Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2174

The fear of the Qi snake family is that the person in front of them, who was previously defined as a soft persimmon, has now reached the level of quasi emperor in a few breaths, and has not even stopped, but continues to climb.

"Zhundi primary stage, zhundi middle stage, zhundi high stage!" Finally, Qi Tianyu's breath finally stabilized when he reached the quasi imperial high level.

However, the violent power of the quasi imperialist class would not completely subside because of his stable state. After a short silence, Qi Tianyu burst out his incomparable power. Because the concentration of the immortal power in the surrounding air was too high, it had condensed into a bright white competition, which could not be dissipated for a long time.

Qi Tianyu stood there quietly, without any movement, but the explosive energy around him was difficult to maintain a stable state. He took his body as the center and exploded around him.

Originally, the leader of the Qi snake family was moving very fast, and almost rushed to Qi Tianyu's face. However, with Qi Tianyu's momentum rising, the density of the air around him seemed to change a little. As a result, when this person of the Qi snake family approached him, his action that he was too fast to appear a residual shadow suddenly stopped.

In an instant, he was slowed down many times. Every action in the air required several breaths, as if he was deliberately slowing down. It looked very funny.

Looking at his boss like this, it's reasonable to say that his subordinates should be extremely serious and can't smile. However, because the leader's action is too funny, and even his face is one by one, his subordinates not only didn't come up to support him, but also fell back and forth laughing behind him, basically unable to stop.

Qi Tianyu couldn't see it any more. He directly controlled the outward spread of his immortal power, and even said it was an explosion. At that moment, the strong wave spread around in a circle at the speed of shadow.

Originally, the leader of the Qi snake family could still struggle in the air, but now he completely lost his control over his body. When he came into contact with the shock wave, he flew out in an instant as if he had suffered an unparalleled heavy blow, and his whole body hit the wall on the side of the alley heavily.

Because the immortal power was too fierce, the leader's body was almost directly embedded in it, and it was hard to pull out. The green light that just enveloped his body was dim at the moment, and it was almost destroyed.

However, Qi Tianyu's action made the Qi snake leader's subordinates stop laughing wildly. Because the scope of influence was too large, their skill was not as good as that of the leader, and they could not resist for a second.

Zhang Tiezhu didn't dare to believe his eyes when he saw all these things. So many fairy kings, and even a man in the middle of fairy king, could not withstand an attack in front of Qi Tianyu.

It's really shocking to him. Fortunately, Qi Tianyu used Xianli to create a protective shield around him when he was shaking the whole body's violent energy. Otherwise, with Zhang Tiezhu's perfect strength, he would suffer a lot even if he didn't die.

"Who on earth are you and why do you want to hide your strength?" the leader of Qi snake family, who was just about to be embedded in the wall, tried his best to climb out of it, and vomited a mouthful of red blood without saying a few words.

Now he really felt the fear that could not be attached. He was used to domineering in Tianhai city with the help of his family. Now he suddenly met such a powerful person, and he was still a little uncomfortable.

What's more, the skill he used has always been the treasure of the Qi snake family, because he only needs to continuously provide a little immortal power to keep his body covered with thick protective cover, just like the Xuanwu back armor. Let alone the people of the same level, even those who are a little higher than him may not break his defense, and will be killed by him.

But now the man in front of him only uses the shock wave caused by zhundi's momentum, which makes him fly backward so far. It's really terrible. This time, he really kicked on the iron plate.

"I hide my strength? If you don't have evil intentions and want to commit treachery, is it related to you to hide or not hide your strength? It's called "good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil. Don't you want to rob my spirit stone? Now I have so many spirit stones in my storage bag, you've come to get them.".

When Qi Tianyu heard what the leader said, he immediately became angry. He knew that he was a normal auctioneer and didn't want to make trouble. They came here for their own spirit stone, and now they still blame themselves for hiding their strength. It's true that bad people always have reasons to do evil. In this case, they can still do it backwards.

"It's no use saying more. Since you don't know how to live or die, I can't blame you. Don't be so greedy in the next life. I think it's too insulting for you to use my fairy art. Since you started from physical training, I only use my body to fight you.".

Qi Tianyu has no patience to talk to these people any more. His principle is that others treat him well, so he is twice as good to others. However, if someone wants to move him or hurt people around him, he will touch his scales and will not be forgiven.Qi Tianyu originally had a xuanhuang immortal body, which was invulnerable and hard to extinguish. Now he used yuan's secret arts, and even rose to a large level. Basically, even if the king of eating immortals had no defense, he would not step back.

The members of the Qi snake family first saw Qi Tianyu's strength after he had fully performed yuan's secret skill, and then they felt Qi Tianyu's fury. They were immediately counselled. But now they are on the bridge, and there is no way out, so they have to stick to it.

"Brothers, go up with me directly, we go up together. This man is just a fake, and can't fight against so many of us all at once. Now there is no way out. Who can kill him at that time? Half of his spirit stone will belong to you.".

The leader of Qi snake knew that Qi Tianyu would not let them go today, so he wanted to fight again. His face showed a ferocious look and yelled at his subordinates.

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