Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2137

The endless purple Qi is absorbed by Qi Tianyu, and then transformed into pure immortal power through the transformation of Yuan Ying, the Immortal King, and integrated into Qi Tianyu's seven meridians and eight veins. The immortal power that used to be like a small river now becomes turbulent and wants to grow like a river.

Qi Tianyu knew that when the immortal power in his seven meridians and eight veins reached that level, he would be able to cultivate the immortal power to the top. However, from the current point of view, it will take a few days of cultivation, but only if you succeed, you will officially enter the peak of the Immortal King. It is the so-called three turns of the Immortal King, turning into a pseudo emperor, nine robberies of the pseudo emperor, then you can become an emperor.

The three turns in the three turns of the fairy king are the three things that need to be done in the peak of the fairy king. The pseudo emperor is naturally the quasi emperor. In fact, this realm was originally called the pseudo emperor. However, later, those pseudo emperors felt that their reputation was not good. Coupled with the flattery of those flatterers, they naturally became the quasi emperor.

If zhundi wants to become a real emperor, it will be extremely difficult. He needs to experience nine turns of natural calamity to become a Tao, melt his body, and connect with heaven and earth. Every three turns is a barrier, that is, the three realms of low-level zhundi, middle-level zhundi, and high-level zhundi. Now Qi Tianyu can barely fight with the high-level zhundi through the promotion of Yuan secret arts, but this is far from enough Qi Tianyu's goal is not here, so naturally he can't relax.

For Qi Tianyu, the road to becoming emperor is easy to say, but difficult to say. As long as he goes step by step, the problem should not be big. With the experience of the last life, he should rest easy.

However, all this will take time. In the remaining few months, I still have to work hard to break through the barrier of the great emperor in advance within my planned time.

After absorbing the purple Qi, Qi Tianyu stabilized his state for a while, and then withdrew from the practice. At noon, he was also hungry, so Qi Tianyu was ready to go out and find something to eat.

However, after opening the door, he found that he was now in a huge village, and everyone was living a self-sufficient life, so there was no inn. In this way, he would not even have a place to eat.

When Qi Tianyu was melancholy, he found that some servants had come. They brought food, which seemed to be for him. Thinking of this, Qi Tianyu was also very satisfied. They did not forget themselves.

Sure enough, the leading servant put down his things, told Qi Tianyu, and went down. These things were ordered by Qi Yunlong. It seems that when they discussed, they had not forgotten themselves, so they were hospitable!

Moreover, I found xuanwuzhu for them, but I didn't know what their decision was. After all, I really didn't know what to do after they rejected me. But Qi Tianyu believes that if they are really rational, they will listen to what they say and join their own camp.

Thinking of this, Qi Tianyu began to eat. The food and wine were not bad, but it was a little light, but it was acceptable. After all, in this isolated village, people here were used to light life. For food, it was not as high as people outside. It was the so-called "one side of the soil and water, one side of the people, each had its own way of life." .

Although it's light, it's a kind of baptism for people who live in the market all the year round. Besides, the food and wine are very good. They have a unique flavor. If they don't have important business, they really want to live here for a while and live a leisurely life.

For this idea, he can only stay in the thinking stage, because Qi Tianyu knows that he needs to do a lot of things now. Moreover, even if he hides here, he is not a place to live for a long time. If he doesn't make any moves, these four forbidden areas will be abandoned sooner or later, and the paradise will be abandoned.

Heixuan and himself have a grudge against each other. How can he allow him to do something? He must stop him and kill him. It's a shame before snow. People in the world have been cheated for so many years. At that time, they should also tell the world, so that they can understand the true face of heixuan.

As for what heixuan is going to do, maybe he really needs to pay attention to it. At the beginning, he estimated the time of his hand, but it's not accurate. It's just based on his past habits that he speculates that he has actions to do, which is usually a year's time. But after so many years, it's still unknown whether he has changed a lot.

Now that they have their eyes in the sky, let them help them investigate. As long as they don't expose themselves, they should not be suspicious. In this way, they can make plans as early as possible. However, it's a matter of time. No matter what, they should pay close attention to it. Otherwise, they may not be able to do anything at that time.

I don't know the external conditions and the situation of the four dynasties. When this matter is finished, it's time to get in touch with Providence. I also need to know about the external conditions and the actions of heixuan.

Thinking of this, Qi Tianyu is going to finish his meal and Practice for a while. After all, he just needs to increase his immortal power and his mood is not so demanding. He just has time in the afternoon, so he can take this opportunity to practice. Although he may be a little tired, it's OK to have a good rest at night. It's OK to practice for a while.

The most important thing is that now I haven't got any news from Qi Yunlong. It's estimated that we really need to discuss it until the evening. Qi Tianyu also knows about this matter. He's in a hurry, so just start practicing! You can increase some chips for yourself to blade heixuan in the future.On the other hand, Qi Yunlong and others are deliberating. To them, the question raised by Qi Tianyu is really like thunder and clear sky, which makes them feel dangerous in their comfortable life.

However, this is only the opinion of most people, and there are a small number of stubborn people. They think that Qi Tianyu's words are too much, because they think that no matter how suspicious emperor heixuan is, after so many years, he should not take everyone in mind, for thousands of years! Even if it is a stone, it has been turned into sand by time.

Therefore, they think that Qi Tianyu's words are somewhat exaggerated, and the outside world is not as terrible as he said. After all, people have not been out for thousands of years, and they don't know much about the outside world. In a word, they don't want to go out, they just want to live comfortably in the forbidden area.

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