Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1499

"Absolutely impossible, you speechless lunatic, I must kill you!" The old eunuch hysterically continued to say, Yue Yunfeng behind them, also help Qi Tianyu, constantly stimulate the old eunuch, the greater the inner fluctuation of the old eunuch, the more often his fight will be flawed.

The monk who is possessed by the devil will improve his accomplishments for no reason, but now the old eunuch has not been able to give full play to his combat effectiveness, so Qi Tianyu is not worried.

In the whole Zhuque Dynasty, the most dangerous thing for Shangguan Yanyan is the old eunuch. As long as Qi Tianyu solves the old eunuch, Shangguan Yanyan can enter the Zhuque Dynasty to control the affairs without any worry.

The old eunuchs in front of them also have some Yin and evil practices. As eunuchs, there are eunuchs' practices. Most of their practices are in favor of yin and softness. They used to practice what should have been practiced by women.

They don't have much masculinity. They can't practice the skills of ordinary men, but the skills of eunuchs seem to be so evil. Therefore, the old eunuch will learn to reform his own skills when he has nothing to do.

Qi Tianyu hasn't been fighting with eunuchs for a long time, especially the old eunuchs. Their martial arts fighting methods are different from those of ordinary monks. Qi Tianyu has been fighting for a long time, and then he understands the fighting methods of the old eunuchs.

In Qi Tianyu's golden sword, Xiao Hei looks at the old eunuch with an unhappy face. He can't stand the feminine breath. If it's the breath from a woman, it's still feminine, but the old eunuch is feminine.

"Boss, kill him quickly. I can't stand him. The brothers in the golden sword can't stand him." Xiao Hei said aloud. Qi Tianyu gave a bitter smile and had to nod his head.

It's true that the most unbearable thing about sword Qi is the soft and feminine atmosphere. A good man wears a sword, but an evil person who wants to wear a sword can't.

He also wanted to finish the battle quickly, but the old eunuch's cultivation and combat effectiveness were a little high, and the other side was still in high spirits. He had some difficulties in attacking the other side, and he couldn't kill him in one blow.

The enchanted old eunuch attacked him like a madman. He could even use the method of exchanging injury for injury to directly push Qi Tianyu back. The enchanted friars didn't worry about their body injury. As long as it wasn't fatal injury, the power of enchanting could help them repair their wounds.

This is the reason why Qi Tianyu hasn't done it yet. If he can't kill him with one blow, he might as well not do it.

The old Eunuch in front of him was holding an axe, which seemed to have some history, a bit like Pangu's axe. But fortunately, the axe is just a little bit like it. If the old eunuch's axe is really the one Pangu opened up, Qi Tianyu will be more dangerous now.

As the old eunuch was fighting, he suddenly released a signal. The signal was directly on the top. Qi Tianyu's face was solemn. He didn't know what the strong signal was calling. However, it seems that according to this situation, the old eunuch should be calling his death squads.

Qi Tianyu thought that one or two of the cold bears in the xuanhuang Tianbei came out and directly guarded around to prevent the appearance of any death squads.

Sure enough, in less than five minutes, some monks appeared in front of the crowd in uniform clothes. All of them were carrying uniform weapons. It seemed that they had formed a battle.

"Give up the resistance, now it's Shangguan Yanyan's world. If you obey, Shangguan Yanyan will give you hot drinks. Besides, the people of the Death Squadron are not so brainless. They will rush up when their boss waves."

"Although it's really commendable to say that you're not afraid of death, it's still a question worth considering. Like you, you're just other people's puppets."

Qi Tianyu kept saying that they wanted to wake these people up, but they obviously had something missing in their souls. They didn't care about him They didn't pay attention to their words. Qi Tianyu had no choice but to give an order and let the cold ice bear start first.

"Why do you still have an army of fierce beasts? It's unscientific! How do you do that? Are you a tamer? Even if you are an animal trainer, unless you are an elder, you can have such a powerful fierce animal army. "

"But those people in the animal training sect are familiar with me, and there is no such person as you. Tell me, where did you get these fierce animals from?"

The old eunuch was hysterical and found that the death squads he sent could not surround Qi Tianyu. On the contrary, he looked as if he was going to be killed by the cold bear. His face was very gloomy and his pupils became more bloody.

"You are still too ignorant. If you live a few more years, you will know what's going on. Besides, these are not fierce beasts. They are just my partners." Qi Tianyu said faintly that the greater the mood fluctuation of the old eunuch, the greater his chance of winning.One or two of the death squads around him fell down, and the old eunuch's last strength was gone. Qi Tianyu found the right time and released the sword formula of seven emotions and six desires in an instant.

This time, even Xiaohei appeared. Xiaohei really couldn't stand it. He had to solve the old eunuch himself. The old eunuch's heart was constantly fluctuating. Influenced by the seven emotions and six desires sword formula, there was a mistake immediately.

Xiaohei seizes the opportunity and penetrates the heart of the old eunuch directly. The enchantment on the old eunuch's face gradually fades away, and the vitality in his body also goes crazy.

"It's finally solved. There will be no danger in the Zhuque Dynasty in the future. Except for those mysterious snake guards and Shangguan Yanyan, you must pay attention to the actions of those mysterious snake guards in the future. They are all cruel and cruel."

Qi Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief and turned to warn Shangguan Yanyan. Later, after Shangguan Yanyan took over the Zhuque Dynasty of tianqi'er, all the regulations were rectified, but the regulations against xuanshewei became more and more strict.

As long as you find that the monks have the power of darkness, you can get rewards for secretly reporting, and various regulations appear one after another.

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