Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1378

After a while, sanzujinwu finally stood on the wind and beat the two evil spirits.

The two evil spirits looked at each other and finally couldn't bear it. They jumped out of the world and returned to their so-called bodies. Then they found that their bodies had been attacked by Qi Tianyu.

One evil spirit went through the Phoenix's bone, and another evil spirit went back to the rosefinch's inner elixir. He looked very funny.

Qi Tianyu was surrounded by people and didn't give them any chance to escape. The five big men even used their martial arts to fight against the past.

The two evil spirits were confused. They didn't expect that even with their secret treasure status, some friars would kill them directly and mercilessly.

"Is it difficult that there are so many secret treasures out there now?" The two evil spirits thought of it one after another.

"There are so many of you. We only have two. Have you ever thought about how to divide equally after you get us?" The two evil spirits thought for a while, and even said such words.

"Oh? You're worried about who's going to take the lead, aren't you? No, we are all teammates. Don't worry Qi Tianyu said with a smile and directly used his martial arts to kill him.

The two evil spirits on the other side complained bitterly. Their spiritual power savings for tens of thousands of years had been completely consumed, and they could not fight Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu's golden sword is buzzing. Thousands of sword Qi with seven emotions and six desires fly out of the golden sword, constantly killing the blood and evil Qi of the whole world.

Some of them had no bones on the ground.

As for the rosefinch's inner elixir, Qi Tianyu had already pumped out the inner elixir. The remaining inner elixir, just like a balloon, had no effect at all.

In the sky, countless clouds were flying and disappeared in an instant. They were all turned into spiritual power and scattered on Qi Tianyu and Yue Yunfeng.

The whole sky began to turn blue, not as bloody red as before. Qi Tianyu looked up at the sky, and the storm in Phoenix was finally solved.

"How are you feeling, sanzujinwu?" In front of the eyes of the three legged Gold Black constantly smaller, into a normal appearance, looks particularly weak.

Ziling pours on sanzujinwu's arms and looks at sanzujinwu with a sad face. Sanzujinwu is called big guy by him, but they are old acquaintances.

"Thank you very much for your help. If you have anything to do with our three legged Jinwu clan, just tell me. I promise that all the three legged Jinwu in the clan will be called." In front of the three feet gold Wu said gratefully.

After waking up, sanzujinwu naturally knew what had just happened, and xiangtianyu was also very grateful. Moreover, he saw Ziling. Ziling was very young when he left the towering purple tree, and now he was fed by Qi Tianyu.

"No need to say thank you. How did you come here?" Qi Tianyu asked curiously.

The distance from the wild land to the white tiger Dynasty is not very close. Is there anything in the white tiger dynasty that attracts the three legged Jinwu? Qi Tianyu thought curiously.

"In fact, when I was in the wilderness, I was already possessed by the devil. Then I suddenly had a little consciousness and flew to the towering purple tree to save me, but the towering purple tree also said that he could do nothing."

"But later, the towering purple tree predicted that I would fly to the direction of the white tiger Dynasty, saying that I could find opportunities in the white tiger Dynasty, regain my life, and own a piece of land in the white tiger Dynasty. I was only filled with this idea and flew to the white tiger Dynasty."

Sanzujinwu gave a wry smile and told Qi Tianyu everything.

"In this case, the places mentioned by the towering purple tree should be the Phoenix City, and the ruler of the Phoenix City has something to do with you birds." Qi Tianyu said with a smile.

However, there are too many forbidden areas to live in the Phoenix City. At most, they can only improve their experience. There are no towering purple trees here, so it's better for them to go back to the wilderness.

In Phoenix City, countless friars are cheering.

"After all, who solved this crisis? Phoenix is really blessed by God and man. We want to thank God and man for their help. "

"Anyway, it's certainly not the people of the Phoenix court who help us. One or two people of the Phoenix court can only use people, and the others can't do anything. This time we can be saved, it must be the people from outside who help us through the difficulties."

"Yes, when there was a secret treasure in Phoenix at the beginning, they didn't want to let the monks from outside come in. Until something happened in Phoenix, they didn't want to let the monks out of the gate. It's really despicable."

"That's all. Don't talk so much, or you'll be caught by the court."The sound of discussion kept rising and falling in Phoenix, and beggars from all over the world sent people out to add fuel to the flames. It was not until the officials of the imperial court gave a command that the whole city disappeared, which calmed down.

Up to now, no one wants to know what the secret guard is. For them, it's very good to be able to recover a life.

The patrol soldiers and the commander of the patrol soldiers, now Phoenix has no heart to take them to the crime, and the task given to General Zhang has been canceled.

Now general Zhang's task is to completely blockade the whole city of Phoenix. The one above the city of Phoenix still wants to seize the secret treasure. They feel that only by seizing the secret treasure can they change the truth and let the friars of Phoenix believe that the court is still good for them.

Qi Tianyu and his family are eating, drinking and having fun in the beggars' stronghold. Phoenix can't be sealed for so long. When the crisis is over, if Phoenix is sealed for so long, it will be doubted.

After getting the secret treasure, ordinary people always want to leave the vicinity of the secret treasure, especially when they encounter the situation of closing the city. One or two of them are also very flustered, and they want to go quickly. In this way, they will be confused.

But Qi Tianyu and his family are calm, not a bit flustered, although they didn't get the secret treasure.

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