Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1390

All the day-to-day monks are dressed in plain clothes. Basically, no one will notice the sudden appearance of these people. The mobility of monks in the world is very strong. Even in the forbidden area, monks often go to various cities.

"These Terrans are really powerful. Fortunately, we didn't have any conflicts with them in the early years." The leader of the snowman clan was in Tiandi Inn, and his face was quite complicated.

In their world inn, nearly half of the creatures are Terrans, and these Terrans are staring at the direction of the dark Inn, one or two are monitoring the changes in the dark inn.

In their eyes, this kind of strength of unity between the upper and lower Terrans is extremely terrible. The Terrans themselves are the most intelligent creatures. If they can unite as one, there is almost nothing they can't do.

It's just that in ordinary times, because the Terran is too smart to bully other creatures, it's meaningless, so the Terran can only fight with each other.

Only when something big happens or a major disaster happens, will all the people unite and burst out with great strength.

Those mysterious snake guards were hung upside down in the cave, and they were blocked by Qi Tianyu. Even if the emperor Lao Tzu came, they could not save them.

"The enemy has also been solved. Now can the dark power in your body be suppressed? If you can, you can dissolve the dark power by the way, so as not to make any changes after a long night."

Qi Tianyu said softly.

Qi Tianyu also took the magic weapon on the Xuan snake guard, which was tracking the four of them. After studying it for a long time, Qi Tianyu threw it directly into the fire and burned it.

It's nothing more than leaving a mark on the monk, and then marking the mark in an ordinary Dharma disk. In this way, the position of the monk can be judged by the Dharma disk, which is of great help to people with weak spirit power.

But for people with such powerful spirits as Tianyu, they are just chicken ribs.

"Boss, what do you need to do? You can arrange it." Four Xuan snake Wei respectfully said.

Qi Tianyu took out more than 20 pills, which frightened them. They didn't expect that Qi Tianyu could refine more than 20 pills at one time.

"One would have been fine, but in order to ensure your safety, share it equally." Qi Tianyu said softly.

Moreover, these pills contain the power of the law of calligraphy, which can only be used immediately. After ten days and eight months, most of the power in the pills will disappear, and the best effect will not be achieved.

People's faces were stunned for a moment, as if in Qi Tianyu's opinion, these are just sugar beans, it doesn't matter how much they eat.

"You can't die. Don't worry about it. Come one by one. Don't worry. Otherwise, I can't be busy." Qi Tianyu's face was a little dignified.

Even if Qi Tianyu has the power of calligraphy, he will also be very careful to face the power of these dark laws. After all, the power of dark laws can erode everything.

The four enemies hanging upside down by Qi Tianyu were shocked to see Qi Tianyu's action. For the first time, they heard that the power of the dark law could be dissolved. Even if it eroded into the friars' bone marrow, it would also be dissolved by the friars.

However, it was useless for them to be shocked. Their lives had been grasped by Qi Tianyu. Even if they knew these things, it was useless.

The careless monk took the elixir, and the elixir melted at the entrance. The power of a law of calligraphy was released from the elixir, mixed with the properties of other elixirs. The five zang organs and six lungs of the friar were continuously moistened. In the end, most of the properties converged into the elixir field.

There are also some medicines that flow directly to the spirit villain. This pill also has an effect on the spirit. After all, the power of the dark law also erodes the spirit villain.

Those medicinal properties directly gather in the elixir field, and flow from the elixir field to the bone marrow. The power of the dark law is attached to the bone marrow. Even if it is the way of scraping the bone to cure the wound, it is impossible to scrape the power of the dark law from the bone marrow.

Unless the bone marrow is directly removed, but if the bone marrow is removed, people don't know how many times they have died.

The power of the law of calligraphy and the power of the law of darkness are deadlocked in the bone marrow. Xuanshewei is frightened, and he doesn't know how much sweat he has shed on his back.

"Take it easy. We're here. What are you afraid of?" Qi Tianyu deliberately relaxed a smile, comforting the friar.

But in fact, his face was also extremely dignified. Qi Tianyu thought for a moment, put his hands on his back, and slowly flowed out of Qi Tianyu's palm and into the monk's body.

Qi Tianyu cultivates xuanhuang Jue. Even his spiritual power can be attached to the light golden light. Only Qi Tianyu's spiritual power can have an effect on the power of the dark law.

After a while, Qi Tianyu found that there was no effect, so he directly used the power of spirit to flow into the monk's body, and slowly guided the medicine power in the monk's body.The combination of the two is a powerful driving force of the dark way, and the power of the two is complementary.

Fortunately, the power of the law of darkness in these friars was imprisoned by them. The power of darkness did not absorb their power to grow, and they did not rely on the power of the law of darkness.

Otherwise, it may take more effort to get rid of the power of the dark law.

The monk's forehead was dripping with sweat, and Qi Tianyu's forehead was dripping with sweat.

Fortunately, the monk was not alert to him. Otherwise, the sweat on Qi Tianyu's forehead might be more.

The other three monks were all sweating, which made them tremble. After all, if they succeed in a while, they will come to accept this kind of toss.

Yue Yunfeng's face is also dignified. They are worried that Qi Tianyu's strength is not enough. After all, Yue Yunfeng hasn't seen Qi Tianyu's forehead full of sweat for a long time.

Behind Qi Tianyu, Yue Yunfeng and yunzihang quickly set up the spirit gathering array, and put the spirit stone in a fixed position. Under the effect of the spirit gathering array, the spirit stone turns into a group of spirit power, converging into Qi Tianyu's body.

After setting up the spirit gathering array, they can only sit and watch, and other things can only rely on Qi Tianyu's own creation.

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