Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2161

Thinking of this, Qi Tianyu also thought of Tian Qing'er. Although he gave him a broken sword, it was also a part of him, but he didn't know how much he had recovered.

However, it seems that both of them should not wake up completely, otherwise, they would have informed themselves, so they need to continue to work hard to find the remains of Xianjin and Taiqing Tianjian.

This time, he brought Xu Hua Qingjin, saying that he may not be able to make Tian shi'er recover, but Tian Qing'er is still sleeping. It seems that he still needs to work hard to find out. It's important to go on the road, but he can't miss the chance on the road.

Soon, Qi Tianyu arrived at the place where Tiandao space is located. When he arrived here, he was glad to see that Tiandao space has grown up a lot again. Because in this way, he was relieved. Tianshi'er and Tiandao space were originally one, and they were born with each other. If they were both prosperous, then Tiandao space began to grow up, which means that tianshi'er is also prosperous Almost recovered.

"Oh, my God! are you there Can you hear me? "

Qi Tianyu shouts out loud, because he wants to wake up Tian shi'er who is sleeping. After all, he wants to give Xu Hua Qingjin to her, so he must wake her up.

"Well, brother Tianyu, is that you?"

This time, Qi Tianyu didn't answer him as he did last time. Instead, Tian shi'er directly heard what Qi Tianyu said and responded to him.

"It's me, Tianshi. Are you better recently? Oh, by the way, I found a treasure named Xuhua Qingjin. I don't know if it has any effect on you! "

Qi Tianyu is also very happy to hear Tian shi'er's reply, but he knows what he's doing, so he tells Tian shi'er directly about the fact that he's getting the virtual green gold.

"What? You've also got Xuhua Qingjin. You're a monster. Of course, you're useful to me. It's rare that you're so devoted to me. It seems that you'd better get hurt! "

Tian shi'er sighed, but his voice had almost recovered. He was not so weak. He just lacked some vitality, so he joked.

"Bah, bah, bah! What hurt! I won't allow you to do this again. After so long, I always have a knot in my heart, so you don't want me to feel guilty again! "

Qi Tianyu quickly bah bah bah, after all, it's too bad luck to say that. He doesn't want to let them hurt themselves any more.

"Well, I'm not joking with you. It's not fun at all. I'm tired and need to shut down. You can turn the virtual green finance into gas and send it to me quickly!"

Tian shi'er is really tired, and her vitality is greatly damaged. Naturally, she can't communicate with others for a long time. This time, she has the strength to speak, but she has accumulated so much strength.

"OK, then I'll give you Xuhua Qingjin now!"

Qi Tianyu immediately used his own life Linghuo, which was not the first time he had done it. Of course, Qi Tianyu was familiar with it, and soon turned the virtual green gold into gas, which was then transported to the space of heaven.

"Well, I got it. Go back! I want to have a good recovery, and don't take any chances to find Xianjin for me. I'm almost fine. In a month or so, I'll wake up, and then you can play with me! "

Tian shi'er tells Qi Tianyu about her situation, and then her voice is silent. She goes to shut up. Because this communication has consumed her accumulated physical strength, so now she can only choose to use virtual green gold to recover.

"Take care of yourself. I hope you'll leave early."

Qi Tianyu said and left, because Tian shi'er was closed, and he had nothing else to do here, so it was time to leave.

However, Qi Tianyu did not leave the inner world of xuanhuang Tianbei, because he had to go to see tianqing'er. After all, he is the same as Tian shi'er for his own serious injury, so I can't forget him.

Thinking of this, Qi Tianyu set out and smoothly entered the inner world of Taiqing Tianjian and the bottom of Kunlun mountain. Unfortunately, he could not go to the place of reincarnation. There was a cliff there, which hindered his way.

Qi Tianyu had no choice but to shout a few times, only to find that no one responded. Finally, he waited for a while, but no one responded. Qi Tianyu understood that tianqing'er probably didn't wake up, so it's useless to shout again. Let's stop here today! I think it's time to go back to the outside world.

After leaving the inner world of xuanhuang Tianbei, the true self came back to the noumenon, and Qi Tianyu also woke up. Now he has absorbed a lot of Xianli, but there is still a gap from the peak of Xianli. This time, all the things he had to do in xuanhuang Tianbei were basically completed. One thing is that he didn't visit his precious disciples My brother.

Linger is a good child. She is smart and cute. She likes it very much. But if you go to find her now, you will have to delay some time. These days, you are very busy. You'd better go to see her later!

When the time comes to bring her food, she will not blame herself. Thinking of food, Qi Tianyu touched his stomach, which also felt extremely empty. It seemed that he was hungry.Although it is not necessary for him to have a meal, even if he is allowed to have a meal for a month, there is no problem at all. After all, he has formed the habit of eating. If he doesn't eat a meal, he always feels that there is something missing.

It's still a very busy scene in the restaurant. Basically, there are no free tables. Well, eight or nine waiters put their scarves on their shoulders and serve food everywhere with their dishes.

When he saw Qi Tianyu coming down the stairs, the shopkeeper had a long time to respond. He ran to the bottom of the stairs with a smile on his face and was ready to meet any request of Qi Tianyu with the most enthusiasm at any time.

"What does Shangxian want to do? If you want to practice, I know there is an aura spring in Tianhai. Although it's rare for you, it's better than nothing. It will make your body more comfortable.".

The shopkeeper has been running a restaurant for so many years, and he has already developed the ability to observe words and colors. He knows what kind of people he meets and what kind of words he says. Therefore, he recommends Lingqi spring to Qi Tianyu, an immortal like him.

"No, I'll just practice with spirit stone. You can find me a table and serve me good wine and food. I'm a little hungry.".

Qi Tianyu appreciated the shopkeeper's enthusiasm, but it was not what he wanted, so he declined his kindness and asked the shopkeeper to arrange something to eat.

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