Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1561

"You are the young master of Nanyang kingdom?" The black-and-white Dharma protector's face was shocked. It was said that the young master of Nanyang kingdom was haunted, and the Dragon disappeared. Their cultivation and combat effectiveness were extremely high. They didn't expect to meet Qi Tianyu here.

"It's strange to see me here. It's the old people behind the rosefinch Dynasty who agreed to let us in. We also want to know why this place is now accessible to everyone."

They said with a smile.

Two black-and-white Dharma protectors in front of them were terrified, as if they heard that the old man behind the rosefinch Dynasty was a terrible thing, and they knelt down in fear.

"Master, we didn't mean to offend here, just because the ignorant children in the family came here and we followed them all the way."

The black and white Dharma protectors knelt on the ground one by one and kept kowtowing. They looked very frightened. Qi Tianyu didn't know what had happened to them, so he had to pull them all up.

"Don't look like this. The old man behind the rosefinch Dynasty is not here now. What are you worried about?" Qi Tianyu said happily.

Hearing what Qi Tianyu said, the black-and-white Dharma guards calmed down and got up from the ground. The wolves around them, one or two of them, bit the body of the young master, and then ran away without a trace.

These wolves around know that Qi Tianyu's cultivation and combat effectiveness is very strong. The reason why they started to attack the young master in front of him and fight with his people is that they know that Qi Tianyu will never intervene in their affairs or do anything to them, because there is no murderous spirit in Qi Tianyu.

But when the people around the young master came to help, they also hid around, because these people around the young master were very powerful in cultivation and fighting. They wanted to see if they could take advantage of it for a while.

However, they didn't expect that this kind of ending happened suddenly. One or two of them were in the dark, their faces were blinded, and they didn't react. If their leader hadn't run away and reminded them to leave quickly, they might still be observing Qi Tianyu in the same place.

"Young master, you don't know. Recently, the fierce beasts at the border of the wild land have gathered together again. The wild land has ushered in the most cruel winter in history. None of those fierce beasts has any cultivation resources. If they don't attack human friars any more, they may not even have enough spiritual power to survive."

Black Dharma protector's face was dignified and hesitated for a while. Then he said to Qi Tianyu, because he always felt that Qi Tianyu didn't know about it.

In addition to his understanding of the young master of Nanyang, it is said that the young master of Nanyang has never been a dragon. In this way, they should not know what happened in the wild recently, otherwise they would not be in the secret place of the old man behind the suque Dynasty.

After all, it's normal for Qi Tianyu and his followers not to know about the outside world because there is no flow of human friars and no one can contact them.

"What did you just say? There are large-scale fierce animals gathering in the wild land? Is there another tide of fierce beasts to start? "

Qi Tianyu's face was dignified. He could tell from the tone of the other party that this time's fierce animal tide was definitely not so simple.

Even the people of the rosefinch Dynasty began to pay attention to the fierce animal tide. How could it be such a simple thing.

"Yes, even the border areas of the Zhuque Dynasty have been well defended. After all, the masters of the Zhuque Dynasty don't think Nanyang can resist this fierce animal tide."

"And this time, the purpose of the fierce beast is not only Nanyang, but also the white tiger Dynasty. They also want to attack. You know, the white tiger Dynasty is also close to the wild land."

The two black-and-white Dharma protectors said to Qi Tianyu solemnly. Qi Tianyu frowned and the group sat down in a hidden place around them. The people of Nanyang kingdom of Zhuque Dynasty have not contacted Qi Tianyu up to now, and Qi Tianyu doesn't know if they have an accident.

In Qi Tianyu's heart, suddenly there was a twinkle of uneasiness.

"Don't worry, young master. Those fierce beasts are still gathering, and they don't attack Nanyang kingdom. People of Nanyang Kingdom also begin to patrol around and maintain the order of Nanyang kingdom. Now Nanyang Kingdom seems to be very powerful, and it won't be chaotic now."

"And those fierce beasts, it seems, are only signing the troops of Nanyang Kingdom now. After all, they can't get any advantage in Nanyang Kingdom several times in the past, so this time, they just seem to be restraining the power of Nanyang Kingdom and not letting Nanyang Lake support the white tiger Dynasty."

The two black-and-white Dharma protectors stopped for a moment, and then said:

"after all, the scale of this ferocious animal wave is so huge that it should not be enough for them to swallow a Nanyang kingdom. What they want is a vast place like the white tiger Dynasty. Only when the whole white tiger Dynasty is completely occupied, can they live in this cold winter 。”After hearing what the black and white Dharma protector said, Qi Tianyu's face became more and more condensed. They didn't expect that how long they had left Nanyang, and so many things had happened in the wild land.

Qi Tianyu is more worried about the gods hidden in the land. He doesn't know whether they will be impacted by the fierce beast trend in the first time.

Although they can't be found at ordinary times, once there is a large-scale fierce animal tide, the movements of the gods will be completely exposed.

For the fierce beasts in the wilderness, the existence of the gods' organization is the most intolerable, because the people in the gods' organization are all human friars, but they live in the wilderness and seize the cultivation resources of their fierce beasts.

Even in normal times, but now it is in the cold winter around them. Once they reveal their tracks, they may be swallowed by the fierce beast trend immediately.

No wonder ling'er hasn't come to find him yet. I think it's because ling'er is not safe and can't walk around at any time. When I think about it, Qi Tianyu's heart is more and more worried about ling'er, the wild land and Nanyang kingdom.

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