Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2139

Thinking of this, Qi Tianyu simply let go and strode directly to Qi Yunlong's living room. In the morning, they made an appointment to meet here in the evening. At the same time, they gave themselves a reply whether to join the Xuanwu forbidden area or not.

Now it's time for me to reply. No matter what the result is, I've tried my best. Still, in that sentence, if I try to turn things around, some of them can only obey God's will. Although I sometimes do not believe in heaven, but this day is not that day, it can be regarded as a kind of sustenance!

After a while, Qi Tianyu arrived there. There was no accident. Qi Yunlong and they had not arrived yet. However, Qi Tianyu was not in a hurry. He had been waiting all day. Do you still care about this time?

Qi Yu went to the living room and asked the servant to pour the tea.

On the other side, in the conference hall, Qi Yunlong stood there again. He knew that it was almost the appointed time. No matter what the result was, he should ask them and let them discuss for an afternoon. It was almost over.

"Cough, how about your discussion? It's almost the appointed time. You have to say your reply. In order to get the result quickly, let's raise our hands to vote! Please raise your hand if you support joining zhutiandi camp

Qi Yunlong came to the meeting hall and found that they had already discussed the matter, so he was ready to ask them the result. He saw that those people who were not willing at first seemed to have come together with those who were willing. If there was no accident, they might have been awakened by what they had said, so in order to get the result quickly, he said it directly.

"We are willing to, for the sake of the Xuanwu forbidden area, we are willing to prepare to chase the emperor of heaven!"

Everyone said in unison that this was the result of their discussion all afternoon. Some of the people who were unwilling to join in the Xuanwu forbidden area were ashamed by Qi Yunlong's words as early as noon. Finally, they discussed with you and decided to support Qi Yunlong and join in the Xuanwu forbidden area.

They used to be tough guys, but they have been here for a long time, and they are lazy. When they heard Qi Yunlong's words that they wanted to fight against black Xuan, they were afraid and wanted to stay in the Xuanwu forbidden area. But now they are different. Qi Yunlong's words have called their blood back, and they have already died It's decided to follow Qi Yunlong.

"Well, since we have agreed, we have decided that we are very happy to have you in the Xuanwu forbidden area. Then we will wait here and I will call Zhutian Di over. Since we are willing to join his camp, we should hold a ceremony to join the league or something."

Qi Yunlong finished and left. Now that everyone has decided, there's no need to delay. Let Qi Tianyu wait for a long time. Now go and call him over!

Qi Yunlong went out soon, because it was too late to let Qi Tianyu wait any longer. Who knew that as soon as he went out, he met a servant who came in a hurry.

"My Lord, the distinguished guest has been waiting in the living room for a long time. Please give us further instructions!"

As soon as the servant saw Qi Yunlong, he immediately went up to salute him and told him that Qi Tianyu had been here for a while.

"Well, I see. I'm going to find him now? You go down first! I'll take the rest. "

After hearing this, Qi Yunlong apologized. He made Qi Tianyu wait so many times on this day. For a guest who returned Xuanwu bead, it was not proper for him to do so.

So he quickly walked to the living room, and wanted to let Qi Tianyu go to the meeting hall to hold a ceremony, which could be regarded as the Xuanwu forbidden area to officially join his camp.

Qi Tianyu is in the living room, and is well received by his servants. However, his mind is still on the choice of the Xuanwu forbidden area. For a long time, he is also worried. But it seems that the servant has already urged him. If there is no accident, Qi Yunlong should have gone this way.

Sure enough, when Qi Tianyu drank a cup of tea, he saw Qi Yunlong coming in a hurry, which made Qi Tianyu suddenly excited, because the result was Qi Yunlong's word.

"Brother Yunlong, what's up? What's your reaction? Are you willing to join my camp, or are you here to give orders? "

Qi Tianyu directly asked the question in his heart. Although it was a bit abrupt, it was reasonable to be in a hurry to follow the power. After all, he had been waiting so long, and some anxiety was normal psychology.

"Zhutian emperor, don't worry. It's really not thoughtful of us to keep you waiting for a long time. But I'm not here to make an order this time. On the contrary, we've all discussed and decided to join your camp. You're the only one to show us what you want. This time, I'm here to take you to meet you and hold an oath ceremony!"

Qi Yunlong didn't get angry when he heard Qi Tianyu say this, because he understood that it was his fault, not Qi Tianyu. It was he who made Qi Tianyu wait too long, that made his speech so abrupt. But the good news should be told to Qi Tianyu, otherwise he will misunderstand again.

"Really Really? That's great. Where are they? I'll see them now. "Qi Tianyu was also very happy when he heard that. Xuanwu forbidden area agreed. Happiness came so suddenly that he couldn't control himself and even trembled. However, we must go to meet them. Otherwise, our trip may be in vain. We must let them really recognize themselves. Only in this way can they really join our camp.

"It's true. They are all waiting in the meeting hall. Please drive the meeting hall by Zhutian emperor."

Qi Yunlong saw that Qi Tianyu was a little nervous, so he joked and relaxed the atmosphere.

"Brother Yunlong is joking. We are all friends and brothers. Even if you join my camp, you join as friends and brothers. So you don't have to be so polite. Just call me Qi Tianyu or Tianyu. Don't call me zhutiandi. That's too strange."

Although Qi Tianyu knows that Qi Yunlong is joking, he also feels that there is something wrong. After a long time, the relationship may become estranged. So it's better to be brothers, just like the people in Qinglong forbidden area. In this way, the relationship is harmonious and easy to communicate.

"Well, brother Tianyu, let's go now!"

Qi Yunlong looked at the serious appearance of Qi Tianyu. He couldn't help laughing. He had no choice but to promise.

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