Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1311

"Qi Tianyu, what should that woman do? Shall we save him? " Lin Ruyue asked some in the heart.

"Which woman?" Qi Tianyu asked in surprise. He didn't see xiaotianxiao when he came in, so he didn't know the existence of xiaotianxiao.

Lin Ruyue pointed to the front and motioned Qi Tianyu to look in that direction.

"Is that Xiao Tian Xiao?" Qi Tianyu asked in surprise. If it wasn't for Lin Ruyue, he really didn't know.

Swamp space is just like the existence that hides sword Qi and poison in small space. As long as the monk accidentally touches the swamp space, he can only block it with his body.

Otherwise, the swamp force in the swamp space will tilt out and devour a large area of surrounding space. At that time, even if other friars want to help rescue, they can't pass.

Moreover, in the swamp space, there is the poison of paralysis, which paralyzes the monk's body and makes him unable to leave. At most, he can only move constantly. If he moves, the result will be worse.

Qi Tianyu sat on the ground and used xuanhuang Jue to restore the spiritual power in his body and devour the spiritual power in his body.

The surrounding space, I don't know why, the spiritual power has begun to become rich, and the layout of Taoist Zhou has begun to change. After all, in this secret place, Qi Tianyu has won the list of talents of the white tiger Dynasty.

I think the four Dharma protectors have also talked to Taoist Zhou, otherwise, according to Taoist Zhou's cautious appearance, they should not suddenly get rid of their original layout and choose a new way.

Lin Mo, they did talk to Zhou daoren, and now Zhou daoren doesn't ask his monks to kill others. Of course, except xuanshewei and Xuexiu, they have been blacklisted by Zhou daoren.

No matter where these xuanshewei and Xuexiu appear, as long as they are seen by the power of Zhou daoren, the people under Zhou daoren will immediately target xuanshewei and Zhou daoren.

The previous spirit gathering array has lost its effect. After Qi Tianyu absorbed enough spirit power in the surrounding space, he stood up.

Yue Yunfeng and Yun Zihan are numb and unable to move. The swamp force behind them paralyzes their muscles. Even if they want to open their mouth to talk, their tongue can't move.

"It's comfortable now. When I fainted, you both thought about treasure and didn't remember my existence." Qi Tianyu looked white and said helplessly.

but Qi Tianyu's mouth is still tucking Yue Yunfeng and Yun Zi Han, but his hands make complaints about how to save the two.

If the golden sword is used to cut this swamp space, the swamp power and toxicity will spread out. It will be too late for Yu to escape in a few days, let alone save Yue Yunfeng and yunzihan.

"It seems that we still need to remove the power of the whole space." Qi Tianyu pondered for a moment, and finally came up with a way.

Qi Tianyu thought about it and took out several small spaces in xuanhuang Tianbei. There was nothing in these small spaces. Qi Tianyu also wanted to take these small spaces, store all the power of the swamp, and find out Yue Yunfeng and Yunzi Han.

The golden sword is constantly flying in the air. Yue Yunfeng is a little worried that Qi Tianyu's golden sword might scratch his face. However, Qi Tianyu doesn't know what he thinks at this time. Several times, the weather of golden sword has blown off Yue Yunfeng's eyebrows. Yue Yunfeng can't open his mouth, so he can only complain in his heart.

Qi Tianyu opened the rune, a purple golden light shrouded in the array, on the array, the power of the array continued to wind around.

Qi Tianyu carefully manipulates the golden sword and carves a small hole in the array. Suddenly, the swamp power in the array will pour out. Fortunately, Qi Tianyu has already prepared to block the small space above the small hole. All the swamp power will pour out in the small space without touching Qi Tianyu's body.

Qi Tianyu took out about ten small spaces to eliminate all the swamp power in this small space.

Yue Yunfeng and Yunzi Han are in the air and fall directly to the ground. They can't use any spiritual power. National music and Lin bingyue are looking at other things in the government and don't pay attention to them.

All of a sudden, Yue Yunfeng and Yunzi Han fell into a dog's excrement directly. They looked very ugly. What's more, they couldn't speak at this time. Their backs were swollen as if they had been tortured countless times. They looked even more miserable than Xiaotian Xiao.

Qi Tianyu turned around and saw their appearance. He shook his head helplessly and put a spiritual force into their bodies to help them recover their meridians.

There are countless treasures in the devil's cave, but it takes a lot of effort to find them. Otherwise, they will be imprisoned in the air by the power of the swamp, just like Yunzi Han of Yue Yunfeng. If Qi Tianyu wakes up slowly, I'm afraid Yue Yunfeng and Yunzi Han will have fainted."Xiaotianxiao, why are you here?" Qi Tianyu walked over and saw the body of a chiluoluoluo on the ground. The white skin on the body covered with several layers of silk made Yuhuo burn.

But Qi Tianyu doesn't have any interest in xiaotianxiao. Although xiaotianxiao looks confused, what kind of woman has he never seen as the great emperor?

"Don't worry. If you want to kill me, kill me quickly. Don't torture me here." Xiaotianxiao looks gloomy and raises his head. Although the voice is hard to hear, it falls into Qi Tianyu's ears, but somehow it turns into a strange voice. This voice is not hard to hear, but has a power of confusion.

"Maybe it has something to do with her usual practice." Qi Tianyu thought about it and said nothing more.

In front of this woman, in order to kill Yue Yunfeng, all kinds of means can be done. If Qi Tianyu really let him out, I don't know what will happen for a while, but xiaotianxiao now seems to be a useless person.

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