Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1505

After perceiving the domain power of the giant ape, Qi Tianyu and his family had already arranged countless sword Qi around them. Make sure the giant ape doesn't have the power to surround them.

The giant ape in front of him was shocked. No matter how he used his power, he couldn't move Yu Li to Qi Tianyu.

Around Qi Tianyu, it seems that there is a layer of space that he can't see, but he doesn't know what is in this layer of space. Moreover, Qi Tianyu and they still seem to be light at this time, as if they didn't use any power, which makes the giant ape more confused.

The world that the giant ape has seen is still too few. Qi Tianyu and the giant ape just combined their sword Qi into the surrounding space, so they don't know their arrangement.

The golden sword in Qi Tianyu's hand was buzzing. In an instant, he attacked the giant ape. The giant ape noticed something wrong and suddenly made a strange cry.

This strange cry is also the call of other giant apes. There should be a group of giant apes living here, but their whole race hasn't opened up much wisdom and looks silly.

suddenly, as like as two peas of giant ape, ran out of the snowfield, ten more giant ape monkeys looked exactly alike. Qi Tianyu almost thought it was just a part of the giant ape.

The giant apes in front of them, one or two of them, superposed their own domain forces together to see if this had any effect on Qi Tianyu. However, they tried for a long time, but still found that they had no way to attack Qi Tianyu, so they had to give up.

Qi Tianyu and others are more than enough to deal with a giant ape. Although these giant apes have been able to conjure up the appearance of human monks, they still fight with Qi Tianyu and them with noumenon.

The combat effectiveness of the cultivation sent out by the mirage body battle is relatively strong, and standing in the secret place, they don't know how to become human monks. No one has been in this secret place for a long time.

The power of ice is everywhere. The power of these giant apes is not very easy to control. Most of the power released by each attack has disappeared, and they did not attack the friars. However, Qi Tianyu, every time they release a martial art, it completely falls on the giant apes. Of course, if the giant apes do not dodge.

The power of the giant apes is relatively scattered. If there is a large-scale attack, they will have the advantage. But now they are basically fighting one-on-one, and they have the advantage of Qi Tianyu. Qi Tianyu can gather all their power in a small sword, but these giant apes can't do it at all. They can only release a large-scale attack.

The fur of these giant apes is very rough, and their defense ability is very strong. Qi Tianyu used their sword Qi to barely break the defense ability of the giant apes, but after the sword Qi crossed them, these giant apes could quickly recover their vitality.

For a moment, Qi Tianyu had no way to defeat them quickly. He could only consume the spiritual power in these giant apes. Only in this way could he fight them. Without the spiritual power in the giant apes, they could not resist Qi Tianyu's sword Qi no matter how strong their defense ability was.

"Boss, do you think there will be any good things in the nests of these giant apes? After all, this is a secret place. They have lived for so long, and according to reason, they have collected all the good things, but now we don't know where their homes are, so we can't search them directly."

"The home of the giant ape should be behind this snowy field. The giant ape is generally homesick and won't leave its home too far. As long as we solve them, we will go directly to find their home and take all the good things in it."

Qi Tianyu and their unbridled communication, in front of the giant ape gas hand constantly shaking, even the battle can not fight well, Qi Tianyu seized such an opportunity, directly a sword from his neck across.

In a flash, the blood of the giant ape spurted out from its neck. In less than a moment, all the blood in the body of the giant ape had flowed out. There was no blood in the body, and the giant ape fell to the ground with no vitality.

The other giant apes, one or two, were particularly shocked when they saw Qi Tianyu's action. They had to calm down their hearts and continue to fight with the monk in front of them, because they realized that the spiritual power in the monk's body was waning wildly. If they fight at this speed, they should be able to support until the spiritual power in the human monk's body is consumed.

As long as they are not as careless as the giant ape just solved by Qi Tianyu, they just don't know that Yue Yunfeng's elixir field is several times that of ordinary people, and they don't consume much spiritual power at this time, and they still have the ability to consume a few more hours.

Qi Tianyu stood in the same place and released his spirit to observe the situation around him. Since they are going to fight a war of attrition, they should carefully observe the movement around them, so that no one would want to come out and reap the benefits. At that time, it will be Qi Tianyu who will lose.Qi Tianyu released the power of spirit within 20 Li, but he still didn't notice any vitality. It turned out that all the places within 20 Li were from the giant ape in front of him.

Although the giant ape looks silly, its territorial consciousness is still very strong. Under normal circumstances, even if there is something happening in the territory of the giant ape, other creatures do not dare to get close to it, because if they get close to it, the giant ape will chase and kill them after solving their own problems, and it is very fierce Fierce, do not give any chance to survive.

Qi Tianyu covered the area within 20 Li with the power of his spirit. He knew what was going on around him at any time. Then he began to help Zhu lin'er.

The giant ape that Zhu lin'er is facing has a strong combat effectiveness. Zhu lin'er almost can't support it alone. Fortunately, Qi Tianyu directly attacked and killed the giant ape.

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