Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2168

But heaven doesn't always fulfill people's wishes. If you get something, you will always lose something else. If you get something, you will lose something. When someone starts to practice the giant's skill, they feel very good at first. Their physical quality becomes stronger and their skin gradually hardens.

But every time when the physical quality becomes stronger, the whole person will go crazy, as if his brain has been completely destroyed. No matter how close he is, he can't recover his heart. In the end, he can only kill his relatives.

After such a thing, the giant's skill was completely collected and burned clean. From then on, such a thing was sealed up and no one mentioned it again.

So today, I suddenly saw the giant's finger, which immediately awakened everyone's memory.

"What's the use of giant's poisonous fingers? Besides being able to put them there, they have no substantial effect.".

Some people roared under the stage. Most people didn't know what this thing was for, only noticed that it was bigger.

"You all know that when we practice the immortal Dharma, we always use the spirit stone to help us practice, and this poisonous finger is equivalent to an energy storage of the poisonous Dharma. Someone condenses all the abilities together for you to practice, which can save a lot of effort and money.".

"Therefore, this finger not only has the value of collection, but also has the value of cultivation. I hope friends who practice poison Kung Fu don't miss this opportunity. It's really rare. However, considering the scarcity of this profession, the starting price of this auction is a piece of medium quality spirit stone, and the price increase should not be less than 500 times each time.".

"I'll give you two pieces of Zhongpin Lingshi and 500 pieces of Xiapin Lingshi.".

"I gave ten pieces of Zhongpin Lingshi, but I still want to fight with you.".

"Don't rob them. If you add money, it's not cost-effective. It's worthless. I'll give you 12 pieces of spirit stone, and let me help you solve the problem.".

Maybe it's because there are not many people who practice poison skill. What everyone yearns for is the open and aboveboard skill. Therefore, only these three people are bidding for it. The final price is just 12 spirit stones.

However, the foundation of all this is based on Qi Tianyu's lack of interest in the auction. If he is interested, even if he is not 100% sure, he is 90% sure to take it down.

The auction has been going on at a high frequency. In the middle of the auction, there are some interesting things, but they can't get into Qi Tianyu's eyes. After all, he is a man with xuanhuang Tianbei. He can't be interested in these real immortal level treasures, and can't even make his eyes turn.

In fact, he bought it as a plaything and threw it away after playing for a few times. So it's better not to waste the spirit stones. Although he has so many spirit stones that he can't use up like a hill, he knows that thrift is a virtue, and Qi Tianyu knows this well.

"Next, I don't know what this auction is for, but the seller of this auction gives the starting price of five pieces of Zhongpin Lingshi. Maybe it has its own originality.".

Wearing white gloves, Gu Yuecheng gently picked up the auction from the auction table. It was a small blue and white sword with some inscriptions and runes on it. But no one understood what it meant, because the words were neither human language nor giant language.

The surface of the small piece is still a little broken. This kind of ancient appearance makes people not interested at all. Moreover, after Gu Yuecheng asked the real immortals around him to inject immortal power into it, the sword still has no reaction, just like a bottomless hole, unable to show any light.

Originally, Qi Tianyu was ready to leave here, but when he looked up, he saw the sword. He didn't know what it was like. When he saw the real shape of the sword, he felt as excited and scared as a frying pan, and even trembled.

For him, this sword is not a broken sword, but a separate body. The main body is in Qi Tianyu's hands. There are eight Taiqing Tianjian, and Qi Tianyu has six now. If he can get this broken sword, he will go to a higher level.

But he couldn't let his state reveal his needs too early, so he didn't bid at the beginning, but pretended to be the same as ordinary people, and showed his doubts about the broken sword. He thought that there were too many five spirit stones.

"I'll give you a hundred pieces, a medium quality spirit stone." suddenly, a strong male voice came from the top of Qi Tianyu's head, and directly increased the price of the broken sword by dozens of times. No one was interested in the sword, but basically everyone began to fall into a state of doubt, suspecting that this thing was not like a watch Face to face is so simple, but there is another secret.

"It's really a bad thing. If I don't talk about it sooner or later, I'll say it at this time. I don't want to pit me." Qi Tianyu now wanted to cut that voice into pieces.

But now that it's done, it's useless to say anything else. We have to be tough with that person to see who has more spirit stones."I'll give you 200 yuan. It's just a common sword. It has no special effect and can't prolong life. So I hope this brother won't rob me.

Qi Tianyu said that the sword was useless. He quietly raised the price tag and doubled the two hundred pieces of spirit stones. The fool could see that there was something wrong with it.

"Two hundred and one quick", it seems that the generous boy wants to go to the end with Qi Tianyu, so on the basis of Qi Tianyu, there is only one more piece, but this piece is very fatal, because if Qi Tianyu wants it, he has to shoot it directly, otherwise, it will fall into other people's hands, it will be like water splashed out, and it will be difficult to take back.

"500 yuan", Qi Tianyu does not want to waste a lot of time, there are still many things to do, not all here to waste.

"Five hundred and one yuan, that person has always been a lazy tone, but this kind of tone almost makes Qi Tianyu angry, because he only increases the price by one yuan every time, and his school is one million yuan.

"All right, all right, I advise you not to worry with you, but I really have to have this little sword today. It has some special meaning for me, so I have to have it.

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