Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1730

Of course, there is no doubt that Murong Hui chooses to let her daughter and old servant Qishan leave. With Qishan to protect Qi Yurou, she can rest assured.

Muronghui and other people were taken back. What happened later? Qi Yurou didn't know.

After listening to these, Qi Tianyu is also very shocked. Unexpectedly, Qi Yurou's parents are so resolute and unyielding. They must love Qi Yurou very much and send her away for her good. But it was only 16 years since Qi Yurou came back. By the time Qi Yurou came back, they had been separated forever.

"Rou'er, are you ok! If you want to cry, just cry out. It's better to cry out. " Qi Tianyu said painfully.

"I'm fine, brother Tianyu. I want to meet my grandfather." Qi Yurou said plainly, but this kind of plainness only gave Qi Tianyu goose bumps.

"Well, well, I forgot to tell you. Qi Yulong came to you early in the morning and said something to you. I don't think you wake up, so let him wait for you in the side hall. " When Qi Tianyu heard that Qi Yurou was going to king Qi's residence, he suddenly remembered that Qi Yulong was still waiting.

"Let's call him to go with us." Qi Yurou is still in that tone.

"Rou'er, are you really OK! Don't scare my husband! " Qi Tianyu is afraid of Qi Yurou's coldness. After all, it has a great impact on her.

Qi Tianyu knows that the reason why Qi Yurou can't remember what happened when she was a child is because her sense of self-protection sealed her original tragic memory, so she can't remember.

"I'm ok. Don't worry, brother Tianyu. I went to king Qi's mansion just to find out something." Qi Yurou's tone eased a little. After all, Qi Tianyu is her favorite. She doesn't want to pass on the cold air to him.

Hearing Qi Yurou's tone softened a lot, Qi Tianyu was relieved. But he still wants to go to king Qi's residence with Qi Yurou to avoid accidents.

The two of them arrive at the side hall in a short time. They look up and see Qi Yulong pacing back and forth in the side hall.

Qi Yulong alone side hall waiting, boring tight, he did not know how many cups of tea to drink, he waited too long. But he didn't call them. He knew he needed to give his sister some time.

"Sister, you are here at last! Grandfather asked me to pick you up. He asked me to tell you he missed you Seeing Qi Tianyu and them coming, Qi Yulong quickly welcomed them.

"Well, let's go back now." Qi Yurou said plainly.

The imperial palace is decorated in groups, and the Royal Palace is decorated in luxury.

Now Qi Tianyu and Qi Yurou are standing here. There is a young man and an old man beside them. The young man's eyebrows are similar to Qi Yurou's, that is Qi Yulong, and the other old man is the famous third prince.

"Rou'er, you're back. Do you remember your grandfather?" The third prince looked at Qi Yurou kindly.

"How can I not remember that you ordered us to arrest our family and made me wander outside for 16 years, and you forced your own son to death." Qi Yurou grits her teeth and says that her eyes are full of hatred.

"It seems that you still can't let go of the original thing! Sit down and listen to what happened that year. " Qi Jingheng was not angry, which he had expected for a long time.

I still remember sixteen years ago, when your father was accused of treason and usurpation, I ordered to arrest your family. I will personally interrogate you. Who knows that your father is too resolute and thinks that I am going to kill you, so he spared his life to break through the encirclement and send you out. Later, your father and your mother were all arrested and sent to me for interrogation. After the testimony, I found that there were many loopholes, and I knew that I had misjudged. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

After investigation, your second uncle is the initiator. He wants to be the son of the world, power blinds his heart, he framed his big brother. I was very angry when I knew that, so I abandoned your second uncle and prepared to send him to the frontier to atone. But then your father pleaded, and I let that cruel thing stay in Lingyun ancient city, but I didn't expect that he still had some backbone, and then he committed suicide. Your second uncle is no longer a thing, but also my flesh and blood. I'm very sad that I didn't pay attention to your parents.

I didn't expect that a few days later, a piece of bad news came to my ears. It was your parents who were critically ill. Later, I learned that they launched all their efforts to find you, but they didn't find it. They all suffered from depression. I've found countless famous doctors, but they can't start, because your parents are suffering from heart disease, and they end up depressed after three years.

Send off two sons one after another, I once collapsed, you don't know my grandfather is old. But your uncle, long er's father, was still young at that time. I can't fall down. If I fall down, Lingyun ancient city will be over.

Since that day, I have succeeded your parents' wishes. I have used all my strength to turn the Xuanwu Dynasty upside down, but I have not found you. After 16 years, you have finally come back.

"Child, promise grandfather, don't blame me. Your father is my flesh and blood. When I learned that your father was critically ill, I was almost crazy. Come back. This is your home Qi Jingheng said all the things of that year.

It's the first time that Qi Yulong heard about it. He thought he had only one uncle, but he didn't expect two."I'd like to go home, grandfather." Qi Yurou had already cried after hearing this. If Qi Tianyu hadn't helped her, she would have fallen down.

"Good, good, good It's good that rou'er comes back. " Qi Jingheng is also very happy, he finally found his granddaughter, son quanxia know also won't blame him.

Qi Yurou introduces Qi Tianyu to Qi Jingheng and tells her how to go to Nanyang. Qi Yurou has long remembered.

At that time, Qi Shan, the old servant, fled madly with Qi Yurou, who was four years old. However, his second uncle's people always followed him. Later, Qi Shan went against his path and took the little princess back to Lingyun ancient city. With the help of the ancient transmission array, he went to Gengjin ancient city. In addition to the Gengjin ancient city, he walked madly south for millions of miles.

But what I didn't expect was that the second uncle's people were so persistent and followed them all the time. Qi Shan had no choice but to give Qi Yurou to Tang Ruyue, who had just come back from Nanshan Temple to pray for Buddha, who was also raised by Qi Tianyu's mother. Then he set out on his own. In the last battle, he blew himself up and died with those who followed him.

This clue has also been cut off, and Qi Yurou selectively forgets what happened. She only remembers an old servant, and the rest. It was not until yesterday's dream that she completely remembered it.

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