Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1749

Everything is the same as Qi Tianyu expected, then proceed according to the original plan and start the action.

When the elder heard Qi Tianyu's words, he directly released the people in the secret treasure of space. The eight elders immediately set up an Eight Trigram array, which covered the whole heaven. Even if there was a fight inside, they could not feel it outside.

Qi Feihu and Qi Tianyu also directly released the people in their space secret treasure. According to the original plan, they are going to rush in. The outside world has been isolated and they can do it safely.

Qi Tianyu kicked the door open and rushed in. Then Yue Yunfeng, yunzihang, Tang Yinyue and others followed. The guard at the gate was still drinking and boasting. Suddenly he heard that the gate had been kicked open and was startled. Just wanted to pull out the sword to resist, was knocked unconscious by Qi Tianyu in the past. They didn't have to put in a lot of high-level guards, so they didn't have to put in a lot of high-level guards.

Qi Feihu also took advantage of Qi Tianyu and others to fight with the guards in the prison and quickly slipped in. They also have a task, and it is very important, that is to search and rescue the third prince. As soon as they went in, they separated because they were going to different important and secret places to look for them.

The battle in Tianlao is very hot. The outside world is really quiet. The eight elders are frantically instilling aura into the eight trigrams array. Because in this array, they are the eyes of the array, so they play with their own spiritual power to urge the operation of the array.

Qi Tianyu didn't know how many people he had knocked down, and Zhu lin'er and others were panting. Too tired, because these people are the blood of the Xuanwu Dynasty, so Qi Tianyu didn't want to kill them.

Qi Feihu takes Qi Jingheng's life smart card and searches every cell crazily. The criminals in other cells all shout when they go out, but Qi Feihu ignores them and just has to look for his father.

Two hours later, they haven't found it. They've searched almost all the cells, including the secret ones, but they haven't found any. But the spirit card can sense that the third prince is nearby. What's the matter. Qi Feihu is going crazy. I haven't found him for so long. Where is he! Father, give us some hints!

Several elders in the outside world can't hold on any longer. In one hour at most, their spiritual power may be exhausted. This array is too hard. Because the array is abnormal, the cost is very high. If they use up their spiritual power, they may faint directly, but they have said in advance that there is only three hours at most for rescue, otherwise the outside world will feel it.

Qi Tianyu is too tired to bear. Apart from Qi Tianyu's deep spiritual power and ability to fight, Tang Yinyue is still using Tangmen's concealed weapons,

Hunyuan sword Qi. Qi Tianyu uses his hand as a sword to send out a piece of sword Qi, and instantly falls down to guard, but the one behind rushes up again.

Just here, Yue Yunfeng and his family can't stand it any more. They are all defending passively. Qi Tianyu's spiritual power is almost exhausted. It suddenly occurred to him that he had bought five holy spirit pills in wanbaolou. He directly injected the pills into Yue Yunfeng, yunzihang, Zhu lin'er, Qi Yurou and Chen Yuxin's body. Because they have exhausted their spiritual power, if they don't do it in time, they may die It's going to kill you.

Tang Yinyue and Qi Tianyu are back-to-back guardians. They need refining, but it won't be long.

In a quarter of an hour, everyone recovered, and they took over the battlefield again. The guards were beaten and retreated, and their manpower was limited. They were almost knocked out.

"Hurry up, get everyone done, and then we'll help find the third prince." Qi Tianyu knew that they were running out of time. Once the array couldn't hold, they would be surrounded quickly, so they had to race against time.

Qi Feihu and several generals were very worried. They even searched the cells of ordinary prisoners, but they didn't, but the spirit card could still sense it. What's the matter! Why is it so secret? In the end, they even asked the prisoners if they had seen Qi Jingheng, but they said no.

Qi Feihu is a little confused. How can it be? How can a living man disappear here? And they haven't seen it yet, so why can Benming Spirit card sense it.

Time has already passed half an hour. Qi Tianyu and others have knocked everyone down. They rush to the place where Qi Feihu is.

"What's the matter? Did you find it? " Qi Tianyu gasped and asked. He was really tired just now.

"No, we've searched all over here, but there's still nothing." Qi Feihu said dejectedly, he was thinking, can't he really save his father?

"If you think about it, we must have some places that we didn't search. Will there be a darkroom?" It suddenly occurred to Qi Tianyu that this was the heaven prison. In order to detain some felons, he sent them directly to the darkroom through an exclusive channel.

"Yes! Why didn't I expect that? Come on, everybody knock on the wall nearby to see if there's anything free. " Qi Feihu says aloud, he is very anxious, have no time soon.

"Uncle, it seems that the walls here are different." Qi Yurou knocked on the wall next to her, making a thumping sound.

"Empty, here it is." Qi Tianyu directly went over and smashed the stone with one palm. A formation appeared, and the third prince was trapped in it."Father"



everyone cried a few times, but the Third Prince did not move.

"Don't shout. It's useless. His body and spirit have been sealed. If he can't communicate with us, go up and help the elders to stabilize the array. Give it to me here. I promise to take the LORD out safely." Qi Tianyu knew that he was going to break the array when he saw it, but half an hour was certainly not enough, so he asked them to help stabilize the array.

They knew that they could not be mistaken, so they quickly went up to help the elders stabilize the eight trigrams array.

Qi Tianyu directly released them. The fastest way to break the battle was to rely on them. It was almost dawn, and they had to withdraw before dawn.

In the array, the third prince was about to cry. What did he see? It was his son, granddaughter, grandson-in-law, and the generals came to save him. Risking his life, he was very moved, but he was also afraid that the Immortal King level master would find out and leave everyone behind.

However, with Qi Tianyu, there should be no problem depending on his arrangement. This boy can't even see through me. He has a lot of things in his mind! It should be able to ensure that everyone is safe. This boy has brought me so many surprises. Well, my granddaughter is right.

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