Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2191

He is also a drunkard. He means the cloth armour beside the wood. People will make choices and always leave the best choice to others. Therefore, Qi Tianyu is very sure that as soon as the stall owner opens his mouth, he will fall into his own trap and give the wood to himself.

If Qi Tianyu didn't expect, after he made the request, the boss showed an impatient expression and said that it was OK not to give him the cloth armour, the wood he didn't know the name of.

"It's a piece of rotten wood. I don't want such a thing. It's of no value at all." Qi Tianyu saw that he had achieved his goal, but he still got a bargain and sold well. He even showed a look of disgust, as if it was a very spicy chicken thing.

"It's not rotten wood. I found it in an ancient cave. Although I don't know what its use is, it must not be simple.".

"Come on, don't worry about the ancient cave. I mainly want your flying sword. Don't recommend it to me. A piece of medium spirit stone will be sold.".

Qi Tianyu looked down on that piece of wood, as if it had been rubbish to the point that it could not be added. It was the bluff of the stall owner that made it have a little value.

He stretched out his hand, gently shook his wrist, and thrust the flying sword directly into the wood. Because of the use of strength, the whole body of the sword was completely submerged, leaving only one hilt, which was still there.

Then his face showed a very painful expression. He took out a spirit stone and patted it in the hands of the stall owner. Even in order to cooperate with his own behavior, he turned his face directly, as if he could not bear to see it.

It's not that he really thinks that this wood is insignificant, but that there are so many people around him that he has to pretend that he doesn't care at all. Otherwise, there are so many people with mixed eyes that some clues will be found. At that time, although he is not afraid that these people around him will stare at him, it's the resurrection spirit wood, which will be the treasure of the emperor.

Under such an absolute temptation, it's uncertain what other people will do, so it's better to act like one and not show any flaws.

What's more, the reason why he pricked the wood so hard was that he didn't want to let the aura of the wood reveal a little bit from the crevice, because it was so rich that there was no additional aura. It would be very distressing to reveal a little bit. If he opened a hole, it would be the loss of white money.

"OK, OK, that's it. We don't want to return this booth. If you buy it, don't take it back. Moreover, you've pierced the wood, so you can't sell it to others.".

The boss showed a helpless expression, meaning as if to say, not because you don't pit, but because you do such action, I really have no way, so I only give you these two things.

At the same time, the boss turned his hand quickly and directly. Before he blinked an eye, Lingshi had been collected by him and disappeared. I don't know how many times he repeated this action to make it so fast, which shocked Qi Tianyu.

"In fact, you don't have to say any more. I can't return the goods at all. Your speed of collecting the spirit stone has exceeded my speed of thinking, and the transaction has been completed. What's more, it's just a afterthought.".

Qi Tianyu showed an expression of "I'm losing money, you're crazy". He put lingmu with flying sword into his bag. In the eyes of a group of people nearby, he turned away, leaving only a mysterious figure of the stall owner.

But in fact, his heart was already full of joy at this time. If there were not so many people nearby, he would even jump up happily. These things were taken to the real large-scale auction house. Which one can't sell a hundred pieces of the best spirit stone, and there is still no market for them.

And I actually found such good goods in this not top black market. I really used up all the recent shit, so I don't expect to meet any good things any more.

Qi Tianyu is very clear in his heart that people should learn to be content. The truth that greed is not enough and the snake swallows the elephant is not without the most ready-made examples. Just in the past few days, there have been two waves of people who have been killed by themselves, although they are not big people.

Most of them are in the level of bad fish and rotten shrimp, but this is also a miniature of the fairyland. The reason why people are different from animals is that people have their own thinking and have their own bottom line.

Everyone has the idea of greed, which is called greed. However, some people can control it, while others can't. the difference is reflected here.

Qi Tianyu didn't leave directly after buying these two things. Instead, he walked around the rest of the stalls. It wasn't because he was short of something. He wanted to find a skill for Xing Tian to absorb immortal Qi and increase his cultivation speed. Unfortunately, he didn't find it.

It's not that there are no skills to sell, but because what you see is not as good as the huoniu body training method he gave you. If there are good things, other rubbish people will have no interest at all. Although there are too many skills, but with limited energy, you still need to learn better. You can't let the spicy chicken skill limit your immortal road too low.Maybe Qi Tianyu has really spent all his luck. He once again looked down from the top layer to the bottom layer, and there were no good things up to the first layer. They were all things that were not worth the price at a glance, and still had no gain effect for himself.

"Forget it, today's harvest has been quite a lot. After visiting the last ten places, if you don't have one, then leave. There is nothing to regret.".

Qi Tianyu thought silently in his heart, because he saw so many stalls and didn't have a good thing, which formed a huge gap in his heart. Some uncomfortable Qi Tianyu really didn't have the patience to walk around the stalls one by one.

However, it seems that today is destined to be a harvest time. After watching the last two stalls, Qi Tianyu suddenly found something different when he was ready to leave. In his perception, there appeared a place where a large number of thunder elements gathered, which seemed to be an area, but if he carefully perceived it, it turned into a small point.

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