paid is only 2000 yuan stone. If you want to stay, you will have to pay more." Xiaoer said with a smile.

For the first time, I feel that it's easy to earn money. The room with murals just now is only a half decorated room, and all kinds of furniture have not been placed yet. In this way, I can blackmail the two thousand spirit stones of the elder of Luofeng sect.

What's more, the elder of luofengzong can't have a complaint. It's true that people are stupid and have a lot of money.

"Say the number." Although reluctant, but reluctant to give up the children can not set the wolf, the money to spend still have to spend.

"Well, it depends on what kind of room you always want to live in. The most characteristic of our inn is TIANDIREN No.3 room. Tianzi room is the best, dizi room is a little bit better, Renzi room is the most common and cost-effective." Small two introduction way.

Listen to small two so say, Luo Feng Zong elder know that the price of Tian Zi room is certainly not cheap, but refused to live in Ren Zi room. Just want to open a mouth to let small two prepare a ground word room for him, then be interrupted by Yue Yunfeng's opening of one side.

"It's not necessary to say that, of course, it's to prepare a good room. What kind of person is elder Daotian? But the elder luofengzong represents the facade of the whole luofengzong. How can we live in a less expensive room? "

"Elder Yue is right. Even the ordinary children of the rich family only point to the heavenly room every time, not to mention our Taoist elder." Xiao Er is mending the Dao.

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