Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1735

Qi Tianyu tried to perfect xuanhuang bumie's body, which made him faint. Fortunately, tianshi'er in xuanhuang Tianbei solved the violent spirit power in his body in time, which made him not in danger.

After Qi Tianyu fainted, several beauties carried him to bed to have a rest and wiped the sweat on his body painfully.

Qi Jingheng of Xuanwu city is out of luck. He has no one to help him, and he has been sealed with all his spiritual power and spirit. Now he is no different from ordinary people. The most important thing is that he is carried by an asshole like a chicken.

"Boy, who are you? Why meddle in the affairs of our Xuanwu dynasty? Put me down. You're insulting my blood. " If Qi Jingheng's eyes could kill people, the evil young man would have died countless times.

"Old man, be honest with me. You don't deserve to know my name. If your brother didn't let me kill you, I would have killed you." Xueling was very impatient. He was looking for the kid who played with him. Unexpectedly, he received a message from his uncle and asked him to go to the Xuanwu Dynasty. He knew that his uncle was also kind to him. In order to make him perform meritorious service, he tried every means, and he could only do it.

Helpless, Xueling had to go to the Xuanwu Dynasty. When he arrived here, he found that he wanted to help an old man of God level to seize power. I don't know what his uncle thought. Although he was dissatisfied, he did. He's a master of the Immortal King quintuple. He was commanded by the God level old man. He was very uncomfortable and manic, but he tolerated it. He didn't dare to disturb his uncle's plan.

Now he arrested the old man's brother. He wanted to chop him to death and vent his anger. But the old man didn't let me touch him and said that he wanted to let the third prince see himself ascend the throne. What a pervert, he said in his heart.

The blood spirit doesn't listen to Qi Jingheng's chatter at all. He throws him directly into the heaven prison, orders the guard to guard well, and then leaves.

"Madder, it's clean at last. Return dignity, don't you know this is the world of the strong? It's a joke that you don't have the strength to talk about dignity. " After the blood spirit goes out, breathing the air outside, the heart is a little calm.

Thinking of Qi Jingheng's performance just now, he really wants to laugh. In this cruel world, only the strong can really control their dignity. Even if you have guts and dignity, you will be trampled by the strong. Only when you become the strongest can you respect all over the world, or dignity will be a joke.

Standing outside, looking at the quiet night sky, Xueling suddenly thought of the man. His calm heart became manic again. He clenched his fist. Xuehong's eyes seemed to spurt fire. Xueling secretly vowed that he would cut the man who played with him.

All night long.

The next morning, Qi Tianyu was woken up in a daze. It was Qi Yurou.

"Well, rouer, why are you crying? I'm fine. I'm just a little bit aggressive in my practice. " As soon as Qi Tianyu opened his eyes, he found that Qi yurouhong's eyes were at the head of his bed. He remembers that he fainted because of the failure of the forced pass. Unexpectedly, he felt it when he woke up. His body was not damaged by the violent vitality of heaven and earth, but also strengthened. It seems that Tian shi'er has done it.

"Brother Tianyu, wuwuwu..." Qi Yurou couldn't help crying.

"What's the matter, rou'er? I said I'm ok. Don't cry." Qi Tianyu wondered what was going on.

"No, the three-day period has passed. My grandfather hasn't come back yet. It seems that Wuwuwu... " Qi Yurou said, crying even more sad, she just returned to this home a few days, and Qi Jingheng also just met soon, did not expect a good day after a few days, her grandfather was in danger.

"Well... So fast? Don't cry, rou'er. My grandfather is a fairy king. It won't be so easy. Let's go to the hall first. " Qi Tianyu is also speechless. After a long time, he is not sad for himself, but it seems that it is not the time to think about this. I didn't expect that I had three days to practice. It was so fast. He didn't have a good plan yet. Thinking that Qi Jingheng asked me to take care of his family before he left, Qi Tianyu had a headache. Anyway, I'd better discuss it with you first.

In the main hall of king Qi's mansion, all the powerful people came.

A group of people are divided into two factions. One is composed of Qi Yulong and others. They want to save Qi Jingheng, and the other is some stubborn elders in the prince Qi's mansion. They listen to what the third prince said before leaving, and advocate leaving Lingyun ancient city, hiding and recuperating, so that Dongshan can rise again to avenge the prince.

Tang Yinyue and Yue Yunfeng also came, but they didn't intervene in this matter. After all, it's a family affair, and it's hard for them to explain their own views.

"You know that the third prince is trapped, but you don't go to rescue him. What do you want to do?" Qi Yulong said excitedly.

"Don't talk nonsense, you yellow mouthed child. Our loyalty to the third prince can be learned from the sun and the moon. We also made this decision in order to save the living power of our prince Qi's house. According to what you said, if we fight hard now, the whole army will be destroyed. Even the third prince will suffer from this disaster. What's the use of us going. It's better to listen to what the third prince said before he left and leave Lingyun ancient city to recuperate, so as to have a chance to make a comeback in the future. " The elders were also red faced and rough necked.Both sides back and forth, you a word, I a word, no one can convince each other.

"Enough! Don't quarrel any more. Don't you think the house is chaotic enough? " Qi Feihu roared and said to them, now that the third prince is gone, he is the most powerful person in the family, and only he can control the family.

When Qi Feihu was angry, everyone stopped talking.

"Nephew Yun Xian, has someone gone to inform Tianyu?" Qi Feihu turns to ask yunzihang.

"Well, my sister-in-law has already gone. I think she will be there soon.

”Yunzihang looked at the fight between the two sides. It was also a headache. Just when he could not stand it, Qi Feihu suddenly spoke, and the situation was brought under control. Later, Qi Feihu asked him about Qi Tianyu, and he quickly told Qi Feihu.

"Everyone calm down. When my father left, he told me that he wanted us to follow Qi Tianyu. So you don't count what you said. When Qi Tianyu comes to see his decision, we have to trust the third prince. He won't see the wrong person. " Qi Feihu told everyone the news. It was Qi Jingheng's special account when he left. It's time to say it and stabilize everyone.

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