Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1724

Qi Tianyu doesn't have any resistance. He goes in. Qi Tianyu knows that Taiqing Tianjian won't hurt him.

Entering the inner space of Taiqing Tianjian, it is a blue world. Suddenly a handsome boy appeared in front of Qi Tianyu. He told Qi Tianyu that he was the spirit of Taiqing Tianjian. You can call me tianqing'er.

The golden ancient sword is his noumenon, and this little sword is his spirit, but it's sealed. Only when it merges with the noumenon can it be restored to Taiqing Tianjian. The old golden sword didn't wake up because it lacked the most important thing. Now the sword spirit is back, and Taiqing Tianjian has become the whole team. He has recognized the master Qi Tianyu, so like xuanhuang Tianbei, he will grow up with his master's cultivation.

Hearing that Taiqing Tianjian said his name was tianqing'er, Qi Tianyu didn't expect that he and tianshi'er got the same name. A man named tianqing'er made Qi Tianyu laugh. However, he also thought that the spirit of the instrument, regardless of men and women, was just a mirage, just like Tian shi'er, just a mirage.

Taiqing Tianjian tells Qi Tianyu that he has just merged and some of his memories have not been recovered, so he has not yet remembered Taiqing Jue. He needs to sleep for a while and teach Qi Tianyu Taiqing Jue when he wakes up. Since the golden ancient sword and the three foot small sword both recognized Qi Tianyu and were obtained by him, it shows that Qi Tianyu is a predestined friend. As a sword spirit, he would not hesitate to teach Qi Tianyu the decision of Taiqing.

Qi Tianyu listened to what he said and didn't rush to force him to think about it. Now he doesn't need too green decision. Xuanhuang decision is enough now. He told tianqing'er to have a good rest, and then he left the space of Taiqing Tianjian.

When he goes out, Qi Tianyu talks to Tian shi'er for a while before leaving xuanhuang Tianbei. He hasn't come in to talk with Tian shi'er for a long time. It seems that the little guy is not very happy. It seems that taiqingtian sword can't be used for some time. He went back to the outside world and continued to cultivate his spiritual power. Only by improving his own strength can he protect his important people.

The whole gate of tianjianzong is suspended above the ancient city. It's said that there was a change of heaven and earth thousands of years ago, and a golden sword spirit was born, which attracted many monks who practiced kendo. Although the sword Qi of Geng Jin is gone, the residual breath can also provide a shortcut for practitioners of kendo. Gradually, there were more and more people here. The strong men with high accomplishments set up a school to recruit more monks. Tianjian sect came from this. With the increase of the number of people, one sect could not accommodate so many people, so they built a city called Gengjin ancient city.

Because they are all used to friars, even if the establishment of the city, also do not want to be under the jurisdiction of the rosefinch Dynasty. In this way, tianjianzong and Zhuque Dynasty fought for a hundred years, until later, the leader of tianjianzong changed, and Tiantian became the leader. He didn't think the same as the previous patriarchs. He wanted to end the struggle with the rosefinch Dynasty. After all, the struggle between a clan and a dynasty was an irrational choice.

Tianjianzong's disciples were also fed up with this kind of struggle. Finally, he advocated that the problem should be solved by voting. There was no accident. Tianjianzong joined the embrace of the suque Dynasty, and the hundred year struggle was finally over. The following is the Millennium peace, so the people here are very supportive of the patriarch. The ancient city of Lingxiu is the same as the ancient city of Xuanwu. In order to communicate, they built a transmission array between the two cities, which is why Qi Tianyu and Qi Tianyu came to the ancient city of Gengjin.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu lin'er and Qi Tianyu rushed to tianjianzong, because tomorrow is the day for the launch of the teleportation array. They need to get the token quickly.

But with Zhu lin'er, it should not be a big problem. After all, Zhu lin'er is a princess of the Zhuque Dynasty. The old master will surely give her face. If you don't give it, you have to rob it.

However, I heard that a few days ago, the sky broke through the Xianwang pass. If friction really happened, Qi Tianyu would still have to spend some time. But this is the worst plan, and Qi Tianyu doesn't want to do it.

Tianjianzong, the sky is sitting in the hall, and it is closing its eyes. All of a sudden, I heard the following disciples report that the princess of the rosefinch Dynasty asked to see her. He was startled. How could it be that it was far away from the capital of the rosefinch Dynasty. How could the princess come here in person? Did anyone dare to pretend to be a princess?

With a wave of his hand, the sky brought them in. But he also came down from his seat. He was afraid that the real princess was coming. If the princess really came and saw him slouching on the chair, it would be disrespectful, which would bring disaster to tianjianzong.

After a while, Zhu lin'er and Qi Tianyu entered the sect.

"Junior Zhu lin'er visits the old patriarch." Zhu lin'er does not dare to put on airs. After all, he is asking for help from others.

"I dare not. The princess is old. I don't know what happened when the princess arrived? If you can help me, I will do it. " I've seen Zhu lin'er in the sky. It's true for the princess.

Zhu lin'er came straight to the point and said that he wanted to take some friends to Lingyun ancient city of Xuanwu empire by using the ancient teleportation array here.

There's no problem. The sky readily agrees to use the ancient array. It's a small matter. Anyway, the ancient array will start at this time. It's a waste of the energy of the ancient array if you don't send people.

Zhu lin'er didn't expect to get the warrant so smoothly. She thought the old patriarch was not easy to deal with. It seems that she thought too much.After receiving the warrant, Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er bid farewell to the old patriarch. Since they have finished their work, they don't want to stay here any longer. They don't have the leisure to enjoy the scenery here.

Seeing that they were going to leave, the old patriarch repeatedly urged them to stay. At last, Qi Tianyu gave up because he had to go back to pack up his things to catch up with tomorrow's transmission array, and they left tianjianzong smoothly.

"Look at me. I'm a princess. All the problems will be solved." Along the way, Zhu lin'er happily showed off his ability.

"Good, grandson. Go away." Looking at Zhu lin'er's haughty appearance, Qi Tianyu had no choice but to smile.

They flew all the way down from tianjianzong and returned to the small yard. They were still resting. It seemed that they were too tired to go shopping in the black market yesterday.

Qi Tianyu took Zhu lin'er to a room to have a rest, and they didn't sleep well. Now they just have time to sleep.

At noon, everyone woke up, and Qi Tianyu gathered everyone together for lunch.

Qi Tianyu told everyone that he had already got the warrant. Today he would go back to pack up his things and set out at Chenshi tomorrow morning. Let's have an early rest today and see you tomorrow morning.

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