Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2181

After the people of Tianyan left, Qi Tianyu took a rest directly, because the next day he had to go on the road, so he didn't practice. It took time to go on the road, so he could practice on the road.

The next morning, Qi Tianyu set out. He was going to Xiaotian City, the location of the white tiger forbidden area. Although there was no exact location, Xiaotian city must be the nearest big city to the white tiger forbidden area, just like your city, so he had to go there.

Three days later, Qi Tianyu saw a majestic city with three big characters of Xiaotian City written on the gate. The handwriting was vigorous and powerful, and the artistic conception was powerful. At first glance, it was a big city.

Moreover, the transmission place here is special. It's not inside the city, but outside the city. As for why, Qi Tianyu doesn't know, but that's why he can see the gate of Xiaotian city. All the way, Qi Tianyu has been practicing on the road, and the immortal power in his body is increasing day by day. Qi Tianyu knows that as long as he goes on like this, he won't leave for seven days I will step into the peak of the fairy king.

However, it's a bit tiring along the way. I need to find a place to rest. However, before he came to Xiaotian City, Qi Tianyu knew something about the city. He knew himself and his enemy well, and he was invincible. Since he wanted to come here, he had to do his homework well.

Of course, I have neglected the transmission site. However, from my own observation along the way, the transmission array should have been transformed by modern people, which is why it is so.

These are not important. The important thing is that Qi Tianyu is very concerned about a place in Xiaotian City, that is, the black market of Xiaotian City, which is almost the same as what he once participated in, but there are some differences in the black market of Xiaotian city.

If a city can be famous for one thing, Baiyu city is because it produces Hotan Meiyu, black wolf region is because there are groups of black wolves nearby, and Xiaotian city is because of the underground black market.

Although this word is not on the table, after all, the black market is hidden in the market, it is difficult to be found by ordinary people, but the real good things are from the black market.

Qi Tianyu had heard about the black market in the south of the city before. Some people bought the emperor's treasure at the price of cabbage on the black market, while others were cheated into trading all their wealth for a piece of rubbish.

It is precisely because of this uncertainty that the charm of the black market is created. If everything is done according to the rules, it is not called the black market, it is called the cooking market.

In the black market, whether you can make a lot of money or lose all your pants depends on your ability. More importantly, it depends on the knowledge and insight of the buyer, because many things even the seller doesn't know what it is. They just think it's valuable, so they can sell it at any price.

If someone recognizes what it is and shows an expression of excitement or desire, the seller will instantly increase its price, even hundreds of times. The people who can sell things in the black market are either human spirits or local leaders, otherwise it is difficult to make money.

Although there are many uncertain factors and deceptive elements in the black market, there has always been an unwritten rule, that is, as long as things are sold and the transaction is completed, the transaction is concluded.

No one can go back on his word, even if he realizes that he has been cheated the next second after the transaction, he can't say anything more, let alone find the seller, because people who enter the black market must have their own ability to distinguish.

If it's because I didn't judge it, no matter how wronged I am, I can only swallow it in my stomach. Besides, it's useless. After all, all walks of life have their own rules, whether written or unwritten. For so many years, everyone has consciously abided by them.

No one will go back, so if someone broke the rules, then everyone will despise, this is not a person can bear, face this thing, everyone is more or less concerned about.

However, since the black market is hidden in the market, it is not so easy to be found. If you want to buy in the black market, you can't find the door without other people's introduction or other ways.

Qi Tianyu is very observant. Otherwise, when he was in a restaurant before, he would not have heard the conversation between Zhang Tiezhu and his friend intentionally or unintentionally, and he would not have the chance to join the auction. Naturally, he has no fate with the seventh broken sword.

The location of the black market can't be asked to the military officers who patrol the city. They certainly don't know where it is. What's more, the black market is something that violates the rules. If they found it, it would have been copied to no longer exist.

Finally, after seven turns and eight turns, Qi Tianyu came to a restaurant. It was not so much a restaurant as a fly restaurant, because the appearance was really messy.

It can only be described as a mess. The people who come here to eat are the lowest class people living in Xiaotian City, so the quality is not very high. All kinds of noises and shouts in it almost lift the roof off.

Even Qi Tianyu can't stand such a noisy environment. He directly uses Xianli to form a thin protective cover and seal his ear canal. The world suddenly quiets down.In front of us, we can only see many people talking with their mouths wide open, clapping the table and shouting, but no sound can get into Qi Tianyu's ears. This situation is very funny. If we didn't have something in our heart now, and if we wanted to find a knowledgeable person to lead it, maybe Qi Tianyu would laugh directly.

Qi Tianyu stands in the center of the restaurant, but his temperament is totally out of tune with the surrounding environment. He seems to stand out from the crowd.

Therefore, the boss of the restaurant saw the unique Qi Tianyu early and knew that this person must be a gold owner. He was totally different from those who were shouting to eat. He didn't even know how many higher classes he had. He immediately met him. The smile on his face made Qi Tianyu feel extremely disgusted.

He didn't feel comfortable at all, so he didn't want to talk too much with the boss. He just wanted to realize his goal quickly, and then he turned around and left.

"I don't eat, I don't drink, I come here for other purposes," Qi Tianyu said to the boss with a serious expression. Now there are a lot of fish and dragons in the hall, and it's not convenient for him to tell others that he's looking for the black market, so he didn't say his purpose.

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