Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2096

While Qi Tianyu is seriously studying ling'er's cultivation loopholes, ling'er sits by and looks at Qi Tianyu cleverly, waiting for his analysis, hoping to get Qi Tianyu's advice.

Because people who practice for the first time always feel uneasy. Even though ling'er has Qi Tianyu's direct experience, there are too many uncertain factors in the process of real practice, so often after practice, he still feels very insecure.

This time, Qi Tianyu's doing this will undoubtedly give ling'er a boost and make her more confident in her next cultivation. Moreover, as long as Qi Tianyu helps her correct her mistakes, she believes that ling'er will be able to forge ahead to a higher level of cultivation.

Soon Qi Tianyu summed up the mistakes made by ling'er in the process of cultivation. Of course, there are also points out the differences. However, as long as it does not affect the cultivation, or can improve the cultivation speed, Qi Tianyu also wrote them down. These are to praise her. It's also a good thing to grope for herself. It's amazing that a conformist can't do it It's a big event in the world.

"Ling'er, generally speaking, you have a good understanding of this xuanhuang decision, but you don't have a good grasp of some details, so you have to pay attention to it, and I've corrected it for you. Now I'll transfer those things to you. You can experience them carefully. If you encounter similar problems later, you must have your own solutions!"

Qi Tianyu finished everything and was ready to transmit experience to ling'er again, but this time it was different. What he had transmitted to ling'er was Qi Tianyu's own martial arts experience, but now it's a set of experience Qi Tianyu summed up according to ling'er's way of cultivation. In this way, it will be more in line with ling'er's cultivation and convenient for her to accept and master .

"Mm-hmm, ling'er knows. Ling'er listens to brother Tianyu. Let's start now!"

Ling'er is very obedient and sits down. Then she lets go of her own knowledge and asks Qi Tianyu to transmit her changed experience. Because this is not the first time to transmit, ling'er has nothing to do with it, and she absolutely believes in Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu also directly instilled into her all the things that she had changed, because there may be mistakes in the explanation and language communication, and this way of enlightening is the most effective and the fastest.

For children like ling'er, there may be some problems in communication due to different world outlooks. However, the use of mindfulness is equivalent to empathy, because children and adults have almost the same understanding ability, but some things are easy to accept because adults have experienced them. Mindfulness directly bypasses these problems Obstacles, direct to the heart.

In a short time, Qi Tianyu transmitted everything to ling'er, and then ling'er closed his eyes and began to digest what Qi Tianyu had made for you. Because of his quick digestion, ling'er directly changed his cultivation method, and then began to practice according to the corrected cultivation method.

When Qi Tianyu saw ling'er like this, he had to sigh that his apprentice's talent was really powerful. The five elements spirit was against heaven, but it was OK. His father broke his foundation when he was taken away, which led to the problems of the five elements spirit. Otherwise, he was also a peerless genius.

However, it seems that Wang Lin, father of ling'er, doesn't like to practice any more. That's fine. At least she won't suffer because of her physical problems. However, ling'er is smart and smart, and because of the five elements spirit, her strength is also improving very quickly.

However, because Qi Tianyu corrected some details for her, she was a little slow to digest. However, according to the speed of ordinary people, she was several times as fast as ordinary people. But it took some time to digest, and Qi Tianyu waited slowly.

On the other hand, Wang Lin and Li Baolian are almost ready for dinner, but they are talking about what happened just now, because Li Baolian really shouldn't have said that in front of Qi Tianyu. As a family leader, they still have some status. Now is the time for Wang Lin to reprimand Li Baolian.

"What's the matter with you, Baolian? Why did you say ling'er in front of Tianyu just now? If you said that, Tianyu would feel very unnatural. If I didn't make up in time, I would be very embarrassed."

Wang Lin's tone is very gentle, because he is expounding a fact. After all, Li Baolian did something wrong with what happened just now. However, as a man, he can't easily reprimand the woman he loves, so he didn't speak in a bad tone.

"Well, I know it's wrong, but as you know, my idea has been implanted since I was a child, and it's hard to change it. Just now, I was excited, so I didn't stop at all. But what can I do when things have happened?"

Li Baolian felt that she was also wronged. After all, she had been exposed to this kind of dogma since she was a child, and it had gone deep into her marrow. Just now, she also felt it and couldn't control it.

"Baolian, you can't think like this. I can understand your feelings, but you can't say it in front of Tianyu. It's really embarrassing. You have to understand where you are wrong, not that you can't control it. We are all adults, so don't think about what we don't have. It's really impolite for Tianyu just now, and they are our saviors So we must apologize later! "Wang Lin didn't have the gentle tone just now. Now he knew that he had to say it firmly. In this way, Li Baolian could feel the seriousness of the matter. Especially when she said what she could do, Wang Lin was really angry. He couldn't believe that it was his wife who said it, because it was too childish.

"I'm sorry, brother Lin. I know I'm wrong. Next time I'll restrain myself and won't embarrass everyone. When Tianyu comes, I'll apologize to him."

When Li Baolian saw that Wang Lin was angry, she also knew that she was really wrong. It was the first time that she was angry after Wang Lin came back, so Li Baolian also understood the seriousness of the matter.

"It's OK, baomei. As long as we are willing to accept mistakes, it's progress. Children certainly need education, but they also need to distinguish between the field and the people. We can't embarrass some people!"

When Wang Lin saw Li Baolian, he also knew that something was wrong with what he had done, so he was not so angry. He just comforted her that she had nothing to do, as long as she paid attention next time.

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