Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1738

Qi Tianyu's body was filled with all the vitality of the world, and the outside world was calm again.

Qi Tianyu saw as like as two peas in his own mind that there was a little man who was just like himself, floating and floating, but he seemed to have no spirituality. He just sat there and sat there, but Qi Tianyu's strength had reached the ten highest value of the real immortal.

It's very difficult to break through the realm of Immortal King. There must be special opportunities. Some strong people who are really immortal never break into the realm of Immortal King in their whole life.

Qi Tianyu is not in a hurry to break through, because now he has not figured out how to break in. He has already made five steps in a row today. If he breaks through again, he may faint as he did yesterday. Tian shi'er can save himself once or twice, but he can't always save himself, so he should do something with confidence, and can't break through the limit of his body.

He opened his eyes and found that the houses around him were in a mess. He scratched his head in embarrassment, shook the dust on his body, and then rushed into the next room.

The reason why the room next door is still in good condition is that Tang Yinyue protected the room with array at the critical moment, otherwise they would be destroyed by the chaotic vitality of heaven and earth.

When Qi Tianyu came in, he came up and asked them if there was any news from the guards of Jinjia. They all shook their heads.

Qi Tianyu is also helpless. It seems that the old man is careful enough to do things. It's so hard for him to find a big ancient array hidden by him. Moreover, even his own son, he doesn't tell where the ancient array is. He doesn't even admit that there is such a thing as the ancient array. It's been a long time, but there's still no news. It's a headache for him.

However, he believed that with so many Jinjia bodyguards in the city, it would only take one day and one night to search Lingyun city one by one. The search can be finished at noon tomorrow at most, and then the ancient transmission array leading to Xuanwu city will naturally emerge.

As long as the transmission ancient array is found out, they can all set out immediately. They will arrive at Xuanwu city before Qi Feihu. At that time, they will inquire about the information, draw up a plan and wait for them. When they come, they will directly rescue the third prince and then run away. Time is opportunity, the earlier the better.

Qi Tianyu knew that although he had a breakthrough in his strength, he still couldn't break through because he didn't know what level of master he was facing. In case he was a high-level master of the fairy king, he couldn't resist.

Even if you use yuan's secret arts, you can only reach the seven levels of the Immortal King, because there is a limit to the secret arts. The more you get to the end, the lower you will be promoted. That is, if you are a saint, you will have the fighting power of the real God level for a short time after using it. In this way, the yuan secret skill can be upgraded by an equal level. If you are a real immortal triple, you will have the fighting power of the Immortal King one after using it, which is less than two equal levels when you are a saint.

So the later the level of crossing is less, and so on. If it doesn't decrease all the time, it's terrible. That is to say, a triple master of fairy King level can kill people of the great emperor level after using the secret arts. It's just a fantasy.

Yuan's secret skill is good. It can improve your fighting power instantly after use. It's a magic skill. Moreover, this yuan secret skill also helped Qi Tianyu through a lot of difficulties. Without yuan secret skill, he would have become a pile of dead bones.

"Brother Tianyu, have you made a breakthrough? What is the state now? The explosion just formed is so terrible that the roof is directly overturned. I'm worried that everyone will die. " Chen Yuxin is happy to see Qi Tianyu's successful breakthrough, but he still blames Qi Tianyu for making too much noise, which makes people worried.

"Well, I'm sorry! It worries you again. I've broken through. Now I'm a real immortal, but I haven't reached the realm of Immortal King. So we're still in great danger, but I'm more confident than I was before. " Qi Tianyu saw the angry expression of the four women and apologized.

"That's great! We also need to cultivate and enhance our strength, and then we can help you share some pressure. " Tang Yinyue is always the most reasonable person.

"Yes, we're going to practice. Go out quickly." Zhu lin'er is going to push Qi Tianyu out.

"Well, what are you driving me out for! I won't disturb you here. I can also help you protect the Dharma. " Qi Tianyu can't go out. It's too lonely to be alone outside.

Qi Tianyu finally stayed in the room after a ghost tug.

"By the way, brother Tianyu, the last time we bought jade pendants in the black market, didn't the shop give us an array? We want to practice. At that time, the four of us can form an array to help you when we fight against the enemy. " When Chen Yuxin thought that Qi Tianyu was fighting alone these days, they could only watch from afar in xuanhuang Tianbei, which was very unpleasant.

"By the way, I forgot if you didn't say it." Qi Tianyu quickly took out the ancient array from the black market.

Since they came out of the black market in the ancient city of Gengjin, Qi Tianyu hasn't had time to give them the array. Because too many things happened, leading to his muddle, a lot of things are forgotten. If Chen Yuxin hadn't reminded him, Qi Tianyu couldn't remember it.Qi Tianyu looked at the array, and then explained it to four of them. After listening, the four of them began to practice the four elephant array.

Because of the existence of their jade pendant, the arrangement is very smooth. The jade pendant is the eye of this array, as long as they inject their spiritual power into the jade pendant. According to the trajectory of the array text in the jade pendant, let the spirit flow, and then the array can be formed.

Tang Yinyue and the four of them were very clever. They succeeded the first time and made an array.

When they set up a successful array, in the inner world of xuanhuang Tianbei, all the four sacred beasts wake up, and they feel what they want.

"Green dragon, do you feel it?" The white tiger looks at the green dragon and asks.

"Well, I feel it. Everyone should feel it." Green Dragon turns his head and looks at rosefinch and Xuanwu.

"Yes, it's ours..." Rosefinch and Xuanwu said at the same time.

Qi Tianyu saw that they succeeded the first time. It was also a surprise. His wives were Bing Xueming. Qi Tianyu thought narcissically.

Suddenly, there was a shock inside the xuanhuang Tianbei. Qi Tianyu sensed that the four sacred beasts were standing in front of the world gate of xuanhuang Tianbei. It seemed that they wanted to go out.

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