Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2186

Although Qi Tianyu didn't have any facial expression on the surface, he didn't even look at it one more time. In fact, at this time, his heart exploded.

Before that, the box seemed to have the function of isolating divine consciousness, so he swept around and found nothing. But after the box was completely opened, he was surprised to find that what was placed in the box was not other things, nor the mother of white jade as the stall owner said, but Linglong Xianjin.

If you want to talk about the exquisite fairy gold, it's a treasure of the hidden world. Let alone in the black market, even in the whole Xiaotian City, there may not be a second piece.

"What kind of jade is it? It's just nonsense. If the mother of white jade is really so powerful, you can open a white jade mine by yourself. Isn't it that you need to come to the black market to set up a stall? Is it to experience life?".

Qi Tianyu said with a face of distrust, the sceptical stare was a red face, and for a while he did not know what to say.

He thought that Qi Tianyu was a little white who didn't know anything. When he came to the black market for the first time, he was almost sure that this man would be cheated by his superb acting skills, so he obediently handed over all the spirit stones in his pocket and bought a white jade that he could spend two pieces of inferior spirit stones on the jade stand.

Who knows that he has been preparing for a long time, and he still has a feeling of complacency. However, he was so cruelly seen through by others, and his face didn't know where to put it, so he could only bow his head and make no words.

Because he thinks that the man in front of him is an expert, and now he can't sell it. It's better not to insult himself. If we go on, we can only show our ignorance, not the rest.

"Although you play a low-level jade trick, I like the two flying swords in the stall. Well, I'll give you a piece of middle-class crystal. I'll take care of all the things in your stall, including the things in the box, so that you can continue to cheat others.".

Qi Tianyu waved his hand and said with awe inspiring righteousness, as if he was doing so to maintain the order of the market and not let the stall owner suffer too much loss.

In fact, he was very excited at this time. He was a little drunk, not drunk, because all the things on the stall were rubbish. The flying sword said that it was the perfect use of the real fairy, but in fact it was not even the middle level treasure of the real fairy.

However, as long as you can bring that piece of exquisite fairy gold with you and buy it together, it's worthwhile to produce ten pieces of top-quality spirit stone today, let alone a medium-quality spirit stone. It's like making a profit.

The stall owner had already given up. He was going to take the stall home for dinner when the man left, and improve his acting skills. Next time, he can't be so shameful and be found all at once.

Who knows that such a sentence came from the top of his head. His ordinary things are measured by the following spirit stone. No matter how to sell those junk goods, the most is about 100 pieces of inferior spirit stone. But the man in front of him is ready to buy so much rubbish with such a rare piece of medium spirit stone.

If you know a piece of medium quality stone, you can exchange 1024 pieces of low quality stone. It's a desperate situation. There's no way out at the end of the mountain and there's no way out.

"OK, we are so predestined today. Originally, these flying swords and cloth armours were meant to sell three pieces of medium quality spirit stones. Now I'll give you a discount, a spirit stone, and this white jade is also given to you. Although I just cheated you, it's also beautiful to make a decoration.".

The stall owner pretended to have a painful look on his face, as if he had lost his blood in this way. Then he began to speak with awe inspiring righteousness, as if the person who had just been directly and ruthlessly exposed was not him.

"That's really thanks to the boss. Next time there's such a good thing, let me know. I'll buy it right away.".

Qi Tianyu almost couldn't hold back his inner joy. His face muscles all vibrated a little. However, under the pressure, he succeeded in stretching it. He didn't laugh directly, which led to the appearance of the truth.

He immediately thought a move, a pure stone appeared in the hands of stallholders.

When the stall owner found that the deal had been concluded, he immediately put away the spirit stone that appeared in his hand. He whispered in his heart that he was afraid that Qi Tianyu would regret it in the next second and wanted the spirit stone back again.

Besides, he has never seen such pure spirit stone as Qi Tianyu's, which is just produced from the spirit stone mine. The conversion rate of Xianli is extremely high, which is basically equivalent to a semi medium quality spirit stone in the market.

"Well, I'm also more forthright than I expected. I like the buyer like you most. I don't talk much nonsense and just give it to Lingshi. How happy this transaction is.".

The stall owner looked at Qi Tianyu, his face almost turned into a chrysanthemum. Even more brilliant than chrysanthemum, but he said that on the surface, in fact, he felt that Qi Tianyu was a real fool, otherwise, how could he make so much money.

Qi Tianyu could see from the boss's expression that he was looking at himself as a fool, but he didn't have the slightest anger. After all, he bought a treasure like that at such a low price. If he didn't let others say a few words, how could he be so nice.Although Qi Tianyu got off to a good start and bought something of such value as soon as he came up, it doesn't mean that the black market is a very good place. It can only be said that the stall owner had no eyes and sold it.

Most of the places in the black market are quite pitiful. Taobao here is basically the same as panning for gold in the sand. So Qi Tianyu went to the top floor and the next three floors, but he didn't meet any valuable people or things.

"Come on, thief, stop running. It's not good for you to steal the spirit stone. You've come to your stone grandfather. I'll tell you you've got the wrong person. If I don't peel you today, I won't be a stone.".

Just as Qi Tianyu was paying attention to the stall. There was a violent quarrel in the distance. It was not so much a quarrel as a chase and scold.

Only on the next floor, there was a fat man with a round body, chasing a short, thin boy with a roar.

Maybe Qi Tianyu understood the cause of the incident. It was because when the swearing man was crowded in the crowd, suddenly the storage bag was stolen by the running thief.

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