Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1355

A red and blue martial arts, in the palm of xiaotianzheng's hand, xiaotianzheng's petite body and his condensation out of the breath of terror, but it seems so natural.

The old man of the other side has a dignified face. The stone in his hand is the most important factor in the war between the two races. Although everything seems to be going on as he planned, the old man always feels that there is something wrong.

But in the end, the old man could not tell what was wrong.

"That's all. Let's bet on it. If there is no accident, the giant ape can still rule the city of heaven. But if there is an accident, I'm afraid the life of the giant ape will be worse than that of the human friars before."

"We have to pay back the evils we have done. We giant apes have gone too far in recent years." The old man's face is bitter and astringent. He seems to have understood something inadvertently. Feng Shui turns in turn. Now Feng Shui has changed. I'm afraid that their giant ape will be exterminated.

Sure enough, when Xiao Tianzheng released his martial arts skills, the old man directly threw the stone out of his hand and hid behind the commander.

The commander was as pale as ashes. He didn't think why the old man of their giant ape suddenly made such a move, but the imaginary red and blue martial arts didn't come to him.

That originally terrible martial art, like a fishing net, stopped the small stone that suddenly appeared from nowhere.

"Well, the game is over, and you're almost going to give up." Xiaotianzheng calmly said that in his hands, the real terrorist force was lost to the old man.

"Why? Why? " The old man whispered inconceivably. Although he looked dull, he was an old man after all. At this moment, time had already reflected that he resisted the power of Xiao Tianzheng by holding countless magic weapons in front of his chest.

Although there is a magic weapon, he is also shocked by Xiao Tianzheng's martial arts skills and spits out blood. If he uses the martial arts of blood power, he can only resist it with blood power.

Even Qi Tianyu couldn't figure out the accomplishments of Xiao Tianzheng. After all, Xiao Tianzheng didn't seem to be classified according to their cultivation levels.

In front of countless giant apes, one or two of them looked very angry. They would rather fight with the Terran friars to death than be absorbed by the old man and turned into a corpse.

It can be regarded as the most unreliable thing to place hope on others. In a flash, countless commanders and ordinary giant apes rushed to the old man, especially the commander who had just been caught by the old man to resist the martial arts.

If the old man wants to absorb the spiritual power of the giant ape, he also needs to read the pithy formula, but now, his mouth is almost broken by the giant ape, so he can't read the pithy formula at all.

"Well, well, they're starting a civil war. Let's just sit and watch the play." Yue Yunfeng said with a smile that he could relax. He liked watching the enemy die without fighting.

"Surround them all. Today all the giant apes of the imperial court will die here." Xiao Tianzheng solemnly ordered them to go on. Suddenly, all the Terran friars around them, including those behind them, seemed to have undergone professional training. One by two, they turned into a queue, encircling the giant ape circle after circle.

Although the old man had no way to recite the pithy formula, his cultivation was not bad. In an instant, all the giant apes that were pressed on him flew out. The scene was bloody. Half of his face was bleeding, and his fingers were even broken off.

Qi Tianyu and Yue Yunfeng are watching as if nothing had happened to them. The villain has a bad revenge. The old man has come to such an end, which can be regarded as his own sin.

"Yue Yunfeng, Yun Zihan, you two follow me. We need to arrange an array together. It's too cheap for these giant apes to let them die directly. Our people also need to treat them as slaves. This is equal." Qi Tianyu said with a smile.

"Yes, big brother is right. We can't kill them all directly. The development of our human race depends on them." Small day is in front of a bright, also said in the side.

"It makes sense, otherwise the construction of Tiancheng will be a little slow." Yue Yunfeng and Yunzi Han nodded and said with one voice.

Qi Tianyu constantly arranges the array. The golden sword is buzzing in Qi Tianyu's hands. Countless array materials are taken out by Qi Tianyu. After the lines are carved, they are laid on the ground. Yue Yunfeng and yunzihan are responsible for putting the spirit stone in the corresponding position.

When the giant ape beat the old man out of shape, Qi Tianyu's array had been arranged.

The giant ape responded to this. Looking at the power of the array flashing around him, he felt some bitterness in his heart. What should come would come. Who made them so arrogant at ordinary times and do all kinds of evil things to the human race? Now it's OK. Everything has to be reversed. Let them accept what the human race once accepted.

Some giant apes can't think of it and want to commit suicide to escape from reality. When they take out the soldiers, they find that they can't do it by themselves, even if they want to explode themselves."What array did you set up?" The giant ape said in horror. Looking at Qi Tianyu's eyes changed, they didn't expect that Qi Tianyu was such a powerful master. They thought that even if Qi Tianyu arranged the array, they could also break out.

"Great compassion array, how do you feel?" Qi Tianyu said with a smile. He also knew that when these giant apes learned their fate, some of them would try their best to commit suicide.

So the array he set up is not only to seal the giant apes in this place, but also to prevent the giant apes from killing each other, so as not to kill each other. In the end, there is not half a living giant ape left.

"What? Is this the legendary great mercy array The giant ape in front of him looked at Qi Tianyu one by one, two by two.

The giant ape array is the best way to imprison people. It can make the friars have no way to escape.

"Big brother, you are really wonderful. I haven't thought of this problem yet! I don't know the power of the array yet Xiaotianzheng said in a cute way.

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