Emperor Zhu Tian

Chapter 2204

Next, Qi Tianyu dispersed the other fairies and left Ouyang Chun, ready to explain something to him.

Qi Tianyu thought about it carefully. It's a big project to find the white tiger forbidden area. He only knew that he was near Xiaotian city. This information was too little, and he knew little about Xiaotian city.

So it's better to have a few more lines. If you only depend on yourself, Xiaotian city is so big that you can't find it in a day or two. These thieves have lived in Xiaotian city for a long time, but all of them are immortal. They must have heard something about the white tiger forbidden area. Maybe they are the people who help them find the white tiger forbidden area.

Qi Tianyu considered the words and told Ouyang Chun a moment later: "the place I want you to look for should not be directly exposed on the ground. It has a huge energy field. If it's on the ground, I would have felt it for a long time, and I wouldn't have taken this effort to look for it. So what you have to do is to carefully look for a different energy field near Xiaotian city. As soon as you find it, let me know. "

"The meaning of Shangxian is understood, but we haven't felt the existence of the power field in Xiaotian city for so long."

"That's what you should consider, Ouyang Chun. You won't let me down." Qi Tianyu's eyes narrowed slightly, his voice was low, with a hint of threat.

"I will try my best to find a place for Shangxian. I just hope Shangxian can give me more time." Ouyang Chun immediately stood up from his chair and bowed respectfully to Qi Tianyu.

"How long do you want?"

"Well, the villain dares to ask Shangxian for seven days."

Seven days, it's been a long time for Qi Tianyu. After all, if he spent so long searching for the white tiger forbidden area, it would be more difficult to solve the problems behind.

"Five days." Qi Tianyu said the deadline to Ouyang Chun with an unquestionable attitude.

Knowing that Qi Tianyu would never change his words easily, he would not bargain with Ouyang Chun's qualifications and accepted them without thinking.

"I don't know how to get in touch with Shangxian in the future?"

"Don't worry. I'll find you when I want to."

"No, I want to ask, what if we have news to report to Shangxian? If it's urgent, I'm afraid I can't find you. "

Originally, Qi Tianyu didn't want Ouyang chun to know his address. After all, he couldn't trust these people. But Ouyang Chun's words are very reasonable. If they have an emergency notice, they will be in trouble. They are not the eyes of heaven, and they can't see the sky with their hands.

"Well, if you have an emergency, you can come to my house." Qi Tianyu told him the name of the inn where he would be.

"I see, Shangxian." Ouyang Chun nodded. He still had the impression left by Qi Tianyu. He was not afraid that Qi Tianyu could not find himself.

"Don't stay here. Go."

At Qi Tianyu's command, Ouyang Chun disappeared. It seemed that he didn't want to waste any time, but he was a person who cherished his life.

After Ouyang Chun left, Qi Tianyu was not ready to explore the other news of Xiaotian city. There was one thing hanging unsolved.

It's about the eye of heaven.

Before he came to Xiaotian City, he had told the people of Tianyan that he needed the support of Tianyan branch of Xiaotian City, and the people of Tianyan had got the news, but it was strange that he had not reached Tianyan after so long. Is it the eye of heaven who hasn't got the news yet.

However, Qi Tianyu carefully thought that it was impossible. The news of Tianyan was well-informed and spread all over the city. How could it be that there was no news for such a long time.

When Qi Tianyu thought so, a smell of blood in the air attracted his attention. As the smell of blood became more and more serious, Qi Tianyu knew that he was approaching him.

Qi Tianyu put up his sword handle on guard and breathed heavily one after another, getting closer and closer to him. But there was no intention to kill. It didn't seem malicious.

Qi Tianyu lowered the pressure of the whole body, looked at the direction of the comer and said, "who is it?" his voice was low, but it spread far away.

In the air of nothingness, a weak voice rang, "my Lord, I am from the eye of heaven."

Although the voice is weak, but with Qi Tianyu's ear power or listen to clearly, Tianyan people, finally come!

He blinked away in the direction of the sound and came to a dead end.

There was no one around. Qi Tianyu followed the heavy breathing to the end of the dead end.

There is fresh blood on the mottled walls. There may have just been a big war.

At the end of the walk, Qi Tianyu saw several people lying on the ground. Most of them had no sign of survival, only one was still breathing.

"Here you are, my Lord." It was the sound he heard just now. Qi Tianyu quickly walked over and squatted down, helped him up and sat against the wall.

"You say you are the person of the eye of heaven?" Qi Tianyu asked him while delivering Xianli to him."Yes, we are the Tianyan branch of Xiaotian city. We received the news before you came to Xiaotian city. We wanted to find you when you came, but we don't know why a group of people pestered us. Every time we're about to find you, we're blocked by them. "

"Cough..." At this point, he coughed up a mouthful of blood. It was obvious that his body was going to the limit. Qi Tianyu couldn't let the only one who survived die. He put more force on his hand to input Xianli to him.

He eased for a while before getting better, and then said: "we have fought several times, their strength is above us, we can only hide so that they can not find us, but this time, I don't know why they found us again, and attacked us secretly, causing us to be annihilated..."

Tianyan people are always cautious in their work. How can they be targeted and attacked so easily? There must be something fishy about it.

What makes Qi Tianyu more worried now is that he can't be sure whether these people are going to the sky or to himself.

"What are the characteristics of the people who attacked you?"

"They, they all wear masks, engraved with poppy patterns, class, should be, above the immortal, we, I..." Voice suddenly stopped, put on the leg of the hand also soft step down.

Although Qi Tianyu has tried his best, he still can't save his life. His injury is too serious to be saved.

Qi Tianyu's heart was extremely complicated for a moment, and he felt guilty and angry. I'm sorry that I didn't go to Tianyan when I had doubts at the beginning. If he took the initiative to go to Tianyan, maybe he could save their lives. I'm angry at the group of people who don't know where. Since they dare to fight him, don't blame themselves for killing them all.

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