Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1742

Looking at the strange environment around them, they knew that they should have arrived at Xuanwu city.

"Lord Qi, what should we do next?" Qi Qingfeng, the eldest of the seven generals, looks at Qi Tianyu. Virtually, they are already looking forward to Qi Tianyu.

"What's next? Let me see. Well, let's have a rest! " Qi Tianyu thought for a while and said.

"What? Rest Qi Qingfeng thought he had heard wrong, so he repeated what Qi Tianyu said.

"Yes, you'll have a rest first. I'll go and inquire about the situation. When I get back, I'll discuss the plan. By the way, you can make something to eat this evening. In order to keep secret, I've sent all the servants away, and I've arranged a formation outside, so you try not to go out. " Qi Tianyu told everyone that he wanted to go out and explore the situation himself.

"Brother Tianyu, be careful." Qi Yurou looks at Qi Tianyu heartily. She knows that Qi Tianyu does everything for her.

"Well, don't worry. I'll be fine. You can have a rest. You've been practicing all day. It's hard." Looking at his wives, Qi Tianyu was very pleased. When they were practicing in xuanhuang Tianbei, Qi Tianyu also felt it. He thought that they had been practicing for a day and it was time to let them have a rest.

This time, the courtyard was quite large, with more than 20 rooms. After all, considering that Qi Feihu would also come, he found a big courtyard.

"I'll go first. Everyone will be separated. Let's go back and have a rest. We'll meet here tomorrow morning to discuss the plan. " Then Qi Tianyu left. He was going to inquire about the news.

If you want to ask for information, there is no place more suitable than a small wine shop. Qi Tianyu left the yard in a flash. It's midnight now, and there are no pedestrians on the street, only drunken people with stars, who don't know what they are abusing.

The whole city almost fell asleep. There are only two places where people are still noisy. One is the brothel and the other is the restaurant. Qi Tianyu wanted to go to the wine shop. He walked along the direction where the drunkard came, and soon found a wine shop. There were a lot of people in it, and there were storytellers talking about it.

"Sir, please come inside. We have a very good daughter, Hong." Small two see Qi Tianyu go to the door, want to come in, quickly warmly welcome up.

"Well, OK, give me a jar of daughter red, and then order some food and wine. It's for you." Qi Tianyu looked at the small two is good, gave him a stone as a tip.

"OK, I'll get it for you right now. Please sit down first, my guest." The small two eyes almost couldn't smile, this kind of wine shop is generally some poor people, but he hasn't received tips for a long time.

Qi Tianyu found a seat and sat down. He opened his hearing to the maximum. He listened to the conversation of people around him and saw if he could hear any valuable information.

"Damn, I don't know what's going on these days. Isn't it that the new emperor is going to ascend the throne? It's the same as if the country is going to perish. The city gate is so strict that I came back a little late and locked Laozi out. It took Laozi a hundred spirit stones to get through the relationship and enter the city gate. If I didn't just do business and earn some money, I would spend a night outside. I almost couldn't drink with you. "

"Shh, keep your voice down. Don't let outsiders hear you. You can drink wine freely, but don't talk nonsense. Be careful what happens comes from your mouth."


has the city gate been strictly investigated? Hum, Qi Jingcai, an old fox, really has something, but even if he does his best, he will not know that we have come in. Now that the inspection at the city gate is so strict, there may be fewer people in the palace, and the people inside may relax when there is no situation outside. This is our chance.

Qi Tianyu ate something casually, drank a little wine, pretended to be drunk, put the money on the table, and staggered away. He went out of the wine shop and walked for a while. After seeing that there was no one around, he secluded himself and rushed to the direction of the palace.

The night in the north is very cold, which is a drizzle for Qi Tianyu. He is a real immortal, and has long been beyond the bounds of mortals. Moreover, his will can not be shaken by these coldness.

In the quiet night, there was a fast-moving shadow on the wall of the imperial palace. Although it moved very fast, it didn't make any sound. Qi Tianyu looked down at the guards on the wall of the Imperial Palace, watched how they changed their guard, and then branded it in his heart.

This idea is similar to that of the third prince. He wants to find out the enemy's defense before he can sneak in to save people.

It's just that the third prince was discovered when he came last time. He was deliberately put into a simple array, so he was caught in a jar.

With Qi Tianyu's strong perception ability in his previous life, he should not have been found. After all, he came secretly.

Although the ancient city of Lingyun wantonly search for transmission of ancient array, but in name is to search for a felon. What's more, they are all the guards of the royal family. They are the backbone of the royal family and will never reveal the secret. Because if they don't have the third prince, they may be killed by the new emperor, so they have no choice. Those generals and elders will not reveal their whereabouts, so no one should know that he came here today.He walked around the wall of the palace, looked at the whole periphery of the palace, and branded all the guards he saw in his heart. He didn't dare to go deep, because there might be a fairy king or a strong one above the fairy king. After all, even Qi Jingheng was caught, which made him have to be careful.

Qi Tianyu is here for Qi Yurou to rescue the third prince. If Qi Jingheng is not Yurou's grandfather, he will not make trouble for himself. After all, it is very dangerous. If he is not careful, he may even get involved.

After a while, Qi Tianyu walked around the outer part of the palace again. He was afraid that the guards inside would change. When he finished, he found that there was basically no change. There were only two people missing in one place, but he came back soon. He should have sneaked to the toilet, which strengthened Qi Tianyu's conjecture about the laxity of the guards inside.

Qi Tianyu looked at the sky and thought it was time to go back, so he turned over the wall and disappeared in the night sky. When he went back, he changed his position and quickly turned around a few streets. No one was there that day, so he went back safely. Because he suffered from dark loss last time, the secret treasure of xueyin could escape his perception directly, so he had to be careful to have this kind of secret treasure again.

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