Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1328

Qi Tianyu, on the other hand, suddenly turned into a peerless sword, which appeared and disappeared in the world like a strange treasure. Suddenly, all the friars were confused, and each friar went crazy, looking for the peerless sword that Qi Tianyu had turned into.

The first one who got him was a very vicious monk. The peerless sword tried to escape, but in the end, it couldn't escape. He was shocked by the monk and hurt the sword spirit.

However, the monk's life was not long. The next day, he was chased by other monks. The supreme sword changed its owner. This time, he got him as a sword practitioner. He practiced his swordsmanship painstakingly and cared about the sword. However, Qi Tianyu always felt strange.

It turned out that the monk had never passed through the ditch with the peerless sword. Qi Tianyu's face was bitter. It turned out that he felt like a sword.

Qi Tianyu has seen through all kinds of people. No one has found his pain for tens of thousands of years. He also feels it.

After many twists and turns, the peerless sword finally fell into a child's hand. The child was walking and suddenly tripped over something. When he picked it up, it turned out to be a sword.

Qi Tianyu's peerless sword accompanies the children. At last, the children step on the top of the sword formula. However, their cultivation of Kendo can't go any further. Finally, when they fight with the enemy, they lose their souls.

Qi Tianyu suddenly woke up. He didn't know why he thought so much. Moreover, had it been so long around him? Qi Tianyu's face was shocked, and he found that there was still a world of sword Qi and soldiers around him.

"What's the situation?" Qi Tianyu lowered his head and murmured that what had just happened seemed to have passed for thousands of years.

Qi Tianyu recalled that he had become a sword spirit, and there seemed to be no loophole.

"Along with fate, there will always be a chance to know," Qi Tianyu said, his face light, he in addition to accept, but there is no other way.

There are countless sword Qi and flowers around the world.

"Aren't you trapped by the old tree monster? Why am I in the world of sword now?" Qi Tianyu's face was surprised and said that he didn't know where he was at this time. After a lifetime of the peerless sword, he still couldn't slow down.

"Boss, are you awake?" Yue Yunfeng and his hand shook in front of Qi Tianyu. Some of them said suspiciously that Qi Tianyu now looks like he didn't wake up from sleep.

Qi Tianyu suddenly reacted. He saw that outside the sword, it was the old tree monster's array. The old tree monster's roots and crown had trapped them in a small space.

Qi Tianyu's face changed. The sword flowers around him suddenly turned into a sharp weapon to kill people. They constantly bombarded the array. The sword flowers had already spread all over the ground, and the sword flowers soared up, constantly destroying the power of the array around him.

Qi Tianyu's face was dignified. The array around him seemed to be unable to be wiped out in any case. At this time, the array around him was still shrinking, as if to crush them completely.

"Boss, it's up to you. We have no strength." Yue Yunfeng and Yunzi Han finish, and the whole person falls to the ground, lifted up by the surrounding sword Qi, and sleeps in the air.

"In that case, I'll find a breakthrough and rush out." Qi Tianyu sneered and condensed all the sword Qi into a huge sword Qi.

All the soldiers are also arranged together, constantly condensing, and the sword flowers of the whole world also float on the sword Qi, as if dotted with the sword Qi.

Qi Tianyu's face condenses. Holding his sword, he bursts out the power of human shackles and stabs into a weakness he just found.

The old tree monster is suffering, constantly blessing the branches and roots, thinking that Qi Tianyu can be trapped in this way. At this time, Qi Tianyu, like a hole in the ground, is shuttling rapidly among the old tree roots.

"How thick is this array?" Qi Tianyu sneered, and his heart moved. At the top of the sword Qi, two groups of flames suddenly appeared. The power of these two groups of flames was blessed on the sword Qi, as if they had finally got the flame.

The old tree monster was afraid for a while, and quickly controlled the power of the tree crown. He wanted to use the power of water to extinguish the strange fire of heaven and earth. But at this time, the green branches had not been close to Qi Tianyu's strange fire of heaven and earth, and they had become withered wood.

Yue Yunfeng and Yunzi Han are held in the air by the sword Qi, constantly shuttling, closely following Qi Tianyu. Qi Tianyu rushes out like a world with a whole sword, constantly destroying heaven and earth.

For a moment, Qi Tianyu had already broken through the old tree monster's array with sword Qi and Yue Yunfeng. However, Qi Tianyu didn't know what realm there was when the sword Qi reached the full circle.

"Is there any other way?" Qi Tianyu gave a sneer, and suddenly went to the old tree monster with his sword Qi. Countless sword Qi moved freely in the old tree monster's body. All the soldiers in the war Pavilion were also in the old tree monster's body, constantly destroying the old tree monster's vitality.Qi Tianyu opened up a small space in the body of the old tree monster. He closed his eyes and meditated directly. All his strength hovered in the air and turned into sword flowers, like snow. But these snowflakes were full of murderous air.

The old tree monster constantly twists the branches, wants to trap Qi Tianyu to death, wants to throw Qi Tianyu out, but Qi Tianyu is still in the same place, motionless.

The branches of the old tree monster have no way to hurt him. Countless swords are constantly portrayed. They directly empty the body of the old tree monster and destroy the vitality of the old tree monster.

The old tree monster already had some regrets at this time. He didn't know that he would be defeated in the hands of a little monk.

A dark green old tree monster condensed, ready to abandon this shell to escape, but his action was still slow, Qi Tianyu's sword had reached him.

"I don't want to die, let me go..." The old tree monster as like as two peas, and trembling all over, was like a frightened child, completely without any arrogant and arrogant arrogance.

"When you just wanted to kill us, you should have this consciousness," Qi Tianyu sneered. If he hadn't entered that mysterious state, it might be Qi Tianyu who died today, and they were still dead.

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