Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1717

Seeing that ling'er is sensible, Qi Tianyu really likes it more and more. He wants to have a daughter himself. It seems that they need to work harder for him and Tang Yinyue. For himself and his parents, he still remembers his mother's expression urging his grandson.

Looking at the way ling'er washes the bowl, I'm a little old. Qi Tianyu had the heart to accept the apprentice, but he didn't say, because Li Baolian didn't want her daughter to cultivate immortality, so it had to be discussed in the long run.

Even if the people of Xuezong felt Xueni for the first time, they set out immediately. It would take a few days to get here from Nanyang state. In this free time, he could take a rest, recuperate his tired body, do some ideological work for their mother and daughter, and let them follow him. After all, he had to consider their safety, so he stayed for the time being. Also gave them some stone, let them exchange for silver, buy some delicious things. Even if it's Qi Tianyu's board expenses, Li Baolian doesn't want them. She says she can't take the benefactor's things. Qi Tianyu finally takes out ling'er's needs to let Li Baolian be cautious.

After all this, it suddenly occurred to him that the people were still in the small world of xuanhuang Tianbei, so he let them out and let them breathe in the outside world. Although there was everything in the small world, compared with the outside world, he always felt that there was something missing, and he could not let them stay in the small world all the time.

"Brother, where are we! Is there anyone coming after Xuezong? " As soon as he came out, he heard Yue Yunfeng ask questions.

"We are in Tianguang city of Yunlan Kingdom, which is millions of miles away from Nanyang kingdom. There is no danger at present. So let's have a rest here, and then go on to the Xuanwu Dynasty. After all, it's a long way to go. We can't just go on the road. We have to work and rest to go faster. " Tang Yinyue and Zhu lin'er also came out. When they saw the surrounding environment, they asked Qi Tianyu where it was. Qi Tianyu patiently told them the story. They are also a sigh, even the blood hidden to send out. When they heard that they should be evil, they could not help but sigh.

Seeing that all the people were safe, he thought that he had solved the danger of Nanyang, and Qi Tianyu finally felt better. They are all their relatives and friends. If they are healthy and in no danger, he will be at ease.

Think of ling'er's father, probably also for their family will go out to be a bodyguard, in order to make money, will be out of the task, met the danger.

I don't know whether Wang Lin is dead or not. Qi Tianyu always thinks that he is still alive, but for some reasons, he can't come back.

When they first met, Zhu lin'er and the four of them saw ling'er, a lovely little girl, and they could see that they also liked her very much. During the three days off, they chatted with ling'er and told jokes. Ling'er was not afraid of life, and soon played with them. They played hide and seek together. Yue Yunfeng and yunzihang also joined in and played hide and seek together.

When Li Baolian saw that her daughter had a good time with them, she also showed a happy smile. These days, she and her daughter have been living too hard, not a happy day. Every day in order to survive and efforts, there is no time to play. Since Wang Lin left, it seems that her daughter has not been so happy.

I'm really grateful to this benefactor. He not only saved himself, but also gave himself the spirit stone. Now he can eat all his life without selling vegetables.

At a young age, ling'er suffered so much. Originally, children of the same age were very white, but ling'er became pale and thin because of eating badly. But still can't cover ling'er's beauty. You can see that Li Baolian used to be a beauty, but the day after tomorrow she was too busy to take care of the maintenance, so she became ordinary.

Qi Tianyu secretly transports a small amount of spiritual power to her body while playing with ling'er to help her strengthen her body. Qi Tianyu has completely regarded her as his apprentice, but has not yet told Li Baolian. Therefore, he could only instill spiritual power secretly. When instilling spiritual power, Qi Tianyu found that ling'er was actually a five element spiritual body. There was no one in this kind of constitution, and it generally came down in one continuous line. Her mother is a mortal, but her father is an immortal. It seems that her father's disappearance is not accidental. It should be the spirit of five elements, so he was taken away by evil cultivation.

If there is no accident, it should be that he was taken away by evil cultivation and his body was occupied. Even if he saw Wang Lin himself, he was not himself. Thinking of this, Qi Tianyu is a little melancholy. Recently, he wants to help me find my father, but now it seems that the hope is very slim. But it's not without hope. There are many taboos and tedious processes in taking over. Maybe the evil cultivation hasn't finished taking over. It's also possible.

After three days, the group felt the life of mortals in this shabby courtyard. They temporarily forgot the killing and blood, and left the cruel world of cultivating immortals.

Qi Tianyu found Li Baolian the day before leaving and told her that he was worried, but Li Baolian was still a little reluctant to leave here. Although she said that she had forgotten Wang Lin, she still hoped that Wang Lin would come back. Qi Tianyu knew that she had never forgotten Wang Lin. Wang Lin was a good man, and he sacrificed too much for the family.Finally, Qi Tianyu promised Li Baolian that she would find Wang Lin. then Qi Tianyu told her that she could not cherish her life, but also consider ling'er. Li Baolian finally let go, and they decided to leave here with Qi Tianyu.

Their mother and I didn't have a good life here. It was a good choice to leave with Qi Tianyu, so she decided to leave with her daughter.

In fact, when Qi Tianyu secretly delivered spiritual power to her daughter's body, she had already felt it. Because her husband used to cultivate immortals, she still knew these things, but she didn't stop her. She knew that her daughter wanted to become a master like her father. Although her daughter was still young, she respected her daughter's decision.

If a daughter wants to practice, let her practice. As a mother, she can't stop her daughter's dream. If she can stop for a while, she can't stop for a lifetime. It's better to let her start early and have the ability to protect herself.

I just met a group of good teachers who were so kind-hearted. Li Baolian was relieved when her daughter worshipped Qi Tianyu as her teacher.

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