Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1567

In less than half an hour, one or two of the Tianming beasts wandering around have returned to Qi Tianyu's xuanhuang Tianbei, but now there are still a large number of Tianming beasts. They don't know where they are, and Qi Tianyu hasn't found them.

Some Tianming beasts are galloping in the whole secret place, and some are just galloping in the secret place. Qi Tianyu shook his head helplessly and didn't know what to say. Those Tianming beasts who came back to xuanhuang Tianbei breathed a sigh of relief and began to consider what Qi Tianyu had said.

When they were outside, although they heard Qi Tianyu's words, they didn't think about it so carefully because they had to dodge the fierce beast's encirclement on one side. Looking back now, they both looked heavy.

"Huoling, it seems that we can't get carried away in the future. What the boss said is not unreasonable. In case of any accident, no one can help us. We should be careful when walking outside."

"Yes, although there is nothing wrong with being naughty at home, it does not mean that there is nothing wrong with being naughty outside," they exchanged, nodding one or two in agreement.

In xuanhuang Tianbei, although they were quarreled to death by Tianming beast, he relaxed after listening to Tianming beast's words. His face was filled with emotion. It seems that these guys have grown up.

But the next second, the green dragon beast will find that they don't have to sigh, because, in the next second, the dawn beast, they found the green dragon beast open their eyes, and suddenly their eyes lit up, one by two ran to toss the green dragon beast

Qi Tianyu's people are constantly wandering around. When Qi Tianyu educates these animals, the power of spirit spreads the whole secret place, so no matter where these animals are, he can feel the voice of Qi Tianyu.

Around here, there is no dawn beast, so Qi Tianyu and his family leave directly and linger in the whole secret place. After they meet Qi Tianyu, they will quickly return to the xuanhuang Tianbei to meditate.

The range of the secret place is very large, and it's very difficult to finish a circle. Fortunately, Qi Tianyu can judge the location of those Tianming beasts, and Tianming beasts can also sense Qi Tianyu's location, so the chance of their meeting is greatly improved.

They don't know why so many Tianming beasts disappeared suddenly. Originally, they were able to track a Tianming beast, but now, behind a Tianming beast, they usually follow more than 20 fierce beasts.

"Why do you think there are so few of them now? Are they hiding? Or did they leave? "

Some fierce beasts look disappointed and say that they are not happy. After all, they really take Tianming beast as a game. All of a sudden, Tianming beast has disappeared so much that they will be more or less sad.

"Could it be that we were too anxious to catch up, some of those little guys could not bear such a big consumption, but they ran away and overdrawn their vitality?"

All of a sudden, another fierce beast said. Some of the other fierce beasts nodded and some shook their heads, but at the same time, their steps slowed down, for fear that they would affect the dawn beast.

Tianming beast, who was chased by them, wanted to laugh and couldn't laugh. He could only speed up his escape and get rid of them.

"Are you sure these shop names are really because they overdraw their vitality, but I don't think they are still full of energy."

"yes, it can't be that these daybreak beasts are going to make any moth action?"

The fierce beasts around, one or two, felt that something was wrong when they saw the Tianming beast's powerful spiritual power, but now they did not dare to chase the Tianming beast too tightly.

It was not easy for them to have Tianming beast to play with them. They didn't want Tianming beast to leave so soon. Fortunately, Tianming beast met kind-hearted people this time. Otherwise, Qi Tianyu didn't know what kind of variables would happen to them.

Qi Tianyu is still worried about the wild land. In the wild land, there are so many fierce beasts waiting around. You know, most of the sources of livelihood of the whole Nanyang kingdom are obtained by going to the wild land.

The fierce beasts in the wild land completely encircle Nanyang, which is equivalent to cutting off the way for Nanyang to obtain cultivation resources from the outside world. Fortunately, Nanyang's national strength is very strong now. Nanyang's strength of Qi transportation only grows day by day, and never decreases.

In the palm of Qi Tianyu's hand, there is a jade plate. This jade plate symbolizes the power of the state of Nanyang. Originally, the jade seal symbolizes the power of the state of Nanyang.

However, there are too many functions of the jade seal. Qi Tianyu has not seen the dragon's head and tail all day long. He is often not in Nanyang kingdom. He belongs to a wider sky, so he left the jade seal in Nanyang kingdom.

The jade seal can symbolize the power of Qi Yun. Qi Tianyu's jade plate can also symbolize the power of Qi Yun.Looking at the powerful power of this jade plate, Qi Tianyu was relieved to look into the distance. There were many places in the secret place of Zhuque dynasty where Zhu lin'er could go. But now, Zhu lin'er is not in the same mood.

Qi Tianyu and his family want to leave this secret place. They need to send them out through the teleportation array to enter the secret place. The old man behind the suque Dynasty originally said that they could not come out within three months, but in case of emergency, Qi Tianyu and his family can only leave ahead of time.

What's more, the old man behind the rosefinch Dynasty is still breaking through his own cultivation, and he has no time to deal with Zhu lin'er, so even the secret place of the rosefinch Dynasty is in turmoil, and he doesn't know.

One by one, Tianming beast returned to xuanhuang Tianbei, but Ziling didn't appear. Qi Tianyu counted the number of people and found that only Ziling didn't come back in xuanhuang Tianbei.

"Is there anything wrong with Ziling?" Qi Tianyu thought to himself. These Tianming beasts have played too much. He had already ordered that there must be two Tianming beasts with Ziling. But now it seems that all the Tianming beasts have come back, but Ziling is gone.

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