Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 1764

"Brother Tianyu, taiqingjue has been taught to you. Go and study slowly. I'm going to have a rest. Although I won't fall asleep now, I haven't recovered to the peak. I need to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth to recover. But I can fight in five days at most. Call me if you need anything, and I will help you." Tian Qing'er is very happy to see Qi Tianyu, but he is not so overjoyed. Compared with other masters, Tian Qing'er has a good opinion of Qi Tianyu.

"Well, well, you can have a good rest. I'll go out first." Qi Tianyu, who is in his mind, is suddenly interrupted. He also realizes that he is distracted. He quickly arranges his mood. When he hears that tianqing'er wants to have a rest, he will leave first. Thinking that tianshi'er is injured, he should go to see the little girl.

After quitting the space of Taiqing Tianjian, Qi Tianyu felt the position of Tian shi'er and flew over.

In a room, Tian shi'er sits on the ground and recovers his spiritual power. Taiqing Tianjian is indeed the most powerful attack secret treasure in the world. Even if he doesn't recover his mind, his power can't be underestimated. In order to get him into his own space, he has spent a lot of effort and almost got hurt. He really knows that he doesn't care, but he doesn't seem to have the heart to see his own world What about the panic of those creatures in the world! Because she had Qi Tianyu, the master of love and righteousness, she also became love and righteousness. She was no longer the cold-blooded and old-fashioned spirit.

"Tianshi'er, are you there?" Qi Tianyu knocks on the door gently. He is afraid that he will disturb the closed Tian shi'er.

"Come in, I'm here." As soon as Tian shi'er heard the voice, he knew who was coming, so he let Qi Tianyu in.

"God, are you ok! I heard from Tian Qing'er that you are injured. Let me see where you are Then Qi Tianyu went forward to help Tian shi'er look at the injury.

"Oh, I'm fine. Hasn't tianqing'er recovered? I'm just wasting some spiritual power. What's the harm! Make a fuss. " Tian shi'er is also speechless, this Tian Qing'er even said that he was hurt, and he looked up to himself too much. He can hurt me.

"It's OK. It's OK. I really thought you were hurt just now! I'm scared to death. By the way, tianqing'er asked me to apologize for him. I'm sorry. " Qi Tianyu was relieved when he heard that he was not hurt. That's good. He was so worried. Although I feel that Qing'er is so unreliable, I still bring his words to Tian shi'er.

"Well, I accept his apology. You're OK. Go out now. I have to recover. Don't disturb me." Tian shi'er has ordered him to leave. He knows that Qi Tianyu is very busy. This time, he'll come to see her for leisure. But it's enough for him to come here. He's very moved to have this heart. Let him get busy.

"Well, you have a good rest. I'll leave first. I'll come in to play games with you after I'm busy." Qi Tianyu understood that Tian shi'er didn't really drive him away, but was afraid that he would delay his business here. I really want to go out and have a look.

When I got out of xuanhuang Tianbei, I found that it was late at night outside, and everyone had a rest. It seemed that I was too tired to practice. Qi Tianyu didn't feel sleepy at all. He was going out to see what happened to the outside world and whether Qi Jingcai had any action recently.

In the night, a slovenly middle-aged man is moving at a high speed, and his breath is just heaven, but his body method proves that he is a stronger man of a higher level. Suddenly he stopped at the corner of a street because he saw another notice on the wall. According to the notice, the recent arrest of Qi Jingheng and other traitors may cause inconvenience to you, but I hope you can cooperate. If you provide clues to the traitors, you will not only increase the official rank, but also reward 300000 pieces of spirit stone.

Hum, Qi Jingcai's good method is to use carpet search, and it's really treacherous to use this method to make the whole people work for you. It seems that we don't have much time. This slovenly middle-aged man is Qi Tianyu. When he came out of the house, he changed his appearance with the technique of illusion and hid his accomplishments. Then he was on the street again. I didn't expect that I found Qi Jingcai's big action just after I went a short distance, and it was obvious that he was not afraid of us at all, as if he had already eaten us.

Thinking of this, Qi Tianyu continued to move forward. He wanted to see where Qi Jingcai's dog slaves had been searching. After a long time, Qi Tianyu finally heard the noise ahead. He had just searched the north of the city. It was estimated that it would be five days before he could find his own place at their speed. By that time, Taiqing Tianjian had absorbed the strength of heaven and earth, and he had recovered to his peak strength, In the face of their fairy King class, the strong can not fight.

Qi Tianyu didn't start. He left here directly. He wanted to go back to practice and prepare for the coming decisive battle.

All the way back, he didn't move the notice on the road, because he was afraid that he would be followed. The last time, the generals were eager to tell everyone the news, so their positions were exposed, so Qi Tianyu wouldn't make such a low-level mistake. He sneaked all the way to hide, and then turned around the south of the city for a long time before he returned to the courtyard.

Before dawn, everyone was still sleeping, but the time was urgent. Qi Tianyu kept his image temporarily through a kind of spirit butterfly, told everyone all the information he went to find out at night, and then he went to shut up.In the last five days, he will seize the opportunity to cultivate Taiqing Jue and improve his strength. He wants to go from the cultivation of primary martial arts to the cultivation of real immortals, so that Taiqing can make up for the peak that he has not reached in each realm, and make his strength achieve qualitative change. This is a huge project. Only in a short period of five days, Qi Tianyu has to step up his cultivation. He can't eat or drink. After informing everyone, Qi Tianyu sets up an array. He can't be disturbed. He has to break through quickly.

The next morning, when we woke up, we received the video message from Qi Tianyu's spirit butterfly. The people who heard the news were very nervous. But Qi Tianyu said, don't worry, just practice well. We don't have to fight hard on the decisive day.

Qi Jingheng is also very moved. This boy has given us too many surprises and too much confidence. He has become the backbone of us. He is really old and will be the world of young people in the future. After this disaster, he will retire and leave the future to his son.

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