Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1727

After a long wait, the boy finally woke up.

"Well, where am I?" Qi Yulong looks at the surrounding environment in confusion. He remembers seeing volunteers on the street at that time to stop a real immortal villain from doing bad things. Because of his lack of strength, the real immortal level villain directly sent a magic light to himself. He quickly mobilized all his strength to defend, but suddenly his head hurt and he fainted. When he woke up again, he was here.

"Don't worry, you're safe now." Qi Yurou has an eye when she looks at the child. When he asks in confusion, she is afraid that he will be nervous, so she quickly pacifies him.

"By the way, which family are you from? Tell us. I'll let my brother take you home later." Qi Yurou continued.

Looking at the gentle Qi Yurou, Qi Yulong is not afraid. Originally, when he woke up, he found a group of people around him, which made him timid.

"My name is Qi Yulong. I'm the grandson of the city leader here. My father is the youngest son of the third prince." Qi Yulong told everyone who he was.

"Royal blood! No wonder you have such high accomplishments at a young age. " Qi Tianyu couldn't help praising that he also had a good feeling for Qi Yulong. After all, he saved his wife. Although he saved them by himself in the end, he also delayed for a certain period of time and still wanted to thank him.

"No, I still can't, or I can solve the bad guy myself." Qi Yulong said modestly that he was already a genius. Among his peers, his accomplishments were already very high.

Because he is sensible and highly cultivated, the third prince especially likes his grandson. Qi Yulong's father is also respected by the third prince because of him, so his father is proud that he has a good son. Qi Yulong was born with a golden spoon, and has been praised all the way. The third prince also hoped that when he died, Qi Yulong could inherit the city and become the Lord of the city to protect one side of his people.

"Don't be modest. What you do today is not what ordinary people can do. You have courage and your future achievements are limitless." Qi Tianyu continued to praise that he was also saying that, after all, people are still small, so more encouragement may not help him build up confidence.

"Young Xia, I'd like to thank you for saving your life." Qi Yulong also responded. It seems that the man in front of him saved himself, but why did he knock himself out? Forget it, everyone has secrets, he still won't ask.

"Yurou, this Qi Yulong looks like your name! And you look a little bit alike Zhu lin'er looks at Qi Yulong seriously.

"Yes, I think so too," Tang Yinyue echoed.

In fact, there may be no relationship between the two of them.

Qi Yurou also Leng for a while, she suddenly thought of her life experience to now do not have clear. She only remembers that an old servant took her to Nanyang and entrusted her to Tang Ruyue for the time being. Unexpectedly, it took more than ten years for her to be entrusted, and no one has picked her up yet.

Later, when she grew up, Qi Tianyi told her that the old servant who escorted her had gone home with the enemy after he sent her here. She cried for a few days because she would never go back to her home. She didn't know where she came from, and she didn't remember who was in her family. She was too young. She only remembered the old servant, and her name was what the old servant told Tang Ruyue.

"What? Do we look alike? I should have a sister. If I'm still alive, I should be about your age Qi Yulong looked at them and said. When he was a child, he heard his mother say that his father's eldest brother was framed and angered the third prince, who wanted to kill his relatives. During the capture of their whole family, an old servant and their only daughter fled. At last, the truth came out, but the old servant and his daughter did not come back. He disappeared completely because of the loss of his daughter, and his father's elder brother and sister-in-law died of depression. The third prince also regretted that the white haired man sent the black haired man.

The third prince started all the contacts, but he didn't find them for more than ten years. The whole Xuanwu empire was turned upside down, but there was still no news.

Qi Yurou heard here, the whole body has trembled, Qi Yulong said and his experience is too much like.

"What's the name of your sister?" Qi Yurou excitedly pulls Qi Yulong and stares at him.

"Well, it seems that It's Qi Yurou. " Qi Yulong looks at this gentle elder sister to pull him like crazy suddenly, frightens him to have some stutters.

"What? You say it again Qi Tianyu was also shocked in his heart. He didn't think he had heard it wrong. Qi Yurou beside her has already started to cry. She seems to have found her family. For more than ten years, she has always wanted to go home. Although she got together with Qi Tianyu and talked about her homesickness, today, her heart of returning home is burning again.

"Qi Yurou, is there a problem? Why are you so nervous! Did I say something wrong? " Qi Yulong looked at the expression of the crowd is very puzzled, in the end is how, just still good, how this will be a look to eat their own.

"Yurou, are you ok?" Qi Tianyu quickly helped Qi Yurou who was about to fall to the ground."It's OK, brother Tianyu. Do you think I'll be Qi Yurou in his mouth?" Qi Yurou's eyes are dim with tears. When she heard Qi Yulong say that name, her body was too soft to control. She was too excited for more than ten years. Is she going to find her family today.

"Well, if what he said is true, it should be you. But I'm not sure yet. Don't be too nervous. Those who should come will come. Don't worry. I'll be with you. " Qi Tianyu comforts Qi Yurou.

"What? You said you were Qi Yurou Qi Yulong finally responded.

"Well, I am. Can you tell me all the information you know about Qi Yurou?" Qi Yurou freely admits that she also wants to get information from Qi Yulong to prove that she is Qi Yurou in his mouth.

After listening, Qi Yulong said all the information he knew. It is about 16 years since Qi Yurou disappeared when she was four years old. And he had heard his mother say that Qi Yurou had a butterfly shaped birthmark on her shoulder.

Hear here, Qi Yurou left tears, what Qi Yulong said is consistent with himself. This year, she is just 20 years old. She has a bloody butterfly birthmark on her left shoulder. She has found a home.

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