Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2123

In the end, they all vomit blood crazily, because one side is five people, but their strength is frustrated, the other side is one person, besieged by several people, none of them can take much advantage of it, but they all want to kill their opponents, so they all use their best, and their real blood is burning, supporting them to use more powerful power.

Although it is not as powerful as the war just now, it is more tragic than ever. They are fighting incessantly in the sky, and even that array is about to fail.

After suffering from wave after wave of shock, the power of the array of isolating the south of the city from the outside world has been almost consumed. Now, after their devastation, they are finally unable to bear it. But the people of the city Lord's residence will not sit back and ignore it, because if the array is broken, the people outside the south of the city may be injured.

It's a disaster, because there are so many people in Chengnan.

If the array is broken again, your city may lose its vitality. At this time, the city master who loves his people finally stands up. He leads the people in the city master's mansion to reinforce the array, because he knows that the war is fierce inside, and these people are already in charge, so he can't persuade them.

What's more, they may not listen to their own words. After all, judging from the ruthlessness of their actions now, they absolutely don't recognize each other. Then there is no need to make such a fruitless attempt. It's better to save some energy and quickly stabilize the array. Only in this way can he protect one of his people.

Just when they were strengthening the array outside, Li Yunjiang and others were already fighting fiercely. They began to fight hand to hand, because the secret arts consumed their strength too much. Moreover, the secret arts had no effect after one practice. The emperor's defense ability and learning ability were very strong, so they would not be beaten again if they had suffered from the secret arts.

So they only fight close to each other in order to win or lose quickly, and this can also reflect their blood. Six people fight in darkness, but in the end, no one can do anything.

Qi Tianyu observes and decides to fight because he has no time to continue. It will take a long time for them to continue to fight. However, it's getting late. He will continue to search for the Xuanwu forbidden area tomorrow.

All this is a small episode for Qi Tianyu, so he has no time to play with them. He has to finish it quickly, but it's hard for them to finish it quickly, so he needs to break the balance by himself.

Now they have no threat to the sky, so as long as he wants to fight, all these people will die, because in the battle just now, they almost exhausted their strength, and now they are about to run out of oil.

Qi Tianyu, however, didn't make a move all the time. The moment when the top zhundi made a move to him just now was also a passive defense. However, the immortal power he had consumed had already been recovered by him through pills and sitting down to rest. Therefore, Qi Tianyu's current state is heyday.

"Brothers, work harder. Li Yunjiang can't hold on any longer. As long as we work harder, we can beat him."

A prospective emperor cheered everyone up, because he already saw that Li Yunjiang was at the end of his life, so he asked everyone to add oil, and then killed him at one stroke to get the treasure.

"Ha ha, it's shameless and pitiful of you five to want treasures! But don't think I can't see it. The five of you have already been unable to withstand it. Your strength has been almost consumed in the two wars, and even not as good as mine. Since you are begging for death, don't blame me. "

Li Yunjiang was also completely angry. At the beginning, he was still a little restrained. After all, if he used his own life blood too much, it might affect his later cultivation. But now he understands that if he can't let go, he might be killed by the five of them.

One is that he was killed by them, and the other is that his foundation was damaged. Between these two choices, he finally chose the latter, because the first one is a doomed situation, and the second one is that he also has a fighting power. So he wants to bet that they can't completely release their strength.

Sure enough, after Li Yunjiang completely burned his life's blood, his strength increased greatly, and the five would-be emperors couldn't stand it immediately, and soon fell behind. Moreover, with Li Yunjiang's attack, they began to retreat.

"Don't worry, Taoist brothers. I'll come here. This Li Yunjiang wants to eat the treasure alone. He's really damned. He also wants to frame me and distract everyone's attention. He's just like Wang Yang. So I'm willing to help you kill him."

At the critical moment, Qi Tianyu made a move. He didn't expect that Li Yunjiang was so fierce. He could break out when the oil was exhausted and the lights were dry. He almost solved all of them. However, Qi Tianyu didn't allow this situation. He had decided to make a move. Otherwise, he had to make a move in the end.

In the end, no matter who the winner is, they will find themselves in trouble. Since they have to fight sooner or later, it's better to choose the people they will face in the future. And maybe after they fight, they will be afraid because of their ability, so even if they expose the treasure to themselves, they dare not do anything about themselves.Therefore, Qi Tianyu chose to fight with Li Yunjiang directly. He completely blocked his attack with his own strength, and his defense was strict. This is the reason why Qi Tianyu didn't fight. Because now Li Yunjiang's strength has become very weak because of the loss of the power of rules, so in Qi Tianyu's view, Li Yunjiang's life can be taken at any time Let's go.

"It's him? How can he help us? It seems that we really underestimated him at the beginning. We didn't expect him to be so powerful. "

A quasi emperor quickly took advantage of the opportunity of Qi Tianyu's hand to retreat, because just now, Li Yunjiang almost killed them all, but fortunately at the critical moment, Qi Tianyu's hand, otherwise, they would all die, but Qi Tianyu's hand really didn't think of it, and what surprised him most was that he didn't think Qi Tianyu would be so powerful .

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